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[ couple au ]
[ eddy x brett ]
[ context: brett just got out from the hospital due to sickness. now eddy and brett are sitting on the pavement near the hospital, gazing at the orange, fiery sunset sky together. ]

After two hectic weeks, Brett's health condition is finally getting better, and therefore, being discharged from the hospital. The past weeks were bad for Brett. He stayed in the hospital, going back and forth between life and death, and he could barely even eat even just a piece of bread. Brett had also lost a ton of weight after his sickness, and all he could do is just to sleep, and rest. He is unable to practice or to pressurise himself with stress in order for a speedy recovery.

Eddy, as his boyfriend, was very concerned about his health and was restless too. It was also because of that, he decided to stop uploading videos and even operating TwoSet for a while. Day and night, he would sit by next to his boyfriend, sleeping lifelessly on his ward like a dead doll, as he held his hand close to his, not willing to let go, and praying that he would get well soon. Eddy also went sleepless for more than 3 days just because of checking on Brett's condition, and he was there next to him all the time, and there was not even a second where Eddy left Brett alone.

But now Brett had recovered fully and he was discharged, and Eddy sighed a breath of relief. He smiled at his boyfriend, although drained with eye bags under his eyes, he was still happily enjoying the scenery in front of him. The sun was setting down, from a bright shade of yellow slowly turning into hues of orange and tangerine, merging its colours with the sky. The clouds are tinted pink, like pieces of cotton candy. Silhouettes of birds flew home across a sky that was now magenta with shades of yellow and orange.

Brett placed his butt on the soft, plushy grass as Eddy sat down next to him, while grabbing his hand.

"The sunset's nice, isn't it?" asked Eddy softly.

"Yeah, it's such a while since I've ever seen a magnificent view like this." said Brett, slowly putting his head onto Eddy's shoulder. Eddy then automatically put his own on top of Brett's.

"I'm sorry, Brett. You've gone through a lot, but yet you said you're okay. I don't approve you for that," said Eddy, causing Brett to roll his eyes. 

"But as long as you're with me, then everything would be worth it even if I got a disease that is more serious. You think I'm in pain all along, but it's not like you left me because that hurts me more than getting a disease and suffering from it." said Brett.

Eddy took a deep breath and sighed. "Actually to be honest, Brett, there is a time when I saw you sleeping in bed, I had the thought of leaving you because I know I can't do anything with it...I was so close to do it. I don't think it's worth because I feel like I'm the one exerting pressure on you to the point where your health deteriorates."

Brett smacked Eddy's chest as his voice started trembling. "Eddy Chen! Why would you do that. Why did you ever think of that...?" Brett let his tears fall uncontrollably, knowing that he was actually close to lose his best friend and his lover when he was sick.

"Oh no... Bretty please don't cry! This never exists in mind anymore. It's okay, I'm not leaving, but I'm staying with you, forever." said Eddy as he softly cupped Brett's face, wiping his tears. He then proceeded to hug him tightly, with his strands of stray hair tickling Eddy's chin. "I'm not thinking or even pondering on this thought anymore, because you never knew how much you meant to me. And I noticed that, without you, I wouldn't be who I am today."

"I love you Eddy, please don't leave me." pleaded Brett with tears still in his eyes, as he sniffed and felt his eyes flickering.

"I love you because you made me feel what love was again. Because of you, you made me believe that there is someone who could actually love me and accept me for who I am, thus making me feel happy and safe. I love you because I believe you are the one for me, and we have created a lot of splendid memories together, just like our busking for funding, us creating videos and our practice sessions. Although some memories are ugly and painful, but to me, they are memorable because these are also puzzle pieces of our relationship and part of what makes us the couple today. You made me smile and laugh because of all these and without you, where would I be now? There's one thing very clear - that I am Brett Yang whenever I'm with you. I appreciate your laughs when I say something stupid while others would judge me. I appreciate on how you accept me when I told you I do not like pop music while others would just tease me as a greasy grandpa with no taste and still living in the Generation X. I love the fact that you'e mine and I'm yours, and I love sleeping with you, not because of how we would do sex, but because of how I could listen to your breathing and snores, enjoying tiny moments of privacy and intimacy while adoring your beautiful features on your face when you sleep...."

Brett looked into Eddy's doe eyes, as Eddy gave him an appreciative and a gleeful smile. Brett instantly cringed internally about his long speech.

"And these are the reasons why you are not allowed to leave, because you never noticed how much of a big impact you are already in my life and how much you mean to me. Without you, I feel like I'm only a half of a whole and there's nothing for me to hold. The colours in my life would be faded and I would remain depressed. You will become the reason why my life is a disaster. So, Eddy Chen, if you are to leave me, I would never forgive you for that even if you come back to me years later." said Brett. "So don't you dare leave me alone."

Eddy smiled at him, while kissing Brett slightly on the forehead.

"Brett, don't you worry because I won't leave an amazing boy like you behind. And certainly, I wouldn't want you to suffer because of me. How I would love to see your face when I open my eyes from my sleep every day, how much I would love to see you playing your violin, how much I would love to see streaks of silver in your hair and wrinkles in your face as time goes by." said Eddy as he wrapped Brett in his arms lovingly, while admiring the sunset together. The sun was slowly setting, until it was seen no more. The sky is now being replaced with a deep, crimson red with streaks of blue and purple, perhaps due to the stratocumulus clouds imprinted in the sky.

"I promise you, Brett. I'll be with you until the dying day because, you're my everything." said Eddy.

Eddy slowly pulled Brett closer and he lifted him up, placing Brett onto his thighs. Brett, now against his warm chest, curled up to him like a little kitten and wrapped his arms around his neck. Slowly, Eddy lowered his head down to Brett's, as they got dangerously close, almost a millimetre apart from each other. Without hesitation, the both slowly moved in, lips finally united together, with Brett's plump lips compelling against his slimmer, warm ones, bonding together.

It was then, Eddy's insistent mouth parted Brett's lips, stimulating his sympathetic nerve systems and his heartbeat accelerates. Both could feel the kiss getting deeper, and deeper like the Pacific Ocean. Finally, they pulled away, breathing heavily while looking at each other with lust and roguery.

"I love you Brett, so damn much." said Eddy.

"I love you too Eddy." said Brett.

"Then I love you the most." said Eddy not willing to back down as he joined in for another kiss again, encapsulating with each other, enjoying the presence of each other, as the sun sets and gets lower and lower, until it could no longer be seen, but to be replaced with countless stars in the sky.

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