Chapter 12

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I'm back at SBI's apartment.

And Ranboo teleported us. I think.

" OMG why are you guys all here? What happened? Is Tommy dead???" Oh and Phil and Wilbur are here of course. Tommys now draped over the couch. From what I can see he looks dead even though I know he's just passed out.

Phils face is scrunched like how it is when he's concerned. Him being concerned is annoying but justified I guess. When you think your basically son is dead I guess you have reason to be concerned. Wilbur just looks plain confused and they're both in pajamas. Based on the sun almost rising outside the apartment I can guess it's about 6am. Which means that we woke them up. Wilburs so grumpy in the mornings.

"Well, Ranboo over here teleported us back with his powers we didn't know about, Theseus and Diamond and Timescape were going to save Tubbo and I guess succeeded because they're back here with my help of course. They probably would have died if I didn't follow them." I say telling the plain truth before thinking. I need some tea. I have been dealing with children for too long.

"Why did you say Theseus?" Wilbur starts when Phil interrupts him

"Injuries list" Phil says, trying to stay professional and direct Wilburs attention. He will be extra irrational this early "We have to treat them ourselves because I assume hospitals are not the best option for vigilantes"


" Injuries list" Phil says again though this time while gritting his teeth out of impatience.

"Theseus is passed out though mostly out of exhaustion and shock and just needs a couple bandaids. Diamond has a knife wound in his thigh and lots of bruises. Timescape mostly avoided attacks but the knife nicked his face which should last in a small scar"

"I'm Fine" Ranboo interrupts, talking for the first time since we got back.

"And Tubbo has half of his face burned which needs to be treated before it infects. One of his eyes is shut maybe permanently and his ear is damaged. His wrists and ankles are damaged and cut but that seems to be it. Also I of course am fine."

"Ok that's a lot but, we can deal with it and have a full talk about what happens when everyone is conscious and ok" Phil says as he gets out the first aid kit.

"Hey Ranboo can you help out with Tommy" Phil says.

Wilbur is still frozen with what seems like confusion, hurt and Anger. Sadly with Phil busy helping the others I am left to help with emotions. This is not going to end well.

"WHY DID NOBODY REMEMBER TO TELL ME TOMMY WAS FUCKING THESEUS" Ah it seems like hes peiced it together.

"Wilbur, I knew you would respond like this and I liked Tommy I admit it so I didn't want you to get rid of him"


"And he is a great person" I responds keeping the calm

"WHY ARE WE HELPING HIM" Wilbur was in full anger mode which was to be expected. That was always his main way to go ever since we were kids.

"He's still Tommy and fuck you for thinking anything otherwise" I say annoyed at Wilbur. I could never handle his short temper. Wilbur leaves the living room and slams the door out of the apartment.

Me and Phil sigh at the same time as Wilburs reaction was expected but, we still hoped better for him. I turn around to face the living room and everyone else that needs medical attention and ask if they need help.

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