chapter 8

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The cats follow behind me as I walk to the edge of the district where the pet store I have learned to love is. I have started going there about once a week instead of my usual grocery store cat run. Probably because they let me bring the cats inside without any trouble. Also because the cats may have gotten me banned from the grocery store in the first place. BBH is quite nice too.

I pass a lot of people running in the opposite direction. Presumably to the apartment building. It's understandable to want to see but, I think most of them just want to see the heroes and are probably preventing getting some help. Vigilantes don't like crowds. It seems that the vigilantes are staying out of this attack as much as possible. That's why I didn't jump in. I think the vigilantes are trying to find the hidden meaning and attack on Shlatts weaker offences too. The heros can take all the publicity if they want. I doubt jail is very fun too.


The bell chimes indicating there's customers coming in the shop as I walk into the pet store with Ranboos cats following close behind. I look up to see BBH and Rat, his very ugly dog like normal but, I look to my left and see the vigilante Diamond. And he seems to be panicking. He has his arms moving around in wild motions and has his phone out and is rapidly texting someone.


" I'm Theseus so you don't need to worry about me calling the cops" I blurted out in panic. I did not think before I said that. I cover my mouth with my hand and take a deep breath because why did I do that? BBH and Diamond seem to be thinking the same thing because they both seem to notice me and look even more shocked than they did before.

"Ummm so I also need two more cat leashes for these two little cat boys and another supply of food if thats ok" I say to try and ease the tension. Bad seems to go to grab the leashes to avoid the tension in the air when Diamond says.

"Nice to meet you Tommy or Theseus if you would prefer, I would normally try to make friends first because Bad has talked about how sweet you are but, let's cut to the chase. Do you have any information on Shlatts reoccurrence?"

"Really Skeppy try to sound a little more friendly" Bad yells from the cat food section.

I chose to ignore him and instead say "Ah Skeppy, that's an odd name but, I'm used to meeting people with weird names by this point and yes I do have some info but, I feel like we should at least sit down." I bite back, giving in to the tension and figure there's no point in not telling him

the info. He seems pretty trustworthy if being friends with Bad says anything and we are working for the same team.

Once we get settled into the couch in the corner of the store. I start telling Skeppy about what's been happening. Maybe him and the vigilante underground can help me out here.

" So, Shlatt has been seen once before the explosion and he was negotiating something with Dream.( I am not going to tell a stranger I saw Dream even if I trust them) Most likely materials and supplies but, they could have also been negotiating finding helpers. Dream is working with Shlatt. Also Tubbo, remember his son? Well he was my roommate and he is gone. Obviously Shlatt kidnapped him and is probably trying to manipulate him right now. That's all the extra information I know that you might not."

"Wow dude, that's a lot more than I expected and Dream too. wow. Should have known he would be working with him. Dream is no good. Especially for us Vigilantes. Well thanks for the info and I hope we can work together in the future but, I think you have to go because Bad has your stuff"

"Your welcome" I say as I head over to the counter to pay for the cat stuff. Enderchest still seems to be trying to cuddle Skeppy despite the fact that he does not seem too keen to cuddle the cat. I can't understand why though.

Bad tells me my total for the stuff and gives me a bag. He puts some cat treats in on the house because it's BBH after all.

"Hey, thanks for talking to Skeppy. I know you mostly work alone but, remember that the others always have your back. We always have your back" Bad says quietly as i leave the shop with the cats. God they are too sweet.


Me and Ranboo are close to reaching the hero tower. His cats were much more keen than Clementine about the leashes which shouldn't be surprising. Clem is a very particular girl. Ranboo is a little more conscious than he seemed before but, he still trips a lot and I keep having to help him up. Since the fatigue has lasted this long it's clear he used his powers.

I walked through the automatic door to get into the tower and I don't think Ranboo even realized where we were until he went inside. I can see his wide eyes and nervous movements but I think he's too scared and tired to talk. Which is good for now. I don't think I have the energy to explain.

" Hiii Puffy, still stuck on receptionist duty even when the whole world is falling apart?"

I looked Puffy in the eyes for the first time and she looked so tired. It has only been 4 hours since everyone found out about Shlatt being back on the scene and they already all look so done. Many business people are rushing around the lobby of the tower. Clearly trying to figure out what their action plan is with the heroes. Reporters seem to be trying to get into the tower so I am sure most of the heroes are in a meeting. Poor Puffy.

"Yah, Tommy, who do you have there? Also more cats, I didn't think more strays existed?" She asks giggling and clearly trying to distract both of us from the reason why everything is the way it is. Many people are waiting impatiently behind me to try to talk to her and I fully intend on taking forever just to piss them off.

"Ah just you know my roommate, we need a place to stay for now that's a little more safe then the 13th district and yah these happen to be his wonderful cats." I reply softer than usual to not stress out Ranboo.

" Ah I see and did you happen to rescue those cats for him?"

"Yup" I reply because I can still remember the day I met Ranboo. We were both on the streets because I had escaped the foster care system and he could never remember where he came from. I had found two black cats that I couldn't take care of at the time and he offered to take them in because he had a job at a grocery store. We were 14 and look where we ended up. As much as I pretend to hate him, we are like brothers.

" Now normally I would love to have some more small talk, '' she says dripping with care. I can tell she really means it. " But, we're all a little busy so before I can let you guys in I need to know where you're meant to go." I look behind me to see many people giving me glares. I flip them off just for the hell of it.

Puffy saighs but, seems to avoid saying anything but, a simple sorry to the people.

" Right up to SBI's personal apartment" I respond hoping that the elevators are still working because Ranboos a little heavy and the cats are starting to get restless.

"Then go straight up the elevator to floor 40, also Tommy before you go just know that the whole tower loves you no matter what"

She leans in and says "I know Theseus but, your secrets are safe with me. Please just stay safe for us."

I can't question it because she turns back around and seems like she's done with the conversation. It's very odd that she knows but, it might be good to have someone by my side. I really like Puffy and I think Ranboo will too. I don't know if I can stick to staying safe though.

I stumble into the elevator with Ranboo and the cats after I finish with Puffy. We look out of place in the chic white elevator with all of the business men and women. They all look at us weird especially when they see what button I press. I look back at them smugly because as much as they try to be in the heroes favor I'm already the Hero's favorites.

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