chapter 13

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Phil was telling the truth about Wilbur coming back today. Phil was also telling the truth when he said that he was going to plan a hero meeting for today.

And that's why me, Tubbo and Ranboo are currently getting out of our soft nice pajamas and into fancy uncomfortable clothes that I don't even wear when going to weddings to go to a meeting at 10 am which in my opinion is much too early to have a meeting. Of course I understand Phils need to have it as early as possible and also how his old age affects his decisions. I didn't want to let go of Tubbo when I woke up which may have caused me to hate the timing even more. Of course I'll never tell him that.

I tighten up the tie that I am being forced to wear by Tubbo and help Ranboo get on his which is a little bit of a reach considering his stupid height. He gets it from his stupid stupid enderman side which is honestly much stupider than my magic. Actually it might be a little bit cooler.

People always think I don't have any powers because of my human like appearance which I guess I am basically human. The foster system could never really figure out what I was or maybe just didn't really care. I grew up as a mystery and any day I would learn something new about my powers. It was new or unexpected though I kept them mostly hidden. The foster siblings would always use their powers to their advantages and keeping mine hidden helped with surprise.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder that could be nobody but the Tubster himself putting on a soft concerned smile on his face as he guides me out of the room and to where the meeting is going to be held.

Of course why would he be concerned for me. I should be concerned for him. He's the same yet so different. I can tell when he can't hear us but he pretends like he can to not inconvenience us. He does it less with me and Ranboo but even with us he sometimes pretends. I can tell because he never used to do the tsks. Only choosing to hum along when he understood something. It seems small but even that difference proves when he's not listening now. I always sit at the left side of him now. Except when ranboos there because he's so soft spoken he gets Tubbos' good side. I can tell when his face gets scrunched that he's clearly in pain and needs more pain killers yet he would never ask. He doesn't want to seem like a burden as if he ever could be.

So I don't understand why he would be concerned.

Yet maybe I've changed too.

I'm more protective around everyone now. Avoiding conflict more. I spend most of my time quiet with the cats. Clem helps with stress. It's only been a day since Tubbos has been back and even less time since he told us what's to come but, everytime a sound is too loud I flinch and

check where it comes from. What if its dream finally coming to fully change to a villain. Or worse what if it's Schlatt coming to take back Tubbo again. What if I will never see Phil, Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo or even Techno again. I don't think I could handle losing anyone again.

I can't lose anyone again.

And before I know it all three of us are in the meeting room.

It's white and modern and empty like most of the hero tower. Lacking character except during movie night when the main hall gets turned into a giant pillow fort. In the middle of the room is a giant long table meant to house all of the heroes and whatever guests they choose to bring. I guess we are the guests this time. A screen is on the far side of the room to project whatever the person who called the meeting wants.

I can see Phil at the head of the table because he called the meeting. The Dream Team all sit together on one end of the table far from the duo Jack and Niki or better known as Flame and WaterGirl to the public. Next to Niki is Captain Puffy and they are clearly flirting as they usually do. I can tell their flirting from the disgusted look on Jack's face. The rest of SBI sit near Phil and there's 3 empty seats that I presume are meant for us.

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