Tommys up past his bedtime

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Tommy was having a fine evening on patrol. It was calm in district 13 atleast and it seemed from the other vigilantes he saw that it was just generally a calm night.That was until he turned down the last street in his district.

He looks over to his last patrol street and can see Dream in the corner working with someone. But it's hard to tell from so far away and in the dark. Because of that he sneaks a little closer past the pet shop he went to with Siren once to see the other figure. when he saw the figure he couldn't believe it. Of course no one in the town besides Tubbo and him were a ram hybrid ( well and captain puffy but, she was much too short to be this guy). No one else could have that smile so drunk with power (And booze) with those horns that curl down towards his face and that stupid ugly suit.

But, it couldn't be him Tommy thinks because there's Dream right there and they seem to just be having a casual chat. Tommy leans just close enough to hear their conversation.

" Perfect, Schlatt I am glad we agree on a plan now you must go"

Dream whips his head around and looks at Tommy dead on. Course Tommy doesnt really know because of his stupid smiley face mask but, he can just feel the hero's gaze. That's when Tommy remembers he's in his Vigilante costume so at least Dream doesn't know his real identity.

He's in his vigilante costume. Dream is known for his cruelty towards vigilantes.

"Shit" Tommy mutters to himself and he runs back out of the street he just entered. His legs are quite long and he would consider himself fast but, with Dream on his tail he is essentially doomed."Well doomed if there was no such thing as roofs." Tommy thinks.

Using his magic to boost his feet in the air Tommy easily jumps onto the roofs to avoid the chase. When he is about a mile away from the street he turns around to see if he's still being chased. When he turns he sees no trace of Dream at all. It's almost eerily silent in the big city. Which at most times would seem peaceful but now it's just kinda scary.

Of Course the silence gives Tommy time to process the scene and time to think about him. The one and only ram hybrid, Tubbos father (Not Dad) Schlatt. He has in theory been missing for over 2 years ever since he blew up the capital. Everyone assumed he was in hiding or dead.

See, Schlatt used to be President with his husband Quackity and his Son Tubbo before Quackity divorced him and tried to run away with Tubbo, Schlatt blew up the capital and went into hiding. Quackity got out and is now dating the hero Sapnap and a mystery boy that Tommy knows is Timescape the vigilante. And Tubbo went through a load of shit before he ended up with me and Ranboo.

Schlatt caused so much trauma to tubbo.

And now he's back.

I can't tell tubbo. He has to be safe for just a little longer and I don't think I could handle the look on his face. And if I can't tell tubbo then by extension I also can't tell Ranboo but, that's ok I hope. It will be ok. Schlatt doesn't even know if Tubbo is alive I think.


I thankfully made it back to the apartment in one piece. No dream in sight thank god. I open the cranky door to their apartment and awkwardly greet Tubbo and Ranboo. I have always been a bad liar so I have no idea what to say when Tubbo goes...

"Tommy I can already tell that somethings wrong"

" Ummmm Tubbo nothing is wrong, nothing happened, alllll goooddd" I say totally confidently and it totally works.

" Tommy you are so shit at this, Does it have to do with your new HERO friend?"

"Noooooo" That's actually the truth.

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