Chapter 6

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" I DIDN'T THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY LEAVE '' It's been a long day for everyone I think as I pick at my horns and look up at Ranboo. This is the closest thing to mad Ranboo has been in a while. Though he looks like he's close to crying because of the red lining on his eyes and his twisted expression, that's some mix of fury and loss which I really don't want to happen considering how much it would hurt him. We don't know when Tommy will come back or where he went. He's ignored all of our calls and texts, he's just gone and that clearly makes Ranboo sick with worry.

And because of that I dropped it.

"Ranboo arguing will do u no good, lets just get some sleep and reassess in the morning." I say as the voice of reason for once because honestly I don't think Ranboo could talk properly even if he tried. This seems to comfort the ever tired Ranboo as I pull him into a hug and sit down. He clings onto the back of my shirt and we just sit on the floor until we fall asleep.

Nothing is ok but, at least right now we can rest knowing Tommy is probably safe. He is quite smart after all.


This bed is too comfortable to be the one in our apartment... WAIT I'M NOT IN OUR APARTMENT.

I jolt up to remember that Tubbo and Ranboo hate me and I'm staying at Wilbur's apartment. Also known as SBIs apartment. Also known as the hero center. Also known as a super dangerous place for me to be.

Well atleast the room is nice. It's a chic white compared to the rest of the apartment's homey vibe using soft colors and patterns. They probably haven't decorated this room yet. Well they probably never will haha. There's a small fish tank in the corner with a guppy or two as one of the only decorations. I guess Wiburs love for fish has spread to every room of the house.

The door creaks open and I expect Wilbur to bug me ( god it feels so weird to not call him siren) but, instead I see PHILZA MINECRAFT opening my door to let the cats in.

"Good morning mate" Philza Minecraft just talked to me. I am too stunned to say anything back. It feels like a sin to talk to my hero for the first time when he's in dinosaur pajamas and has his hair back in a loose ponytail. Too casual.

After a couple hours I finally decide to get up. When I move to the living room I see Wilbur.


Wilbur chose to ignore my quip in words though as he responded with "We the stupid heros have decided to have a tower movie night since your here and so youll get to meet everyone and chose the movie" WIlbur proceeds to ruffle my hair and I totally hated it. Did not like it at all. Nope...

"Wilbur you will regret letting me choose and also please let me into your room with the cats so we can kill your fish. This is an order." I already have plans for the movie haha.

"Sure Tommy, but please don't kill Sally the salmon, she's my favorite."

"You have salmon in a fish tank????" I didn't think you could fit one in a tank but, whatever Will is a weirdo anyway. And he seems to really like fish. The fish tanks are everywhere if you look close enough. Or follow the cat's gaze because they can smell those fish out from a mile away.

Wilbur gets up with his coffee mostly empty now and brings me to his room. When he opens the door I can see his queen sized bed with light blue walls and instruments lining an entirety of one of the walls. On the opposite side of the room is a dresser and then a wall inserted fish tank that was close to the size of our apartment. Man these heroes are rich.


"Yes and all for my gal sally oh do I love her so"

"WIlbur I will never understand you and your room would honestly be so cool if it wasn't you. The fish tank is bigger than me, Tubbos, and Ranboos' apartment."

Wilbur seems to flash a sad look at that statement but, then he goes back to his stupid goofy grin that I just hate so much and we sit in silence until.


"Just like last night????"


Just as we were going to go down to watch Moana Technoblade and Phil come back home. And oh its Philza fucking minecraft oh I feel like I am going to throw up.

"Hey, you ok there mate you look a little bit like your going to barf" And Oh Philza I am but, I would never admit that to you.

"Ah he must be a Philza minecraft fan, I can see that since he's in your main demographic of children" Wait why is the blade so rude, I am not a child I am a big man.


Wilbur comes in then of course just to make fun of me. Well he claims it's to bring us to watch the movie but, I know the real truth.

As I am standing in an elevator with PHILZA MINECRAFT I realize just how crazy this truly is. I really am in danger as a vigilante in an elevator with people who are actively out to get me. And Techno seems to not be able to stop staring at me which scares me a little bit. Wilbur said it was because he was trying to get a read on me and he's harmless but, I truly doubt that. I mean he is the blade and those red eyes seem like they could stare right into my soul. Also he is technically out to get me. Well Theseus.

The elevator door opens and I see that the chic white walls of the hero tower and the empty minimalist design has basically become a giant pillow fort with a big projector in the front ready to play Moana. Puffy is already asleep on Nihachu close to the front of the fort. The Dream team is around the middle with Timescape. Wait I thought timescape was a vigilante, whatever that's a problem for later because I really don't want to look at Dream and 404 cuddling for any longer.

''Yah they are a little much aren't they?' Wibur whispers into my ear when he sees me look at Dream and 404.

Jack Manifold greets us as he turns on the movie and sits down next to Nihachu so she has someone to talk to since Puffy is currently asleep. I sat down and since the cats needed to stay upstairs because of the mystery person who's allergic to cats (Seriously who could have been so horrible to deserve a cat allergy) I feel kinda cold and lonely but, that's fine. It's not like I am going to cuddle up with anyone here. I am too much of a big man for that.

That is until about 1 ½ hours into the movie and I really haven't gotten much sleep so my eyelids start to feel a little heavy. I have Wilbur on one side of me and Phil on the other with Techno choosing to observe from afar like a spy or something. Against my will I start leaning into Phils side and oh he's so warm. I am almost asleep when I can feel a wing hug around me and Will saying.

"I see he has a new favorite already."

I feel as warm as I only do around Tubbo and Ranboo.


I am glad it seems as if Tommy fits into the family so well even though Techno has not seemed to accept him yet, Puffy already loves him and she has only had one conversation with him.
I can also see the look in Phils eyes when he looks at Tommy. It's the same look that he gives Techno and me. I can see the protectiveness radiating off of him as he pulls a wing over the young boy and I just feel so happy right now.

I am glad my family gets along well with the young boy who has a big personality that I have pulled off of the street. And all of his wonderful cats. Even if Techno is a little resigned.


There is something Tommy is hiding. I can see it in the way he stands and is protective with everything. He is hiding something he doesn't want to tell us and it's dangerous.

I don't trust him as Phil and Wilbur do.

Sure he is a sweet boy but I think loving him might get us in trouble.

Especially considering how similar he looks to the young vigilante Theseus. They both have soft blonde hair with a small streak of white. They both have determination in their eyes and a scar on their cheek. All of those scars couldn't be natural could they. He must be theseus.

Wilbur loves a vigilante.

Oh how shocked he is going to be when he finds out and i am not going to be the one to tell him.

I couldn't break such interesting knowledge could I.I don't really know for sure anyways.

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