Chapter 10

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It's been 3 days since I told Techno.

They all know about Tubbo From someone anonymous of course. Techno thankfully didn't reveal my identity like the kind man he is.

But, still they have done nothing but try to figure out who that person is. Even though saving Tubbo should be their top priority.

Especially Wilbur. He was always so curious and nosy.

I just want to have a nice morning breakfast but, all I can hear is someone in my ear going "Who do you think it is Tommy" "Do you think it's that Vigilante, he hasn't patrolled in a while" Like dude I haven't patrolled in a while cause I'm busy. My best friend is fucking gone and the heroes are doing nothing to help. Patrolling is not my top priority.

Techno is trying to keep the peace and he also seems to be attempting to figure out where Tubbo is but he can only do so much and he's busy with heightened patrols in the first few districts. Even though the attacks were not in the first few districts. Of course hating poor people has always been the city's specialty. Ranboo and Puffy have been who I have been going to to just talk about anything that's not questions about me. Even though Puffy is a little busy most times and Ranboo is usually out of it, it's better company than nothing. Of course I am still going mildly insane being cooped up.

I think I am going to go get Tubbo myself. I know the heroes have a location for Schlatt. I saw it in a folder yesterday. The heroes are just choosing to wait for some stupid reason. That must be where Tubbo is. I just have to sneak and get it from Phil.

It couldn't be too hard I think as I walk down the dark hallways. Thank god these floor panels are new and don't happen to squeak at all. If they did I would have to wait till tomorrow which I don't wanna do. I don't have much time knowing Schlatt.

I silently open Phils door that he keeps unlocked because he's much too scary for someone to even think about sneaking in. Except me of course.

I can see the file on his wardrobe. His room is surprisingly quant for what you think the number one hero could have. I am sure if he wanted he could get his room to look like a castle. Damn rich people. Course he's Phil so his room looks almost completely thrifted. The wardrobe has many scratches, most of which are probably new, courtesy of Clementine herself. And his bed is filled with wacky patterns that don't go very well together. I slowly walk over to the files and look down at his sleeping face. Even when he sleeps he can manage to look so done with everything. I would be too if I were him, dealing with WIlbur every day. I snatch the files off of the wardrobe. They are labeled Schlatt info which looks to be scribbled hastily, most likely by the number one hero himself that I stole them from. Techno actually has very pretty handwriting which is surprising no one. He just looks fancy.

I sneak back out of the room and close the door silently. I am so glad that Phils door isn't creaky like the one back at the apartment. As I turn around though I see a very tired Ranboo. It looks as if I woke him up when I sneaked out by the even darker than usual circles around his eyes. He can always tell when anything has changed even in the slightest bit. That's what living on the street does to you.

"Tommy, I know I can't stop you from going after Tubbo just please have backup and please call me so I can teleport you if worst comes to worst" He says in a quiet raspy voice just proving moree that he just woke up. He sounds so desperate that I almost feel bad but, I know that I have to do this.

I agree and climb out the window and down the fire escape with my costume and File in hand.

I am back to being Theseus and god I missed this.

Unbeknownst to Theseus though there was another member of the household that can tell when anything was wrong.

And he was right on Tommys trail.


The cold air of night in the city was welcoming as he walked out of the hero building. He could see it on Tommys face all day that he was restless. He looked as if he was going to burst during dinner. So he wasn't surprised when he felt that Tommy had escaped. Techno knew what it was like to be missing a family member. His family was one of heroes after all.

He knew what Tommy was doing so he followed him around alleyways and down streets for as much as Techno wouldn't like to admit it, Tommy had weaseled his way into the Hero's heart. And seemed like he was going to stay.

It wasn't super unexpected when Techno found himself wandering Tommy into the 13th district. The vigilantes home base. What did surprise him however is when Tommy confidently walked into a pet store. Bads pet store, the one that Wilbur always goes to for his Fish supplies. He claims it's cheaper in this district. And Bad is a nice man despite his intimidating appearance.

Techno peers into the Window to see Tommy talking to what seems to be Timescape, the time traveling vigilante and Diamond, a vigilante mostly known for his pranks and thick skin. Like literally thick skin. Theseus usually works alone but it wouldn't be too odd for him to want to team up for something so important to him. The team choice seems a little odd considering he didn't even think Theseus knew Diamond but, he guesses if Tommy can charm the heroes he can equally charm the vigilante community. Bad also might be harbouring Vigilantes but, for his own sanity he's just going to believe that Tommy snuck into the store. Even though he knows Tommy wouldn't do something like that. Especially to someone like Bad. As much as Tommy talked rudely he was a kind little boy at heart.

Techno carefully ducks around the corner of the store as the three vigilantes walk out of the shop. He can hear their conversations now. Especially since Tommy isn't known to be much of a quiet person.

" Ok so what's the plan again?" He can hear Timescape say in a very cheery voice for such a serious mission. He must know that the heroes would never hurt him and he could just call them if he wanted. He never agreed with Sapnaps attachment to the cheery man. It seemed dangerous which I guess Sapnap knew because he barely ever told anyone.

" get into the warehouse that Tubbo is presumably hiding in and stick together to look around and find him. If schlatt gets in the way we attempt to run away and grab Tubbo because he is much too powerful for us. The goal is to get the least amount of attention." Diamond states plainly and he seems tired. He's clearly the brains in this operation Techno thinks.

They don't seem to notice Techno as he follows them with his axe handy just in case. Knowing Schlatt he might need to intervene at any point. Though the Vigilantes he's watching seem to get along with each other and joke around while still being alert.

Techno knows Timescape though and that he knows that Technos follow them. He can see the future for fucks sake. Techno not being caught just worries him more. Now he's sure that he is going to need to help the Vigilantes on their night escapade.

Lets just hope it goes well.

Techno doesn't know what he would do if he lost Tommy.

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