Chapter 4

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It's the start of a new beautiful day. Well would be beautiful if I wasnt just left by my horrible friends that happen to have a stupid thing called work. I would think its pointless if it wasnt the only reason I can take care of my beautiful kitty friends.

The streets of town are beautiful and Clem must think so too because she keeps pulling at the leash. You think 6 leashes in she would get used to it but, I guess shes just too stubborn. Because of course she just broke the 7th precious one. You know that red yarn happened to cost a lot of money Clem and I don't think you truly understand.

" Dude I don't want to sound rude but this is the 7th time I have had to save your cat from walking into oncoming traffic and I feel like maybe you shouldn't walk it"

"First of all, Siren CLEMENTINE would never be stupid enough to walk into oncoming traffic and also I thik she loves the walks" He says while Clem purrs into his jacket now safely secure.

" Also your leash is yarn and you know that there's a pet store nearby. I am just going to buy you a cat leash since you're so stubborn about it."

OMG a hero ( Even though he is a stupid hero) Is taking me to a pet shop. Wait, Siren is like my friend because we have had so many conversations and it would be cool to have a hero friend just for bragging rights not because he likes Siren. You know Ranboo doesn't have any hero friends.

" Are we friends Mr Siren man?" Tommy says while holding Clem back from chasing after the many rats that cover this district.

" Well to be friends Mr Tommy Man wouldn't you need to know my real identity and I am definitely not giving you that info."

" WELL IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE MY FRIEND THEN I GUESS YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO SAVE MY CAT FOR MANY MORE DAYS" Tommy says as he hides Clem back in his bomber jacket and turns around for dramatics. He might act annoyed but he still wants that cat leash and Siren seems to know this.

"Welp guess you have to tell your friends that you got friend rejected by sai top hero"

" Hey I never said top hero" TOmmy says as the bell rings to the pet store. It was very cozy on the inside and seemed to have a resident dog that started yapping at Tommies feet. It had big beady eyes and looked to be about 17 years old.

" Hello, what do you think you would be needing today?" Someone says that seems to be a dark shadow with the only light being his eyes. He would be so intimidating if he didn't own a pet shop and some weird ass dog.

"Oh I am sorry if rat is giving your cat trouble" He says as he grabs his dog (Rat such an odd name) and I bring out Clementine a little bit to show him before I remember that I am here with Siren so he probably should be the one to talk.

" Hi Bad, I am here with a feral child and his cat that needs a real leash so I am wondering if you have one of those?" Siren says and oh he seems to know this Bad guy. I follow behind the two of them around the shop which is quite small but, seemingly hard to navigate despite its small size when Bad tries to make some small talk.

"Sooooo what's your wonderful tabby's name?"

" Clementine I love her with my whole soul course, I do not play favoritism and I also love all of my other cats"

" You have other cats? You should start coming here to get your food, I am sure it will be better quality than the crap at the grocery store" He says.

"Its true Bad has the best pet supplies, its saved my sheep a couple of times"

Siren has a sheep???? You know what weird guy, weird pet.

Soon we made it to where we needed to go in the pet store and bad and I tried on one of the cat leashes perfect for Clementine.

"Ok I think that will work for him so how much does that cost?"

ANd then it went to boring adult talk which truly doesn't matter because with a real cat leash me and clementine were unstoppable and nothing bad could ever happen right? I would go home and brag to Ranboo and everyone would be happy right. I could even go on patrol tonight hopefully.


Back at the home Tubbo and Ranboo knew that it was long overdue for a movie night before Tommy slipped out to patrol so when he walked through the ever creaky door with a stupid smile on his face and what seems to be a real cat leash they knew there would be an interesting story to go with it. Which of course there was.

" GUESS WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAYYYY" Tommy starts and they already know something big is coming.

Oh they did not expect TOmmy to have made friends with a hero. That would make everything more complicated and really tubbo thinks it's not much of a good idea at all but, Ranboo doesn't want there to be conflict and tubbo scenes so he sits tight.

When they are done hearing the very passionate stories of the day they can finally coax tommy onto the couch they snuggle up together with tubbos head on ranboos shoulder and tommy wrapping his arms around both of them as they watch Moana...

For the 30th time...

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