Chapter 9

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We make it up to the 40th floor. AKA the SBI's personal floor. AKA the best floor.

Ranboo stumbles into the apartment with me right behind him holding onto the cat's leashes. That's until he suddenly stops and I fall right on top of him. I hear laughs in the background presumably from the apartment owners but they sound a little strained which is odd.

That's what I think until I look up to see the apartment.

"Heh you probably deserved the cats ruining your place. You can fix it after all, rich people." I mumbled the last bit but it clearly was heard as all the heroes looked at me and then pointed to a couple empty fish tanks. Oh no Wilbur is probably really pissed. You can replace furniture but you can't replace fish souls. At Least that's what he would think as a crazy fish guy.

"I'm sorry about the fish Wil" I try to get out when suddenly Ranboo says the first thing he has in what feels like hours.

"You're on not only a first name basis but a nickname basis with the top heroes???" Ranboo says, sounding confused which I would probably be too if I were him.

"Ok I would love to sit and chat with you Ranboo about all the things Tommy has said to us oh by the way I'm Phil but, I have to go fix up our furniture and you can have the guest room as a punishment for Tommy, Mate why couldn't you have just brought the cats with you to get your friend?"

" OF COURSE RANBOOOO GETS THE ROOM" I yell back as the Hero's leave to fix the furniture with their unlimited money. (maybe even take a trip to the fish store too) Once the door clicks signaling that they're really gone, me and Ranboo sit on the ground for a talk. Well I am assuming he wants to have a talk since you know there is a lot of stuff going on.

"Tommy, explain please"

"Ok, here's the full story Ranboo. I started seeing Wilbur AKA Siren while he was in his hero form and I was Tommy. He doesn't know that I'm a vigilante. Then while I was on patrol I saw Dream and Shlatt working on a deal. I didn't want to tell you guys because Tubbo would panic but I'm a shit liar so Tubbo kicked me out and I ran to the park. Wilbur saw me and brought me back to his place to stay. I woke up this morning, had the cartoons on which were interrupted by the fire and I ran over immediately to see Tubbo gone."

" I am so sorry about Tubbo too but, we will get through this together Tommy"

After that we sit in comfortable silence both playing and snuggling with the cats until Ranboo finally falls asleep and I carry him to the guest room.He's very light for being so tall. Because not only am I banished from the room, I also think Ranboo deserves a real bed. At Least the fish are alive in this room for now. EnderChest and Enderpearl are calm anyway so I doubt they will cause more damage to the house.


I race back to the living room to see Clem asleep. Maybe I should take a nap too if she can.


I wake up to the hero's apartment door opening. Well the door is actually silent but, WIlbur is decidedly not.

"SO Basically, Oh Tommy your here nevermind"

"Yah Wil I don't care about your horrible love life" He flushes and I can see it on his face that Wilbur would lunge at me if he wasn't happening to be carrying heavy furniture.

Everyone places down the furniture and starts to replace what the cats had ruined. Which may have been a lot. I kinda feel bad about it but, I think looking at Wilbur struggling putting together a couch has to be worth it.

Tommyinnits vigilante cat rescueWhere stories live. Discover now