chapter 16

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It's been a week. It's the morning exactly a week after we got the note. Everyones still asleep or atleast pretending to be when Niki runs into the living room crying. We're the apartment closest to her so it shouldn't have taken much effort to get here but she seems out of breath. We all ran out of our rooms. She's still in her pajamas and she doesn't have her glasses on. Philza slowly sits her down on the couch while I just stare not knowing what to do.

What happened?

After a long time of me just standing there staring, Ranboo and Tubbo seem to wake up and emerge from the bedroom and both motion for me to sit down. Ranboo drapes a blanket over my shoulders. It's nice and soft. I don't know how long we were all in the living room waiting but, it was long. I don't think we could ever know how long due to time moving differently. I can see Techno and Will giving eachother looks but, I can't even begin to imagine what they mean.

"He took Puffy, he took Puffy and he left a note that I can't even read because I can't find my glasses and she's not here to help" Niki finally gets out once the tears have become less violent yet not totally gone.

Puffy is gone on the day of the final battle.

Everyone seems panicked and frantic as they go to tell everybody and get them together in the hero room. Me and Tubbo and Ranboo aren't allowed to go. So we are left to wait until they figure everything out and have the final battle. Adults are so stupid I could totally go. At Least that's what I just finished yelling at Wil about. They had to lock me in the apartment as if I couldn't just go out the window.

Well normally I could but Tubbo and Ranboo turned on a movie so that they could discretely hold me back with cuddles. And as much as I would normally lean into my friend's touch, right now I'm too antsy and I just want to help.

It's been 10 hours. They have been gone for way too long for comfort. There are still no signs of Puffy and we blew through 2 movies so I am now being forced against my will to listen to TUbbo about nukes. Other people might think that he's going to be a war criminal by how much he talks about the things but, the most damage Tubbo has ever dealt is when he Rams into my side when he's annoyed. Which even though I dont tell him is more cute than it hurts me. It's worth it when I make fun of him.

"Tommyyyyyy, are you even listening, you know this is why Ranboo is my husband he's just a great listener" And wow Tubbo is going for the marriage thing just to try to get me to listen to him. Low blow. Low blow.

Now I would normally respond with something witty that's definitely not just a string of curses but, sadly I get interrupted by the door opening. Wait, I thought it was locked.

" Hey children if you want to see everyone would recommend going downstairs." Royal says and I presume that they were forced to be sent up to tell us because everyone else was too busy.

"Puffies back" THey finish as they turn around to return back to work. They turn quickly to avoid me barreling into the door at the thought of THE CAPTAIN BEING BACK. The captain being the second best hero, only second to Philza Minecraft.

Tubbo and Ranboo follow after me as I almost trip on my way to the elevator. I presume their in the basement where the medical unit is.

Once we make it back down we continue running until I see puffy on one of the couches seemingly unharmed. Just tired and probably emotionally too with everyone surrounding her that quickly moves out of the way as I greet her.

"PUFFY YOUR BACK AND SAFE?" I meant to make the end sound like a statement but, it ended up sounding a lot more like a question.

SHe quickly barrels me into a hug. We're both very passionate people. I can hear her mumbling something that I can't make out and I hug back after the initial shock. It's nice to know she's safe since Niki was so concerned and I think that I might care too. The way these heroes have wormed themselves into my heart is so embarrassing especially considering it took Ranboo like 2 years to get me to trust him at all.

"Hey, Tommy as much as I want to just talk to you and have another movie night as a resolution we still have to go out." Puffy says as she ends our long hug.

"Tell me the details right now and I promise not to have to be locked into SBIs floor for the next mission." I respond quickly because I refuse to be out of the loop anymore and if I break the promise to stay in the apartment no one has to know.

"FIrst of all, You had to be locked into the apartment? And also i'll tell you the important parts' ' Puffy says and waves for everyone else to leave us alone on the couch.

"Deal" I say as I pull my pinky out to secure the promise with Puffy. I had to teach all the heroes the importance of pinky promises earlier yet Techno still doesn't really understand the point.

"Ok basically I was left in a warehouse to distract the heroes and now Schlatt is at the Capitol and we're going to go once Sapnap is out of the infermatory. He has a simple wound so we just need to get it fixed before we all leave" Puffy says.

"Can I pleaseeeee go this time? '' I say with my best puppy dog eyes.

" A deals a Deal man" She responds as she gives me a quick hug again and walks away all smug. How rude. Puffy is no longer my second favorite hero.

All of the heroes leave again to the capital while they leave us behind. Now I am usually a man to keep his word but, this time I have decided to try and make it to the capital before the heroes. Him and Tubbo are going to kill Schlatt if it's the last thing they do. Well the last thing Tommys does, he will make sure that Tubbo lives.

"Hey so we are going to the Capital right?" I ask just to make sure as we slip up to the SBI floor, I presume to get on my costume. Tubbo nods as he agrees to kill his father. This would usually seem like a reason for him to not agree but Schlatt has done plenty of things to our favorite boy. Now on the topic of favorites my least favorite person decides to speak up. The bastard.

"No.... they told us to stay" the stupid boob man says.

"Oh Ranboooooooo, don't be a buzzkill come on, we have to get him, the heroes won't be able to do anything at all" Tubbo says as he grabs onto Ranboos arm and gives him his best puppy dog eyes. You know they're good when they work on me. I'm made of steel but even Tubbo can break me down.

"Fine but, I'm staying behind a couple streets from the capital, call me and I can teleport you guys out" Ranboo says as he falls under tubbos puppy eyes and we head out to the capital.

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