chapter 3

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"God, He is just so annoying and so difficult to catch for no reason"

"Is this all we talk about anymore guys just maybe let him be for a little bit until we can come to an agreement"

Phil tries desperately to be the mediador but, after so many meetings where all we talk about is Theseus it gets kind hard to keep us from arguing. I am thankful for him though because again, otherwise me and Techno would have left each other a while ago.

" Wow thanks Phil, I guess meeting over then"

Just because he's probably right doesn't mean I have to like it and Techno looks just a little bit too smug for my liking. I'll have to fix that later.

" Actually Phil I think what would be best for the team is for us to also have a conversation with Theseus"

" Wow actually a good idea tech" I say surprised

" You know what Techno I like the spirit, and I think that is a great idea so I think the rest of us....."

Then we go to the rest of the stupid meeting pleasentries that are mostly just " Wilbur you have normal patrol things to do" "Wilbur your job isnt just about catching Vigilates" "Wilbur are you even listening" I never get why people tend not to put focus on catching Vigilaties like arent they also illegal and all of them are nothing but, trouble that will betray you the second they can and disappear into thin air with no warning. All horrible people that do nothing but bad.


It's only been 48 hours since I went out on patrol but it feels like it's been at least a million. I just feel so useless and the cats can only keep me company for so long. Especially since it's back down to 6 cats ever since tubbo saw how many were here yesterday and it's really not my fault they are just so cute.

ANYWAYYYYYYY, Big man Theseus is now on his way to Patrol this beautiful district 13 neighborhood. Well not really Beautiful and I have to admit I don't look much like a big man in my shitty costume. I just wear a red and white shirt with a bright red hoodie. Reds my brand alright. I also have some nice black jeans and a black mask because vigilantism is just a tad bit easier when no one can see your identity ok.

The city is always really beautiful at night even though you can't really see the stars and also being constantly chased down or running away makes it a little harder to admire but that doesn't make it any less pretty when I can take a look. Course ad
miring the beauty can only last so long because right as I am trying to help a lady get a drunk man off of her Siren shows up to ruin my day. Or save the day depending on how you see it.

Wait that's not Siren

That's The Blade

OMG OMG THE BLADE IS AFTER MUA! It would be really exciting if he wasn't trying to put me in jail. I mean it is exciting but, also a little scary. I really hope he's not as powerful as the rumors say and I like Big Man Philza more anyway so this doesn't really matter I guess.

Ok and maybe I just spent 5 minutes admiring him and maybe now he could be swinging his axe at me.... Wait but, he's just not. The blade jumps off of the roof he is on down to me in all his glory and he just says....


"Hellooo..... Ummm nice night it is"

"Indeed now let's get straight to business because, as much as I love seeing the pathetic looking Vigilante that somehow escapes my brother every time..."


"Sure anyway I want you to be able to defend yourself better so I am going to teach you how to wield weapons"


"Ok maybe this was a bad idea..."


" Ok here's a sword"

Suddenly the Blade wooshes under me with his pretty pink hair in a tight braid behind him and knocks me over. Oh I am going to get him back.

And that's how I ended up practicing sword fighting that entire Wednesday night.

You know Ranboo doesn't know how to wield a sword. Ranboo doesn't know anything at all.


(Tubbo's POV)

Tommy has always had an on and off relationship with Ranboo and I feel like that's mostly because of me. Tommy can see the looks we give each other and he sees us snuggled up on the couch and yet I still don't think he knows that we are dating. Well we are technically not, its more like a queer platonic relationship because I am asexual and Tommy knows that but, Tommy also knows I act differently near Ranboo and its not like I love Tommy less, I just love him as a friend.

But, what Tommy feels will hopefully resolve itself because there is enough strain in the household because of his cats and his vigilantism. Well Vigilantism is probably the cause for most of the strain.


Guess who's fish died today....

o7 to Gerald

Anyway hope u love the chapter :)

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