love dream

498 6 22

[ couple au ]
[ eddy x oc ]
[ inspired by a youtube comment (if you see this, then I'm giving credits to you in advance) ]
[ told from 1st person narration - eddy's pov ]

"So what would you like, my friend?" asked Brett, my best friend, when we walked into a café, about to discuss the details of our upcoming plans for our compositions and practice plans.

"Will a baguette sandwich do?" I asked, "with a cup of flat white, please. Thanks."

"Okie dokie! Sure thing!" said Brett. "I'll go place the orders then. Please look after my belongings while I'm gone."

"Okay," I said, as I looked around the café. It is kind of a Korean inspired style, with pale coloured furniture everywhere. The atmosphere it gave off is really comfy, and it makes itself an ideal place for work or studies, or even just a simple coffee break with friends. But suddenly, everything changed and my heart skipped a beat when I saw a girl. A girl with mesmerising beauty, and as pert as a squirrel up a tree.

She is beautiful, I thought to myself. If only, I could talk to her. Is it okay if I know her? Will things fuck up? Is everything going fine? Will everything be fine? I don't want to make a fool out of myself again, since I've been rejected like for 3 times already or so. Oh God for shame, I don't even know her name, won't she say?

"I see where this is going," cooed Brett. "I smell some romantic attraction."

"Brett, she's beautiful." I could only say. "I'm so going to get this girl. But the thing is, I'm nervous."

"Then go do the move!" said Brett. "There's nothing to be scared about. If she accepts, then hallelujah, but if she doesn't, there still are a lot of fish in the sea. You have lots more choices other than her. And you know, sometimes opportunities are made to grasp. You should grasp it."

I have to admit, Brett has a point. So I just gulped, slowly walked forward and gave it the best shot.

But I did not have to do anything, because at the same time, she dropped her fork and her fork landed right near my shoe. Brett looked up at me excitedly, cueing me to do my move.

I grabbed the fork, while handing it back to the girl where her face flushed a little bit when she saw me. Am I seeing illusions? Is she blushing too?

"Thanks," said the girl, face red.

"Hey, no big deal." I replied, smiling. "B...but I would like to ask...may I know your name?"

The girl smiled and nodded. "Alexandra."

Alexandra. What a beautiful name.

"My name is Edward Chen, but people call me Eddy, which is also my preferred name." I replied.

"Nice to meet you," said Alexandra. "You're really a nice man!"

Oh shit. I swear I could feel myself blushing hard. No way in hell I'm going to let her know that I already have a crush on her!

"Thanks," I said. "I mean, you're really a nice girl too."

"Can we meet up here in this café every day then?" asked Alexandra with her watery, big eyes. I smiled at her, and nodded. "Yes, sure."

And I was happy. Like really happy. For the first time in forever, I have successfully made a conversation with a girl I'm genuinely interested in. And we could literally see us as a couple, hand in hand, and dreaming about the future...

"So how did things go between you and the girl?" asked Brett when he came back with my food.

"She's nice and she's beautiful. We would meet up here everyday soon." I replied triumphantly. "She has a beautiful name, called Alexandra. I'm so going to get this girl."

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