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[ parent au ]
[ eddy x brett ]
[ context: eddy was late home due to work. ]
(a/n: it is greatly recommended to play the attached piece when you read this. )

It is currently ten o' clock, and Eddy was still at work, working with Editor-san on the way their videos wanted to be edited, as well as the administrative works for their upcoming project. Finally drawing his eyes away from his computer, one photo frame caught his attention.

The photo of him and Brett, with their three children together. In the photo, Brett was smiling the best he could, with Chloe in his arms, and Devon being propped up by Eddy himself, with Devon trying to hold up a piece of Brett's rosin up in the air, waving it in air with glee. Aaron, in front, was dressed up as one of his favourite characters, Naruto, but doing a superman pose with a slight smirk on his face. The warmth and the sweetness of the family, immediately filled Eddy's heart with warmth and love. He missed them, although he would see the wonders of his life every day.

He suddenly remembered that he had promised his children that he would come back early to play with them, and be back at 8 pm. But it was 10:30 right now, and his children were all asleep by then. Eddy mentally cursed at himself for breaking his promise to his kids and his loving husband, and therefore decided to speed up his work a little so that he could get home earlier. Not after ten minutes, Eddy was done thus decided to wrap up and call it a day.


When he got home, the rooms are very dim and dark, except the living room with a light lightened up, releasing a dark yet warm aura. It was already fifteen minutes to eleven. Oh well, Eddy shook his head at his own stupidity. He quickly washed his hands and took a shower, and got changed into something comfortable.

Usually, the children would not be asleep by this time, but then the house was quiet, without even a sound. Although he knew that his children were asleep by then, he still wanted to take a look at their faces before he hit the sack himself. Eddy walked slowly and quietly, into Aaron's room to find him sleeping peacefully in his bed. Poor little guy, Aaron may be energetic and cheerful during daytime, but he must be exhausted because of school. thought Eddy. He smiled at his eldest son, who was sleeping without a blanket right now, while stroking his soft, silky hair. Eddy covered Aaron with his blanket properly and flinched as Aaron was turning around in his sleep, scared that he might have woke him up. But after a few moments, he was back to normal and slept more soundly than ever. Eddy left a soft kiss on his forehead before he left his room to check on his daughter and his baby son.

Eddy went to Chloe's room next, to see her fairy lights in her room being turned on, bring light to her dimmed room. The warm, pink aura that flushed in her room makes the whole atmosphere so peaceful and calm, making Eddy wanting to stay a bit longer. But he knew that he had to see Devon and Brett as well, so he just stayed behind for a while to see Chloe, who was sleeping peacefully as well. Her face is still delicate and pretty although asleep. She was clutching firmly to her blanket but Di, her plushie fell from her arms as she turned in her sleep. Eddy smiled softly, picked up her mouse plushie from the floor and tucked it back into her arms. He left a kiss on her forehead too, only to feel Chloe's slight smile showing on her face once she felt his kiss. Eddy smiled at Chloe, while stroking her hair.

His heart just melted on the sight of his children sleeping soundly, unperturbed from troubles and stress. If only he could get back earlier to spend more time with his children, so that he could cherish every moment he could with his favourite people in his life.

"Sleep, Chloe." whispered Eddy. "Go to sleep. Daddy's home and I know you are tired. Just go to sleep."

He suddenly felt a wave of guilt rushing over him, being unable to be present for his children and his husband. Recently, he had devoted too much time for work, leaving him with very little time to spend with his cherished family and he felt horrid because of that. He promised himself that, he would try to spend more time with them, no matter how busy he was with work. Now, after seeing the elder children, Aaron and Chloe, he had to see how his baby son Devon was doing, and of course, his beloved husband Brett too. He felt like he had been spending less time with Brett as well and he felt sorry for that.

Thinking of that, Eddy slowly left Chloe's room and slowly closed the door of her room, planning to see Devon before he sees Brett in his room.

Eddy finally walked towards Devon's room after standing behind the door of Chloe's room for two minutes as he saw light creeping through the closed door. He slowly opened the door and the sight immediately melted his heart.

Brett was lying and curled up into Devon's tiny bed, and Devon was leaning against the wall, sleeping while sucking his thumb. Eddy stood in the doorframe for a moment and adored the scene. He slowly walked back to the living room and got his phone, and took a photo of this precious little moment. The scenery in front of Eddy was absolutely cute and beautiful. The aura Brett was giving out makes him as if he was Devon's real mother. Brett had his knees curled up to his chest, with one hand underneath his cheek and another one still resting on Devon's back.

Eddy felt himself smiling widely, and he did not want to ruin this precious moment between Devon and Brett. But he knew that Brett is not comfortable sleeping in this position, so he had to disturb this beautiful scenery for now. Eddy left a kiss on Devon's forehead before he carefully scooped Brett up, holding him close to his chest, hugging him tightly.

"Hey," whispered Eddy in Brett's ear as he leaned down towards a sleeping Brett. He did not reply, and he must have been fast asleep. Suddenly, Eddy felt bad for not spending the evening and having dinner with him, and his children. Eddy turned off the lights in Devon's room, making their house even more dimmer, to be lighted up only by the lights in the living room.

"Let's get you to bed, love." mumbled Eddy to Brett as he placed a kiss on his forehead as well. He was already in his hoodie and his bare face was beautiful and perfect. Gosh, what have I done in the past life to have Brett as my loving husband? I feel more than lucky and blessed to have him as my husband and to spend my life with him.

Eddy walked back to their bedroom, with Brett still in his arms. He did not seem to wake up at all, as he was sleeping deeply, mayhaps even deeper when he was in Eddy's arms. Eddy laid Brett down as he placed a kiss on his tiny button nose softly before laying down himself.

Brett had an aura that could make anyone go soft, especially Eddy, although he was just simply sleeping. He sighed at his softness as he closed his eyes himself. Tugging the blanket over themselves, Brett suddenly moved and wrapped one arm around Eddy's chest, mumbling something that Eddy couldn't hear quite clearly. Eddy was left confused for awhile, but chuckled at his cuteness as he moved closer to Brett, giving him better access to rest his head on his chest.

"Goodnight, my love." said Eddy, turning off the lights in their room while slowly nuzzling his face into Brett's soft and silky hair. Brett smelled of lavenders and chamomile, in which the scent calmed Eddy down almost immediately, easing him after a long day of work. Slowly and slowly, with a smile still plastered on his face, he smiled contently and drifted off into a deep sleep, with Brett still in his arms.

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