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[ couple au ]
[ brett x reader ]
[ context: this takes place before covid19 ]

You and Brett have been dating for 4 years, having the most wondrous relationship anyone could ever imagine. This causes lots of your friends to ask when are you guys going to get married. However, the answer to the question is always the same, which is - "I don't know."

Moreover, Brett has been working in Singapore with Eddy lately and he didn't have much time to spend with you since you're in Australia. You guys have been communicating through the use of FaceTime and it indeed sucks to unable to meet your lover physically. But you know that he's coming home soon, and it's in 3 days.

Your phone rang *plays Brett's lofi* and you smiled to see the call is from Brett.

"Hewwo Brettyyy!" you said.

"I miss you so much dear," said Brett. "I'm coming back in three days. Oh, and get prepared though."

"What's going on?" you asked. "Why are you acting so strange?"

"It's a secret for now." said Brett, smiling. "Wait for it."

"Brett I-"

But before you could continue he was already offline.

You looked around, and you had pretty much done everything you had to do. Essays, practice, cleaning, all done. What's next? So you decided to watch a movie at the end, and do a Netflix marathon.

After two hours, you have basically watched almost every Disney movie. Coco, Moana, Up, Frozen and Big Hero 6... and it's starting to get kind of boring. So you decided to check on your phone and scroll through the updates on your social media. It was pretty boring wandering around social media endlessly too.

Suddenly, you received a text from Eddy, a mutual best friend of Brett and your's.

eddy: Y/N! Please come over to the beach close to your home! Now! It's very, very important!

Very important? I wonder what could that be! What could happen? What could possibly happen?

You paused for awhile before you texted back.

y/n: alrighty I'll be here in a sec

You quickly got changed, didn't bother to put on any make up since it is quite urgent, according to Eddy. And since Eddy is one of your best friends, you thought the case is about him that he might have accidentally hurt himself or something. So you put on relatively simple outfit, tied your hair up into a messy bun and left the house.

As you arrived at the beach, you searched for Eddy, but to no avail. He wasn't here at all. You tried to call him, but he never answered. Is this all a prank? Is this another scam?

Suddenly you saw your best friend, Talia, approaching you. "OMG! OMG! Y/N! YOU SHOULD COME FOLLOW ME! IT'S JUST BEAUTIFUL UP THERE!"

You smiled, thus feeling shocked that your best friend is here instead of Eddy.

"Thanks Talia!" you said. "But where are you taking me to?"

"Just follow me and you'll know." she said with a wink.

As Talia guided your steps, you saw a bunch of other friends, which make you feel even more confused. What's going on?

"What is happening?" you asked, but Talia didn't answer. Instead, she returns your answers with giggles.

Everything becomes even more crazier when you saw your mother.

"Mom? Why are you here?" you asked.

"My dear Y/N, you're growing up so fast," said Mom. "Quickly, go up to the apartment! There is a surprise waiting for you!"

As you entered, you saw more and more balloons and confetti sprawled over the ground, decorated with orange and yellow colours, your favourite. You smiled, and suddenly, everything slowly seems to fit like puzzle pieces. Everything makes sense.

Is this possibly... could it be... if so... then how could he...?

"Ahh there you go, Y/N! You finally came." said Eddy, embracing me into a warm hug. "I'm waiting for you! Everyone is! And you know, there's a surprise waiting for you! Look behind you!"

You turned around, but to be rendered speechless in what you saw.

There are white and yellow petals all over the floor to be arranged into a heart shape, with candles located on the side. And inside there, stood your best friend, your boyfriend, your love of the life, Brett. The one and only Brett Yang.

You smiled as you feel yourself slowly tearing up.

"Are you crazy? I thought you said you'll return in 3 days?" you asked.

"Nah actually we're not." said Brett, stroking your cheek. "We're back 2 days ago and the first thing I did is, these." he said, pointing to our surroundings.

The surroundings are filled with a lot of photos of you and Brett together, decorated nicely with fairy lights. The photos consists of your chaotic moments, your selfies, your performance photos, and lots more to name. There are so many more memories to name. He knew your favourite colour is orange and yellow, so the main theme of the room is decorated in this colour scheme.

You felt tears streaming down your face as Brett lovingly wrapped you with his arms, while gently rubbing your back to calm you down.

"Y/N, our friends are often asking when are we going to get married. And, I used to get confused with the question, not knowing how to answer. But then, I would like to give you my final and ultimate answer. Today. Now." said Brett. "You've been my everything, my source of happiness, my tree hole and my home, and I'm more than lucky and honoured to be your boyfriend. I would also like to spend the rest of the journey with you, and to much more challenges in the future. And nothing would have made me happier than giving me the opportunity on doing this, and you made me the happiest man alive in knowing you."

He slowly got on one knee, eyes filled with sincerity and passion while looking at me, and opening up the ring box to reveal a shiny, diamond ring.

"Y/N, the love of my life, will you marry me?" asked Brett.

You didn't hesitate to say yes, and he smiled at you while carefully sliding the ring onto your finger, fitting your finger perfectly.

You can't believe you're engaged to the love of your life, and is going to take on a new chapter of life, with him.

Slowly and gently, Brett pulled you in close and connected his lips with yours, with happy tears streaming down on both of your faces.

"She said yes!" yelled Eddy from afar as he ran to congratulate on you guys while you and Brett are immersed into the kiss. Talia, Mom and some other friends of ours also came and congratulate on our good news and the proposal.


At home

Brett's arms hugged your tightly as he stroke your hair tenderly. He must be tired after a long day. The proposal, the work, and lots more. You felt exhaustion slowly taking up your bodies after a long day's work, due to tiredness as well as the soothing scent of chamomile from Brett's hoodie.

"I love you, Y/N." said Brett. "I can't believe you're going to be my wife soon."

"I love you more, Bretty." you answered as you hugged him tighter while burying your face onto his chest, listening to his slow yet calming heartbeat.

That night, the two of you fell asleep in the embrace of each other, with a smile printed on your faces as you both are looking forward to the future and the exciting adventures ahead.

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