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[ couple au ]
[ brett x eddy ]
[ (clingy eddy alert! :>) ]
[ inspiration from and credit goes to @yuuri_breddy (go check out her recent post in her instagram! that little scene is so cute ;A;) ]

After a long day of practicing and gatherings, both Brett and Eddy were exhausted physically and mentally. What they wanted is a good rest so that they could have themselves rejuvenated for the next day.

"Arrghhh! No way!" groaned Eddy, glancing down at his belly. "I'm fat as a pig already! I shouldn't have ate that much earlier!"

Brett smiled at his boyfriend, secretly chuckling at how cute he was whenever he complained about him gaining weight. Indeed, Eddy had gained some weight recently due to the frequent attendance of the parties held by his friends, and so did Brett. He has to admit, that both of them had become a bit fatter this month.

"Don't be, Eddy." said Brett. "I don't love you because of your body shape, but I love you as a whole, such as your personality and charms. Do you think I'll leave you behind just because you're fat? I definitely won't be these types of people because people fat-shaming just makes me sick to the stomach."

Eddy blushed internally. He certainly did not deserve a sweet, loving boyfriend like Brett. What had he done to deserve someone as sweet as him? He's a literal angel sent from heaven, because he knew that he was always here for him, supporting him all along.

"How about this," said Brett, patting his stomach. "Why don't we go out for a jog later? That would probably soothe your mind or so. At the same time, you can do some exercise."

"Sounds good," agreed Eddy. "But can we go down like, twenty minutes later?"

"Sure," shrugged Brett. "I'm not in a hurry anyways. Take all the time you need."

Eddy nodded and headed to their shared room, with Brett staying behind in the living room, watching his all-time idol, Hilary Hahn, playing Stravinsky live on stage as he waited for his boyfriend to get ready.

As Eddy entered the room, he sat down on the corner of the bed, and sighed. He was actually too tired to even walk a metre, and not to mention, going outside and jogging. All he wanted is to sleep, but he knew he couldn't because he had promised Brett to exercise with him. Also, he wanted to lose some weight too, so doing exercise is a must for him.

So he tried to stay awake, albeit the growing drowsiness slowly weighing over him... but sooner or later, he did not even realise that he knocked out shortly after.


Half an hour later

"Why isn't Eddy ready yet?" wondered Brett. "I wonder what happened to him."

He turned off the television and went up to his room, only to see a cute scene which instantly melted Brett's heart. His boyfriend is asleep, sprawled over in bed with a chaotic pose. Judging from his position, he must have been asleep for quite awhile.

But despite all of that, his face was still perfect. His dried up acne on his face forms a little constellation, with his chest evenly rising up and down, slowly. His eyes are tightly closed, covered by his bangs, still encapsulated with his metal glasses, and his mouth is left slightly agape. He looked so peaceful, and undisturbed. Just like a tranquil lake at dawn.

Brett immediately felt guilty for asking him to exercise with him, albeit he's tired. But still, he decided to jog alone. So he whispered to Eddy, trying to have him answer him...

"Eds? I'm going to jog now." said Brett. "Aww, you should have told me you're tired so that I could reschedule it to tomorrow."

Eddy slightly stirred and softly shook his head. "'m sorry."

"I love you, Eddy." said Brett as he left a kiss on Eddy's forehead.

"I love you too, Brett." mumbled Eddy, sleepily.

"Go have some more sleep, Eddy." said Brett. "I'll go jog myself then."

Brett smiled and left another kiss on Eddy's crook of the neck and walked away. But suddenly, he stopped right on his tracks when he realised he had forgotten something.

"Do you need me to tuck you in?" asked Brett, while earning no response from him.

"I'll take that as a yes, then." he smiled. Still no response from Eddy.

Slowly, Brett bent over his sleeping boyfriend and grabbed the sheets heaped around the corner. He slowly covers it over his Eddy and rubbed his arm slightly to offer him extra comfort. He also gently yet carefully removed his pair of glasses that was propped properly on his nose. Eddy slightly stirred again as he tugged at the corner of his blanket and continued to sleep.

"Okay, sleep well Eddy." said Brett. "I'll be back soon."

Eddy then stretched out his arms, not allowing Brett to leave him even just for a second. "Don't go....stay with me, like this...." mumbled Eddy.

This man may be charismatic and all serious and business like when it comes to practicing, and the more rational one out of the two, but little did he know that Eddy is a clingy baby too. Brett smiled at him. The duality in Eddy is also one of the reasons Brett loves him.

Brett looked up onto the ceiling, debating on whether or not to go. It's just weight anyways, what's there to be scared about? We could postpone it to tomorrow, since both of us are pretty tired at the moment.

Finally he decided on the latter and stroked Eddy's hair. "Okay, I won't go," he softly said. "But let me get changed, alright?"

He nodded again.

Brett changed himself onto the practice hoodie, which is scented with Eddy's favourite perfume - vanilla and coconut, and joined Eddy in bed as he placed his glasses on the nightstand. Eddy sensually wrapped his arms around Brett's waist and buried his head onto his chest, leaving Brett slightly in shock.

What's gotten onto him? He's not that clingy and cute all the time. Something must have happened to have him acting like this. But he couldn't care less. Now he has a boyfriend to look after.

"Yes, baby. I'm here." said Brett. "Sleep, Eddy. We'll jog tomorrow."

Eddy smiled victoriously but sleepily. "I love you."

"I love you too," said Brett, leaving a peck on his lips but Eddy was too tired to answer back, while wrapping his arms around Eddy's waist, like how he did. Brett laid there for a moment, quietly appreciating the beauty of his boyfriend. Brett couldn't thank anyone enough for having a beautiful, kind, annoying yet clingy boyfriend for himself. He smiled and closed his eyes, snuggled close to Eddy and eventually drifted off into unconsciousness.

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