Chapter 1

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Tubbo and Ranboo are going to be so pissed I think to myself as Siren slams me against the wall of an alleyway. I already can imagine what Tubbo is going to say " Siren again, Tommy you have to be more careful remember when we said no messing with Heros and Villians' ' Course I didn't choose to get caught up with Siren, He chose to get caught up with me.

Wait dude stop thinking he just got handcuffs out! He looks away to grab the handcuffs as I jump up using my magic to power me up and run across the rooftops when I hear him yell out "STOP". I keep running across the rooftops of the city when I look down a certain alleyway at the sound of a meow. I have to get away but.... I can't just leave a cat. And tubbo will already be mad at me so I might as well give him a piece offering... I can't help myself as I scoop up the small tabby and look around to see any traces of Siren or any other kitties. The alleyway seems silent and with no traces of any heroes I look up at the night sky when I realize that Siren just tried to use their power on me. Siren's powers obviously being that he can say a command and control someone to do whatever he wishes. Of course his powers have their limits and if he talks too much he loses his voice and can no longer control others but, he tends to keep that part of his powers under wraps.

On my long walk back, well it shouldn't take this long but, my back really hurts from Siren and the cat isn't helping. The cat really is a stupid name though. " What do you think kitty is, is CLemintine a good name?" Clementine purrs in response and I can already tell I love her.

I soon reach back to our apartment out in district 13 and as usual Sam greets me and reminds me about the no pets policy but,I brush it off as usual. He knows my obsession with helping out the strays. Who I really have to worry about is Tubbo because he will..

"TOMMY I KNOW YOUR WAITING BEHIND THAT DOOR, don't you dare have another cat with you, all of our moneys going to cat food over out own food"

And look I can't even complete my internal monologue without him interrupting.

" Tubbo, don't be so harsh on him, at least the cats are cute."

" ALSO THIS ONE ISN'T JUST A CAT SHE IS NAMED CLEMENTINE AND I AM ALREADY IN LOVE" I scream as I walk in the door to greet my beautiful roommates and two other cats. Enderchest being Ranboos and well Enderpearl also being ranboos. Maybe tubbo needs a cat, I bet it would make him a lot less grouchy.

I feed the cats for the night after a long argument with Tubbo that we knew wouldn't end with any real change and I look around our tiny apartment. With one small bedroom that just has a mattress on the floor, a bathroom and a main room with all the other shit it really did look sad but, it was home and that was all that mattered. Tubbo and Ranboo were snuggled up with a blanket on an old couch listening to our radio and I really didn't care how crappy it was because, it was home and its really the only home I have ever known.

I think thats, one of the reasons I became a vigilante. To protect my home and all the civilians inside of it. THe heros never really stop in my district unless its to hunt me down it seems and the people out here need just as much protecting as anyone else. Especially after the whole schlatt tabocle.


" He can escape my fucking voice powers and I have never seen someone able to do that, I think he's a real threat"

"Wilbur you have to understand where Techno is coming from"

The thing is I really don't. Techno has decided to be ignorant about Theseus the new big Vigilante in district 13 all because he hasn't done anything bad yet. But, we don't know what he is planning, we don't know anything and I feel like I have no control over it. And no I am not just angry because he can bypass my powers but, that doesn't really matter anyway because no matter what techno and me just can't seem to agree so here we are arguing in one of the best penthouses in the city in the biggest tower ( the hero tower) just like little kids at the dinner table in their house because really we are just siblings and we are at a dinner table. Though I would never admit outloud how stupid this seems.

The only reason we havent split up over a stupid arguement like this is becuase of our dad Philza. Well hes not technically our dad but, he feels close enough anyway.

When I finish dinner I go back to my room to do more research on Theseus, he just feels so important but, I can't manga to pinpoint why exactly.

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