happy family

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[ family au ]

[ eddy x brett ]

[ let's say brett and eddy got officially married here in this oneshot and the children are adopted before they get married. ]

This is finally the day Eddy and Brett are looking forward to. The day where they officially get to call each other "mine", and the day where they sign off the contract and to be a huge integral part on their respective lives. 

The wedding ceremony is held in a pretty private place, just right on the beach yard someplace close to their house. They invited Brett's parents, Eddy's sister, Brett's brother, Ray, Jordon, Shaun, Hilary, Sophie, Editor-san, Jason and Joanne to the wedding. Since Eddy was being kicked out right after he confessed to his parents about his sexuality, he did not even bother to send them an invitation. He was happy that he could finally get to spend this wonderful and special day with his cherished ones, and his love of his life, Brett.

And of course, their children, Aaron, Chloe and Devon are in the wedding ceremony too, as well as their friends, Fred and Hannah. And altogether, they are going to be the little groomsmen and little bridesmaids when the newlyweds walked out together from the ceremony. Of course, Aaron and Fred, being the hardcore shippers of his dads, were super excited to see Eddy eating Brett's lips on the wedding. Meanwhile, Chloe and Hannah are under the care of Jason and Joanne, whom they seem to really love. And baby Devon? He was sitting between Aaron and Fred, joining in the boys in watching the wedding. 

"You look like Cha Eunwoo." said Chloe, walking towards to Jason. "And you're so cute!

Jason smiled at the little girl while picking her up, making her sit down. "I'm Uncle Jason! And thank you so much because you're one cute bean too. What's your name?"

"I'm Chloe!" she said. "Can we be fwends?"

"Sure," said Jason as he smiled. "I'd love to be friends with you." 

"One day I'm going to marry you!" she said. "I like you!" 

"No no no," said Jason, giggling at her little speech. "Joanne here will be sad if I got married to you. Chloe will find a handsome Prince Charming, better than Uncle Jason one day. But hey don't cry, because we're friends!" 

"Okie dokie" said Chloe as she slightly tilted her head after he made that speech. "You are my special friend, asides from Hannah." 

Jason smiled sweetly at her.


Now with the two newlyweds standing together on the aisle, the priest was standing between them, now making them speak their respective vows. 

"Brett Yang," said the priest, making Brett flushing red while beaming at his lover modestly. "Will you take Eddy Chen, to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?" 

"I do." said Brett.

"Eddy Chen," said the priest as he turned to Eddy. "Will you, take Brett Yang, to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?"

Eddy smiled at Brett, making him smile back. "I do." 

"Now, you may deliver your respective vows." said the priest. 

"Brett, you are my person, my inspiration, my love and my everything. I cannot wait to spend a lifetime loving you. Let us build a home, a life and a family from our bonds of true love and our vows to stick together through all life's challenges. I am the luckiest person alive to be standing with you today and to be facing life with you everyday. I will be your very best friend, very loving boyfriend, and your very loving husband as you wish." said Eddy. "As we grow a family, I promise to work together, to be equal partners in life and to remember the amazing person I married."

"Eddy, although you sometimes annoy me with you flexing your perfect pitch, and you being annoying by being clingy and cheesy to me, but I really wanted to tell you that, you are the person who I wanted to spend forever with. People say, marriage bridges two shores, binding us together as one unbroken path, on which I vow never to deviate, never to falter, and to always be by your side. " said Brett. "Nothing will divide us because I know that with your love, I will always have strength. You will be my pillar, my support and my shelter. And I'm so glad and am more than glad to reciprocate this kind of feeling to you."

Brett's cheesy speech earned an "awww" from the crowd, with Ray suddenly cheered while whooping for them. He smiled at he and Eddy's mutual best friend. Had he never helped them and guided them, they wouldn't had been together, wouldn't had had this little family and wouldn't be standing here, making vows to each other, minutes and minutes closer to them being an officially married couple. 

"Brett Yang and Eddy Chen had made their vows. I now pronounce you, husband and husband. You may now kiss." said the priest. 

There are a different variety of reactions, with Aaron and Fred being propped up by their favourite uncle (yes, the boys can't sit still and they had ran straight to their uncle ray way before brett and eddy made their vows), clapping their hands and laughing with glee. Being the three biggest fans of #Breddy, the three of them are already standing right on the front row, clapping and cheering for their daddies.

Chloe was smiling with happiness, mayhaps under the influence of her brother, liking it when her daddies kiss. She was smiling, trembling with joy and was clapping. Jason, sitting next to her, smiled and internally uwu-ed at how cute the newlywed's daughter is. But Hannah was different. Instead, she had her lips curled and she was making a face of disgust. 

"Can I be the first to say, ew?" she asked. 

Brett and Eddy turned around and saw the claps and cheers they received from the crowd. It felt so surreal, like a perfect dream. They saw Aaron and Fred, with Fred propped up into Ray's arms, cheering and clapping for him. They also saw their other friends, Sophie, Hilary, Shaun and Jordon clapping for them too. They smiled at them. They also saw Hannah and Chloe, with Chloe happily grabbing Jason's arm while shaking him vigorously in happiness and Hannah, her face pursed into disgust with Joanne kind of staring at her, disapprovingly on her behaviour.

And speaking of which...where is Devon?????? Brett and Eddy's faces immediately went blank when they found that their four year old son is missing. 

"Where's Devon?" asked Eddy to Brett. "No way he can't be missing." 

Suddenly, Devon appeared with flowers on his head, and two little daisy chains on his hand. He handed them to his new fathers and smiled at them. Eddy looked at him in shock, nervous that he had almost lost his son on such a special day.

"Why, thank you baby!" said Brett. 

"Papa...Daddy...I want to say sum ting..." said Devon. "Excuse me! I need to make some toast?"

Eddy was initially trying to tell him a no, but then he allowed him to continue with his speech, since he knew that he really wanted to spread out this new message. 

"He looks after me like a mother did, he showered me with love and read me bedtime stories." said Devon. "Daddy and Papa are the coolest dads ever. No one can ever bully them, because they are beyond compare." 

Brett dropped his jaw wide, and he led out the hugest uwu ever on his youngest son. Devon then went over and hugged him tight, where Brett tightly embraced him into a hug. Aaron and Chloe, seeing their baby brother doing such an act, also left where they originally are and hurried over to join their fathers. 

Chloe was propped up by Eddy and Aaron was standing right in the middle of his fathers. And soon everyone, being infected by the happiness from Devon, eventually surrounded Brett and Eddy, sending them words of kindness and love, while showing them their utmost support. 

"To the newlyweds!" yelled Aaron as the rest of the crowd cheered along, with the sounds of their celebration of happiness and joy borne away by the breeze. 

"Happy family!" said Devon as he was being lifted up by Brett high in the air. "We are a happy family forever!"

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