Chapter 7

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I woke up to my second morning in the hero tower with the cats meowing so loudly you could probably hear them from the first floor of the tower if you listened closely enough. It still is a shock to me how soft the guest bed can be and how warm I can feel even in the cold mornings. I will never know if it's the heater or the warm atmosphere of the house. It must be coming close to winter now isn't it. It's weird how time flies by.

Could you call something a routine if you're only doing it for the second time? Well it feels like a routine to me anyways. The guest door opens for the second time to Philza minecraft (I still can't reasonably call him Phil. He is too poggers for that.) and he leaves it cracked so the cats can get out to eat breakfast. Boy do I love them. The cats, not Philza. I am no stan and I am definitely no stan of WILBUR. The man is a psycho

It is no use sleeping through anymore with the screeching cats so I decide to get up despite my body pulling me back into the soft bed I was once so comfortable in just minutes before. I am not a morning person after all and I can only push to be one for a certain amount of time.

And that's why I am currently cuddling up in a cocoon of blankets on the couch listening to the morning cartoons ( I know it seems childish but, their entertaining ok) while Philza and Wilbur have their morning cup of coffee and Techno is reading a book in his little mini library. It's peaceful and I think I really enjoy this routine. It feels so homey and I wish Tubbo and Ranboo could experience it with me. Boy, do I miss them already.

So of course it has to be ruined.

This is  a Tommyinnit story after all.

So it really shouldn't be surprising when Puffy rushes through the door with her face bright red and the pace of her words too fast to comprehend. And it really shouldn't be surprising she just whispers to turn on the TV when she has given up on talking coherently to us. And it really shouldn't be surprising when Shlatt is on the TV blowing up an apartment building with innocent people of the 13th district in it. I mean I did know he wasn't in hiding, I should have predicted this. And omg it really shouldn't be surprising that is the apartment building next door.

It really shouldn't.

But, it was anyway.

Because it always is.

"Shit, Tubbo" I whisper to myself when I come back out of my head. I sit up so fast to get to him that I can't even hear the heroes talk and I can tell that only Techno could have heard me anyway With his crazy hearing abilities. I slip on my beat up red converse I've had since I was 10 and throw on a random jacket I'll return to them later. I rushed out the door of SBIs apartment and down the stairs of the hero building all the way back to our apartment in district 13.

When running past the apartment next door all I can see is smoke pouring out of the building.The fire crackles with such ferocity that it must have been a big explosive. I look to see two already dead but the other People seem to be getting out ok. It could have been worse. But, it definitely could have been better. What if it spreads to our apartment? and how will Tubbo feel when he can see the destruction already caused by his own Father next door. I know he will blame himself even though he had no part.

It took me about 15 more minutes to get back but once I see Sam's scrunched face I already know I made the right choice by being here. I rushed up the stairs because our elevator never really worked. I can't really blame Sam for that though considering it was probably brocken long before he owned the building. I am greeted by the scratched up white door that creaks every time you open it which makes it basically impossible to sneak.

I'm getting distracted.

But, when I look inside it's only Ranboo. Tubbo isn't there, oh no. All our furniture is flipped upside down or destroyed. Which doesn't make much of a mess considering there wasn't much furniture in the first place. All of the lights are off and the only noise you can hear is soft sobs coming from the man himself. Enderchest and Enderpearl are even keeping quiet for this occasion. What even happened?

I stand confused for what feels like hours.

Until it clicks.

He took Tubbo. Shlatt took Tubbo.

Now My fear is replaced by fiery rage as I let out a piercing scream. How could somebody do that to the boy I see as my brother. The boy who is so kind to everyone. WHo helped me through everything. How could Ranboo let it happen? Why? Now the next door apartment building blowing up makes more sense,  this isn't fair to Tubbo.

"Hey, Ranboo" I say quietly with a hoarse voice from screaming as I move to sit close to him.

"Mhm" He replies whispering with a voice just as hoarse but, from the looks of things he is clearly in worse condition. Especially considering he was crying meaning he's now breaking out in hives. He moves to rest his head in my lap as I comb through his hair because even though we had our disagreements the one thing we always agreed on was our love for Tubbo. And now he's gone so all we can do to feel any better is comfort each other.

"You don't  need to talk much now, I think I already know what happened but soon I need to get us out of here and maybe go to Will. We can go stay where I was staying ok?"

He just grumbles in response but, that's all I need as permission for when I get him and myself up and we both stumble out of the door back to the hero tower. Ranboo might be a little surprised to where I am taking him but, I think he might be a little too out of it to notice. Considering he looks close to passing out.


" Hey Wilbur," I say into the phone. I figured I should probably call him before I show up with an extra body and two more cats. Oh I should get leashes for these two while I'm at it. I wonder if they would enjoy a walk just as much as Clem totally does.

"Tommy you scared us half to death, why did you leave so suddenly? I thought we were getting close" Wilbur says in a quick panicked voice. Clear that he had been worrying since the few hours I've been gone.

"Well, you know how I live in district 13?" I respond with. And we're nearing the park which is good because I can sit Ranboo down on a bench while I talk with Wilbur more. The park has more people than usual but most of them are rushing through, probably because of the literal apartment on fire. Maybe some have family and friends caught in the fire. Maybe some have just come to see the chaos.

"Yah, The dream team was sent to deal with that don't worry I hope there won't be many more attacks in your district."


"OMG WAS THAT YOUR BUILDING" And Wilbur could have blown out my eardrums there. Then he would feel guilty wouldn't he. I think even Ranboo could hear that and he is barely conscious.

"NO Wilbur, it was not but, I live in the building next door and my roommate's in distress about it and it's not safe. Can we please both stay at your place. To be honest we don't have anywhere left to go and I am sorry if this is too much.." I get cut off by Wilbur because he really is an asshole.

" Yes of course you guys can, Tommy i know you love us anyway and you just want to stay here forever."

"Shut the fuck up and I have to get Ranboos cats leashes so I can walk the back to your place so I am going to have to hang up"



I cut Wilbur off and hung up as I looked down to Ranboo now sitting on a bench and tell him how I am going to take the cats to get supplies so he should just stay there.

Honestly I don't even know if he heard me but I went off to get cat leashes anyway. It is a very important task to get done. Just one task at a time. That's all I need to stay sane.

Tommyinnits vigilante cat rescueWhere stories live. Discover now