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[ couple au ]
[ eddy x reader ]
[ tw: hints of racism, mentions of self harm and suicidal thoughts ]

You were bubbling with excitement as you headed over to Mrs. Georgia's, your music professor, knowing that you have finally perfected the piece that your professor had been nagging on endlessly. You knew that you had did a great job and knew that you would perform well and give your professor a shock, knowing that Eddy had practiced with you several times. So you went into the school campus with a very confident face, hoping for a compliment from her and gaining recognition from her.

And of course, things aren't going the way you expected to be...


"Alright Y/N, please play this piece." said Mrs. Georgia. You looked at her, giving her a smile that you're so going to nail it this time. She ignored your look, which immediately had a great deduction in your confidence level, alarmed at her aloofness.

You closed your eyes, inhaled a deep breath, and played exactly the way you and Eddy had practiced. You smiled in delight, knowing that you're giving your best shot to her. You slightly looked up, seeing that your professor is speechless. However, her kind of speechless is not those kinds of speechlessness where you were shocked by one's ability to perform well. In fact, her face is exactly like how one looks at a pesky insect, one that has to be squashed to death immediately.

Deep down, you knew that your music professor has been picking on you obviously in front of the whole class before by humiliating you during year one and year two, and it was cruddy luck that you met her again. Not that you were unable to obey her or anything, but then she picked on whatever you do and would even somehow exaggerate at your mistakes, making a big deal out of it, putting you into humiliation by asking you to play it in front of your classmates. Worse yet, she is very, very nice to your friends and your classmates, as she would celebrate their birthdays, but never yours. She has hated you since day one, and you did not have the slightest reason why.

"Okay Y/N would you please stop playing?" asked the professor, as she shook her head in disappointment. Your face fell immediately. Did you upset her again? Is she disappointed? Is she unsatisfied?

"Y/N, did you even practice? Did you even put in effort in this piece? I didn't get any colour and how you play is just simply the exact same as last time. Did you even improve? Do you even know what is music?" asked Mrs. Georgia.

You hung your head in shock and shame. No way this is going to be possible.

"Honestly Y/N, have you no shame at all? You came here every day yet to get scold by me. Have you no shame on this? Aren't you tired of all of my nagging? If yes then why can't you just improve? If you didn't even have the desire to improve then what is the point of you studying music?" asked Mrs. Georgia, shaking her head even further with her brows tightly furrowed. "If I were you, I would have already quitted music as a job and go back to where you belong and work as a ragpicker instead. I would be so shameful that I had an attitude like you and would never go and find any jobs even if I went back. Hence, you don't even deserve to live with this attitude of yours!."

You just widened your eyes in disbelief. This is just unacceptable! She was not humiliating you, but now she's insulting you and even, gaslighting you! By then you knew that she was not only picking on you just because of her prejudiced attitude, but because of she actually takes humiliating you for fun!

But even if you voiced out, who understands? Even if you reported to your parents about this, they would never listen, but would yet even take Mrs. Georgia's side and choose to believe her over you. No one would ever understand your frustration.

"Your boyfriend Eddy Chen is so much better than you," she continued. "I don't even know why he wants to pick you as his girlfriend anyway. He might be musically talented, but he really has a bad taste in girls as she picked someone like you, who is not worthy of living and useless. Seriously, if you are here wasting time with me and HIM every day, please just go back to where you belong and leave this school! I don't like wasting time with you even if you enjoyed so! Eddy. must be exhausted from having a girlfriend like you."

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