Chapter 11

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I am so ready to just have Tubbo back that I don't notice anyone following our little vigilante group and I don't notice the streets changing until we're at the warehouse. I don't notice the poor outskirts of the city become the completely abandoned 15th district. I don't notice the tenseness suddenly in Diamonds and TImescapes shoulders.

Until we were there.

We are at the warehouse. The white concrete of the exterior contrasts nicely against the dark night sky. It's empty in the abandoned district and I take a deep breath because for once the breeze feels nice.

And I'm about to have Tubbo back.

Before I can even think timescape is ushering me to the roof of the building to try to get in from the roof.

time goes so quickly yet so slow when we get into the squished shafts that seem to be buckling under the sudden weight. They creek as we shuffle to the room that Tubbo is presumably in. My vigilante suit that's really just a t- shirt and pants is not very equipped to do this high of a rescue mission (Nor any vigilante work) but, my mask at least hides part of the horrible rust smell presumably coming from the rooms. I know what the smell is from but, I don't want to think about what Schlatt is doing or has done to Tubbo and probably many others.

Suddenly we reached Tubbos' room. Too quickly in my opinion. I felt so ready but, I don't know if I can bear to see Tubbo now that I'm here. What if he's still mad at me? What if he never wants to talk to me?

What if he likes Schlatt.

I can see it on his face.

That twisted look he gets when he thinks about Schlatt. A very pinched look despite the fact he never speaks ill of the man he clearly feels uncomfortable with.

Maybe not as uncomfortable as Tommy thought.

" Tommy, why did you come to save me? I like it here."

"Tommy, why would you ever think that I could forgive you. You fucked up and look where I am now. I'm not going back to you. You have to face the consequences of your actions."

No, I doubt that. Although the second one almost seemed realistic, I'm sure he'll be glad to see me despite how mad at me he was a few days ago. I mean I don't care about it anymore why would he. Because he's tubbo I think in my brain that sounds too similar to Ranboo for comfort.

I finally focus back on the task at hand to save Tubbo and see the two other vigilantes already creeping out of the vents. Timescape has a concerned look on his face as he pulls out his hand riddled with scars for the man who had been at the vigilante business for years. I slowly grab the reassuring hand and look Timescape in the eyes. He looks at me so softly for a mostly stranger. I pop out of the vents. I can hear the vents sigh with relief once all of us get out, which I can only hope is not heard by Schlatt himself.

I look around for a second but stop when I see Tubbo in the corner. He has a blindfold over his eyes and mouth. With his bloody wrists and ankles in handcuffs he clearly tried to work against. I can imagine him wrestling against the restraints for hours. He's determined like that. I quickly run over to pull off the blindfold when he gasps all hoarse like he hasn't used his voice in days other than to scream. I look and it seems like we awoke him. Though he passed out again so I'm sure it's drug induced. Poor boy. I slowly pull off his blindfold to get a real look at his face. The lower half was a little bloody but, when I saw the top half of his face. There's a giant gash on the left side seemingly from explosives or something similar. His eye is swollen shut and his ear looks squished. He looks rough. But, he's not dead.

Diamond coughs loudly.

I turn around to see Schlatt and I wipe off the tears forming in my eyes. My Sadness has been replaced with a fiery rage in an instant. I look into his crazed red eyes like he's the worst person in the world which from my perspective he definitely is.

"FUCK YOU" I yell loudly for our cover is already up and at this point I don't care about noise complaints anymore.

"FUCK YOU WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS I HOPE YOU DIE IN HELL" I continue yelling as I slowly break down near Tubbo.

He's waiting to wear me out.

"JUST HIT ME ALREADY" I yell as he pulls out a dagger.

The fight is mostly a blur because it was mostly diamond and timescape doing the fighting while I was breaking down at Tubbos chair. I wish I could help but, I couldn't think let alone fight back from the man.

Before I know it Diamond and Timescape are near my feet covered in blood in bruises. The brassy smell and crimson red has covered the room so much I feel nauseous. I wipe my face and when I look down at hand I see more of the color. I don't even know how much is mine. I always hated the blood. We're running out of energy. Schlatts is going to win. Because of course he is. If me and Tubbo even get out he'll have to go into hiding again. And then is it even worth it?

My brain is spinning as I see a blur of pink run into the warehouse room from the inside door. Seemingly keeping Schlatt back from killing us for real.

Why is the Blade here. I can't see much but, through my blurry vision I can see his long pink braid whipping around as his axe of peace makes a small dent into Schlatts skin. I can see his long regal cape. I never understood why he looked so regal when he was an anarchist. Seemed kinda redundant.

I can tell i'm about to pass out when I whisper to Diamond next to me

"Call Ranboo"

I don't wake up to see what happens next.


"JUST HIT ME ALREADY" I hear Tommy yell as I finally reach what I presume is Tubbos room. I mean I'm sure it is based on Tommys yelling.

Or as I might as well say Theseus.

I don't have a problem with the vigilante thing but, when Wilbur and Philza find out they might not be so pleased. Of course their anger will probably be more directed at me considering I knew the whole time.

I walk to the door in my big black heels that click against the tiled floors. It took me years to be able to run in them. I could run now but, I always found my entrance was cooler if I casually walked in.

So I open the plain door with my axe handy and say


Then I look around.Tommy is on the floor with tear stains all over his shirt and what seems to be His roommates blood smeared on his hands. Schlatts son seems to be severely fucked up. Diamond and timescape look like they have all the fight sucked out of them.

I really thought they would be able to last longer.

Schlatt must have gotten more powerful.

I swing my axe and he dodges easily. We get into a slow fight dodging each other and never getting many hits. Both waiting for one of us to mess up. Schlatt is wearing a suit and dress shoes. Though his tie is coming undone which ruins the professional look. Presumably from the fighting. His hair and horns look much like the boy in the corner but their faces look infinitely different.

Schlatts face is hard and his eyes are red with craze. His breath reeks of wine. His boy's face is soft and young etched with concern much to adult for someone his age. Marked with having to grow up too fast. Presumably from the years of Trauma he survived at a young age. I'm also sure the boy wasn't an alcoholic yet you never know.

After a long time fighting the crazed man I look over at the vigilantes on the floor to make sure they were still there when I see Diamond picking up a phone and calling someone. They must have backup. Probably to stop them from getting arrested of course I would never arrest any of them.

This seems to have been a bad idea though because I gave Schlatt an opening to twist his knife into my side. It hurts but would much more if I didn't have thick skin and a beautiful (Extra) costume on. I quickly push him off of me and decide to try and grab Tommy and Tubbo before he can do more damage but, right when I grasp Tommys shoulder I hear


And there we are at the apartment.

What the fuck.


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