rainy nights

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[ fiancé x fiancee au ]
[ brett x reader ]
[ tw: not really a tw but mpreg content may be involved ]

You and Brett originally planned for an outdoor date tonight, but obviously the heavy rain damaged your plans. So the two of you instead, stayed at your house and had a little bubble tea date, which is Brett's favourite. He is such a sucker for bubble tea.

Currently, the two of you are binge watching movies on Brett's Netflix account, while enjoying the ambience and coziness the rain brought to you. And you are now watching Call Me By Your Name, one of your favourite films of all time.

Meanwhile, you snuggled into Brett's favourite blanket he shared with you and laid your head on his chest, enjoying the movie and immersing yourself into the moment where you got to spend the time with your favourite person, your best friend, your boyfriend, and your husband-to-be.

You can't believe that you are going to marry the love of your life very soon. You can't believe your wedding is coming in 40 days. You smiled to yourself, envisioning the future days spent with Brett, with your future children running around the household.

But Brett, not much a fan of romcoms, fell asleep halfway through the movie. His bangs covered his eyes and his plump lips slightly formed a pout. You smiled to yourself on how cute he looked even if he's asleep. He never fails to give off a soft and soothing aura even if he's doing nothing. Soft snores came from his mouth and he had his arms around your waist. And most importantly, his steady heartbeat that echoed in your ear making you smile.

If only you got to spend your days like this every day, cuddling with him. How blissful would that be!

At the end, you decided to just ditch the movie and cuddle with a sleeping Brett instead. You breathed in the scent of his hoodie, which makes you calm down and relax almost immediately, and slowly sending you into unconsciousness...

"Y/N...?" asked Brett, slightly opening his eyes with his sleepy voice.

"Brett? Did I wake you?" I asked cautiously, in fear that I might have accidentally woke him up because I moved too much.

"Nah I'm good." he answered while pulling you closer towards his chest. "How long is the movie going on for already?"

"It's already over a half." you replied.

"And you're not sleepy yet?"

"Hmmm... I'm a bit now." you said. "So can we cuddle now?"

Brett smiled and left a kiss on your forehead. "Of course. We could do this anytime."

He smiled at you, with you doing the same. He also couldn't believe how lucky he is to have you as his boy/girlfriend. A boy/girl who could share a lot of same interests with him, a boy/girl who loves him unconditionally no matter what situation they were in. He also can't believe he is soon going to marry you and take you to be his husband/wife, and spend the second half of your lives together, watching each other with grey streaks growing in their hair, and wrinkles on their face in the future.

Most importantly, there's a little life slowing growing in your belly, and Brett was really shocked and happy to hear the piece of good news. That day when you announced to him that you were pregnant, he immediately dropped his jaw in shock and started to run around happily like a happy baby pup.

He looked down at the baby bump growing on your belly, smiling.

"Do you think it's going to be a girl?" asked Brett, stroking your baby bump.

"I don't know, but I assume it's a boy." you replied.

"A mini Brett or a mini Y/N coming to life soon," he chuckled. "But no matter what, I hope he or she comes out happy and healthy. And I'm still going to love you regardless of the baby's gender."

"Aww aren't you a cheesy one?" you asked while lightly tickling him, causing him to dart away from you, escaping from your tickles.

"You know that I'm afraid of tickles, right?" asked Brett.

"This is what you got for being so cheesy and clingy."

Brett smiled at you. He looked at your laughing face and your adorable smile. Your smile is so contagious that it makes him smile even in the darkest of days, such as being teased by Eddy when he doesn't have perfect pitch, or when he felt his progress is not good enough and felt bad after watching prodigies playing the violin.

I could look at your smile every day. thought Brett. I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and spend the remaining chapters of life together. And I can't believe we're going to start our next chapter together in just 40 days. I can't wait to see him/her surrounded by mini Bretts and mini Y/Ns, and being the most wonderful dad anyone could ask for. I can't wait to shower him/her with more love and love him/her deeper than ever as days gone by.

Suddenly Brett slowed down and placed his lips onto yours, as you slowly responded to him. It was honestly pure bliss. When the two of you finally pulled away, he placed your head onto his chest while you two just stared onto the wall with the movie being displayed on it through the projector.

"I love you so much, Y/N. You know that?" asked Brett as he caressed your soft hair, while intaking the delicate scent of your hair.

"I know, and I love you too." you answered.

"I can't wait to spoil you with love, and I'm going to love you deeper than ever every passing day. I'm going to love you more than a man had ever loved a woman, more than you could imagine." said Brett, eyes full of passion and sincerity. It was so hard not to believe him. "I promise you that."

You smiled and laid another kiss on his forehead after Brett's cute speech. "And I'm going to love you too."

He smiled. "It's just 40 days more, my little herb. But I can't wait already."

"So can't I."

"It's getting late, right now babe." said Brett as he stroke your hair. "You should go to sleep."

"Alright babe," you said. "I love you, Brett."

"And I love you more." he replied, not willing to back down.

"But I love you the most." you frowned.

The two of you never slept after that, as you two are equally excited on the future spent with each other. Although it's just 40 days left, you couldn't wait for these days to end so that you could start this new chapter of life immediately, and to welcome a new chapter of life with filled with possibilities and excitement. At that moment there was nothing, but an atmosphere of quietened excitement and hope, along with the ambience of the rain outside and the small sounds from the air humidifier.

That night Brett had a content smile on his face, with you wrapped in his arms, slowly shifting on to dreamland. But what are dreams in your sleep for when your biggest dream has finally come to reality?

A/N: 💉

here's some insulin in case you need it because i smell cheese and some sugar :>

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