sleepless nights

603 12 14

[ couple au ]
[ eddy x brett ]
[ tw: not really a tw but diabetes beware okay i've warned you buebueee ]

The pristine moonlight shone down the calm ocean surface, and the waves are glistening under the moonlight. Up above, stars like tiny specks twinkled in the dark sky, as if there are countless eyes looking down the human beings on Earth. Not a sound is heard. It is tranquil and quiet, except with the relaxed ambience of crickets chirping and the movement of the constructive waves beating the shore.

It was a long day. Brett and Eddy were practising intensely for their next video, and they also had to reply to a few emails as well as some paperwork. Both of them were intensely tired after that so both of them decided to call it a day when the day turns dark and the clock turns both of its hands to 12.

"It's rather late, Brett." said Eddy as he approached Brett, trying to get him to bed. "We can leave that behind for tomorrow. We should get some sleep for now."

Brett glanced at the clock resting on his desk. It was 12:00am right now, and it indeed, is time for him to hit the sack.

"Okay," said Brett. "We've gotta do this tomorrow as well anyways. It doesn't really make much of a difference. Don't learn from your boyfriend who procrastinates at work."

Eddy chuckled and brought Brett to the washroom to clean themselves up. And not after five minutes, they are ready for bed. They've said their goodnights, with Brett curled up into Eddy's warm chest and seconds later Eddy was already into dreamland.

Brett is usually a heavy sleeper. But for some reason, he can't sleep well today. He just can't seem to sleep. He tossed and turned, with different possibilities on what the world would happen in the future in his mind rolling on. He was also stressing out about what he should practice and how he should practice to make the piece sound better than usual. He just knew something isn't right deep down, but he didn't seem to find the exact reason it contributed to his insomnia for tonight.

Even Eddy's calming chamomile scent in his hoodie can't seem to calm him down. And he was also feeling very hot, like boiling hot inside! How am I supposed to fall asleep under such a hot temperature? The heat trapped under the blankets are just too much, and it wakes me!

He looked up at Eddy, who was out cold. His even breathing and heartbeat were also unable to soothe him down. His arms were securely wrapped around Brett, as he smiled peacefully in his sleep, while snoring soundly, knowing that he had his precious treasure in his arms so he had nothing to fear.

Eddy is usually the one who took a longer time to fall asleep, but today is different. He must be very, very tired from the work he had to do so that he fell asleep faster than usual.

Brett wanted to wake him up, but he couldn't bring himself to because it was indeed once in a blue moon that Eddy was sleeping soundly and contently without any worries written over his face. So he just closed his eyes again, trying to have himself fall asleep. But still he fails, and instead he accidentally woke Eddy by his fidgeting.

"Mmh...Brett?" asked Eddy in a husky yet deep voice. "Can't sleep?"

"Mhmm...sorry Eddy," muttered Brett, still wide awake. "For waking you up. I've tried to sleep, but I can't seem to no matter what."

"Awww..." said Eddy, trying to bring him closer to his chest. "It's okay, I'll help you sleep then. I'll tell you my day."

Brett nodded as he snuggled closer to his boyfriend. Eddy inhaled deeply as he put one of his hands over Brett's head and caressed it gently, while the other one slowly patting his back, just like how a mother put her child to sleep.

But Brett is his baby.

"One fine sunny day, Eddy was in a little house, with his very loving wifey Brett, getting ready for a video and so we practiced together. We played Navarra, and some Ysayë too. Eddy was really really proud of Brett's progress and he was playing really well for the practice session today. After that, we had a really happy day...and we worked together... spending time with each other...enjoying every moment together...." Eddy continued with his little story in his mind, which actually is an overview of what they did today in general. But nonetheless, he read it out as if he's telling a child a bedtime story.

He truly enjoyed moments like this. Moments when you didn't have to film a video, moments when you didn't have to be present in front of the camera, and worrying about work even if it's supposed to be the time for relaxation and rest. He could spend every moment with Brett, every moment of intimacy and love, enjoying this tiny bubble of peace, with his lover resting in his arms and cuddling like this together, without having to worry about anything.

It was not after long, he felt even breaths and soft snores coming from his chest. He looked down and saw a sleeping Brett, finally being able to sleep, mayhaps due to Eddy's gentle, soothing voice as well as his stable heartbeat that is ticking like a metronome. Albeit asleep, he still looked really perfect. The moonlight shone down on him, allowing Eddy to further admire his features. His slightly plump lips formed a tiny pout and his eyes were shut tight. Brett looked really peaceful, without even an ounce of worry and anxiety displayed on his face even if he's asleep.

He could look at this face all day.

"I love you so much, you know that?" asked Eddy as he smiled and left a kiss on Brett's lips and brushed his bangs that covered his forehead, leaving a kiss there too.

Eddy tucked themselves in even properly and brought Brett closer to his chest, once again, feeling his breath tickling his chest. His heartbeat rate accelerated even faster by that action alone, while feeling butterflies exploding in his stomach at the same time. And soon, it was not after long, Eddy drifted off into dreamland again, with Brett wrapped in his arms lovingly and a smile imprinted on both of their faces.

a/n: i warned you ;A; they're so sweet istg

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