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[ parent au ]

[ eddy x brett ] ; [ aaron x fred ]

[ context: Aaron is now sixteen, and developed a crush on Fred. Brett encouraged him to confess to Fred, as he knew that they are going to be a couple. But little did he know, a successful confession also successfully help the ultimate couple to make up... ]

a/n: a lot has happened within these two months and that's why I was gone for a long time lol. this oneshot is going to be slightly longer than others as I have involved a number of themes and ideas, such as what I've been going through within these two months, as well as several themes such as the festiveness of the month as well as some issues I would like to address. therefore, these all sound like a mix of everything and as a result, this is oneshot is going to be long :> but anyways, hope you all enjoy!

< aaron. >

It is Christmas Day, but it is not at all festive for the Chen's household.

Things has changed drastically for them. After a massive argument, Brett and Eddy had separated from each other, leaving the children behind with Brett.

But... all the children aren't even here in the household either.

Chloe was living with Joanne and Jason, and Devon is now currently living with Jordon and Shaun as both Brett and Eddy didn't want Devon to know that there is something very wrong going in between them and they were now still in Cold War.

And as for Eddy, after the large argument, he went to someplace else where the location is unknown. He never told anybody about his whereabouts, making people who are close to him worried about him. But he cold-heartedly ignored their texts and calls, as they knew that Brett would come back and find him if his address and calls.

So, to cut things short, Aaron and Brett are the only ones remaining in the house. The family of five, which used to be filled with joy and laughter, are now being replaced by coldness, silence and awkward conversations between the remaining two. It is mainly due to the reason that Brett felt sorry for the argument between Eddy which might have played a huge role in affecting Aaron's emotional well-being. Brett was also worried that Aaron was mad at them.

Meanwhile, Aaron had a deep, dark secret that has been stored inside his heart for a long time. He didn't realise that he had already fallen for his best friend, Fredrick He - also known as Fred He.

He was dying to tell Brett about it, but he quickly erased that thought in his mind when he felt that Fred didn't seem to reciprocate his feelings, at all even if Aaron was really obvious about his feelings towards Fred. Moreover, he isn't quite sure about if he had really fallen for him either.

Aaron was now sitting in his room, endlessly and purposelessly scrolling around his social media accounts, while secretly checking on Fred's activity status there. He really wanted to talk to him, even if it's simply initiating a conversation.

However, knowing that he won't be online anytime soon as he might be busy chatting with other girls, or even too busy to even care about the texts he sent, he decided to put down his phone, thinking that Fred would never like him as he bet that Jordon and Shaun might have shared the same idea as his parents', and would never allow the two of them together.

Knowing his love towards Fred would definitely return unrequited, and the thought on how his parents' situation would affect their decisions hurt him so much. He had no one to turn to, and no one to vent his frustration of having a crush on his best friend. He felt hopeless and empty for the first time in his life. He felt like he no longer had anyone to rely on. Fred ignored him, Chloe was not here and would not understand (as she was happily living her love life with Paco), Devon was still too young to know, and Brett - the argument between Brett and Eddy is kind of the push factors that caused Aaron refusing to tell him, as he knew that him coming out would spark another fuse on the dispute between Eddy and Brett as the two of them had undergone much drama because of them being together as a couple and parent.

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