Chapter 15

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It's Saturday night. The cool fall breeze is going by but it's not particularly cold out and it seems nice to be outside. I mean I hope it is because I haven't patrolled in almost a week so I might as well go out I think as I slip off the porch and down the fire escape. I'm sure the heroes won't even notice I'm gone tonight. They are too busy on their own patrolls in their districts.

Speaking of which I definitely have to try to avoid Wilbur in my attempt to make it to the 13th district. He's very quiet and sneaky compared to The Blade which I think I could see from a mile away. I doubt i'll see Philza at all considering he mostly patrols the first and second district. I never agreed with the Heroes lack of patrolling in the lower districts but I know they are assigned to do it this way. Always best to blame the system over the people trapped in it.

Soon I'm making it back to the familiar 13th district. I stole some food from the hero's kitchen before I left and so I handed it out to the 13th district's slowly growing homeless population. The camps always rely on the vigilantes' help to stay afloat. The winter is coming soon and I hope I can get some blankets by then to help out with some of the camps. Nothing has seemed to change since the last time I was in the district.. The fall leaves are still stuck to the concrete though a little more damp than last time. That's what the fall rain does I guess.

I hear a rustle from behind me. It sounds odd and as I turn around I meet face to face with Siren. Of course Wilbur decided to go to the 13th district today. For all I know it could be just to make sure I'm not here patrolling which I wouldn't put past the hero.

"Hello Siren" I say as I clutch the leftover spaghetti I warmed up for the people in the homeless camp a block down just to make sure Wilbur doesn't take it back.

"Hello Theseus, Nice night isn't it?" Wilbur spits back out seemingly annoyed. I thought he got over me being a vigilante but, apparently actively patrolling is too much. Good thing for him is that he will never win that argument.

" Now if you would let me, I'm going to keep doing my job, serving the ACTUAL community" I say as I turn and run away. He clearly wants to chase after me but gives up and decides to have the argument later. And at that he's back out of the 13th district. I knew he didn't come just to help out with the community.

I make it down the blocks to the homeless camp that encompasses both the 12th and 13th district and I notice that I'm not the first person to come and try to help out tonight. I know who else it is immediately when I see the blur of purple in the corner of my eyes.

"TIMESCAPE" I yell over at him as I jog over to him. He seems to be talking to some of the people and distributing new toothbrushes. This just reminds me of all the problems in the city
because I know damn well that Timescape bought those out of his own pocket. The government is doing jack shit for anybody but the rich.

And that's why we're here.

Timescape turns around to greet me and I can see his eyes look slightly more tired than usual. Im sure Sapnap has been having more sleepless nights recently based on the pacing I can hear from their apartment above us in the early morning. If Sapnap manages to keep me up i'm sure one of his boyfriends would also be caught up in his pacing mess.

"Hey Timescape, also here to help the community?"

"Yah what did you bring?" Timescape asks as some more people start to gather around us.

"Special Hero made spaghetti, so rich people spaghetti basically" I say as I start to hand it out to people. Based on the last time I hopefully brought enough for everyone. I pick up some trash off the ground when I'm done handing the food out and start a conversation with Timescape.

"So how's the finances going?"

"Well honestly the relationships are going great but, You know Sapnap hasn't been sleeping. That's what happens when your best friend gets taken away from you" The words sound rude but they hold no bite. They are just the truth.

"Yeah, I can't imagine what it would be like."

"I mean he has George and Quackity and I but, it's hard. I mean George is also crushed and off in his own place. He handles grief differently than the rest of us do I think. The new attack adds extra stress too. Have the heroes told you what their plans were?"

"Nope not yet, I think they're trying to leave us out, I mean especially me, vigilantes are bad for their brand"

"True" Karl says as we slowly get back to handing things out. I slowly move on until I'm finishing my patrol through the 13th district. There's only a couple petty thieves tonight which is really good. I think people might have been scared by the burnt out apartment building. Hatred of Schlatt can unify us all it seems.

I head back to the hero tower through the back alleyways even though it's almost 2 in the morning and there's less heroes patrolling. It's better safe than sorry. I don't want them to feel extra stress from seeing me out or for them to arrest me and then realize it's me if they didn't know or were too tired to make the connection.


The moon illuminates the fire escape as I climb back up and into the SBI apartment. The ladder is cold and I almost shiver as I climb up quickly. The second I open the door from the outside though I see a figure and in my hurry I back away to the side.

The side which happens to also have one of Wilburs precious guppy tanks. The sound of the glass shattering rings in my ears and shards dig into my skin. Wet red blood flows and I let out an oh.

Suddenly the big lights are on and the figures were just Tubbo an Ranboo. So im safe for know but, what if Wilbur figured out that I shattered one of his fish tanks. What if he figures out bout that time withClem. Why have I been so negligent?

I slip onto the ground and filter out all of the talking. Suddenly Ranboo and Tubbo are up close to be with a first aid kit. Tommy can barely tell their expressions through his own tears.

"Hey, Tommy we are going to patch you up, the Heroes are still out on patrol and Wilbur isn't going to know that you broke the tank. We will get a replacement tomorrow." Tubbo says as Ranboo slowly takes the glass out and patches me up.

Once Ranboo is done and cleaned up the both of them bring me to the bedroom with the cats and curl up.

"I'm sorry"

"Hey its ok dude i'm sure no one will care" Ranboo says as he rests his head on my shoulder. Tubbo being sprawled across my lap with the cats.

"Clem ate one of the fish from another tank on movie night. I lied to Wilbur for so long."

"Hey" Tubbo says as he yanks his head up and forces me to look at him.

" We all love you" He simply says before returning to sleep. Ranboo nods along and we fall asleep all wrapped together with the cats.

Tommyinnits vigilante cat rescueWhere stories live. Discover now