Chapter 17

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We head off on our way to the capital but, the whole time I feel the hairs on my neck spike up. I think someones following us but I don't want to concern Tubbo who already seems to be messing with his horns by bringing it up so instead I just stay extra observant. I dont want anybody following us to attack us. I know the heroes are going to be in trouble with Schlatt and all we want to do is help. We're not children. We can handle a little fight.

Now that we're close to the capital Ranboo splits with me and Tubbo and I grab onto his shaking hand. Tubbo has been with me ever since he escaped, told me probably less than half of his stories than he has with schlatt and I am already ready to beat him up.

Schlatt is going to die today if I have any choice in the matter.

Suddenly Tubbo squeezes my hand and I can see we are at the Capital. Guards are surrounding it but with Schlatts signature red and black colors of his suit. Some guards engaging in fights with the Heroes. He can see Phil in the front as he jumps around one of Schlatts guards that he's attempting to arrest. And in the center of it all is Schlatt himself. In his black suit and bright red tie. It reminds me of blood. Or maybe that's just because that's what the tie is stained with.

Tubbo seems to notice my father at the same time that I do because suddenly his normal breaths become quick paced and shallow. I look down at his face as he drops to the ground. Tubbo is on the ground and now I'm there with him and I don't know what to do. I start tapping on his knee just like Wilbur always says to do. He's muttering things "Please please just spare me this time" "I can't escape." I knew he would be scared but, this is more panicked than I thought. A wave of regret hits me. I wish I didn't bring Tubbo here.

"I'm so sorry Tubbo" I whisper to him before I continue my counting until he calms down a little bit.

"Lets go" I heard Tubbo say with all his might. Though his might isn't much I respect it as we get up off the hard pavement and walk into the fight.

Tubbo and I split up to fight different guards as the heroes slowly get picked off. It's concerning. Schlatt is picking off more heroes than I thought. I think there's only Puffy, Wilbur, Jack and Phil on commission. ( And Tubbo of course)

Suddenly I engage with a higher level guard than before. This man has a black and red bandana around his head and the same crazed look as Schlatt. He pulls off my mask as I raise my bat to his head to knock him out with the others as Wilbur approaches him from behind to do the same. Though as he gets close he pauses. He looks me dead in the eyes with confusion and disappointment and I realize the guard has managed to notice Wilbur and knock him out. Oh no. I knock him out with my bad and look over the battlefield to just see Tubbo and the nurses. I see blood. So much blood and Wilbur at my feet. I quickly kneel down to see his heart beating thankfully and I rush over to Tubbo.

Where is Technoblade?

"Well it seems as if the heroes are all defeated, who are these small children?" Schlatt yells across the square as he slowly approaches me and Tubbo.

Where is Technoblade?

"Ahhhhh of course it's you Tobias' ' Schlatt says as he nears, Tubbo is already in a fighting stance when both of us cringe at the use of Tubbos real name. He hasn't used it since he left Schlatt and he didn't even let anyone but me and Ranboo call him Toby.

Suddenly Schlatt advances, "Oh Tobias my young little boy who strayed too far from the nest? Im sure Quackity is proud of you now Bastard"

There was one more guard.

Tubbo is on the ground. Is he still breathing? I collapse next to him and take off my shirt in attempts to stop the bleeding. Oh the blood. The red liquid seemingly never ended. Its color bright and its smell almost sickly sweet. It made me want to cry, It made me want to barf. I can't get up. I cant get up. But the hero committee is counting on me. But I can't get up. I'm stuck by Tubbo and I don't think I could leave if it was the last thing I did.

Where is Technoblade?

There's a faint clicking behind me. Of course I'm sure the noise isn't faint to the others because the rest of Schlatts army and himself seem to look up. I turn around to see who it is when I catch a glimpse of pink.

There's Technoblade.

"Schlatt i'm going to need you to kindly walk yourself into jail or I'll kill you" I hear Techno growl with the most anger I have ever heard. It's the silent type of anger that you can tell someone feels from just the tone of their voice despite how level or monotone it might seem. Technoblde cares and hopefully, he's going to save us. Schlatt looks at Technoblade with disgust yet he does not seem surprised like I thought he would. He must have expected something when one of the top heroes was not in battle. Schlatt snaps his fingers and suddenly men rush out from the alleyways and the streets. More of his soldiers. They all race towards Technoblade with practiced stealth and raise their weapons. Technoblade does not back down though as he raises his Axe of Peace.

The fight breaks out.

To be fair, Technoblade keeps up. Over the next period of time (I don't know how long cause i'm too focused on keeping me and Tubbo alive) he takes out what has to be like half of Schlatts men but, the thing is there's too many and believe it or not Techno isn't a god. And even through his polished finish you can almost see his face cracking. He's going to lose.

Suddenly one of the guards catches it. Techno misstepped. His footing was a little to the right. He trips back and falls to the hard concrete. Blood fills his mouth as the man shoots his leg. They want him alive.

Schlatt looks me and Tubbo in the eye. He pulls up his gun.

That's it.

We're going to die.

Suddenly a flash of orange runs into the plaza, followed by flashes of brown, black, white and the light of a green eye.

The cats.

They run into the scene and constrain Schlatt as Tubbo jumps up.

We did it.

We finally stopped Schlatt. 

I look up after the police take Schlatt away into prison to see Clementine scampering off into the distance.

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