Chapter 2

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Now is my least favorite time of the day.. When Tubbo and Ranboo are at work. WHich I guess is most of the day which honestly just makes it worse. At Least I have my kitties and oh I haven't let them in yet, I think as I open the fire escape just to see Milo and Sally and Shroud and some more I can't remember the name of.

WAIT GENIUS IDEA, I shall take Clementine, my secret favorite on a walk. We can go to the park together!!! All I need is a perfect ( makeshift) leash that I totally didn't just make out of yarn. I walk outside to get a smell of the fresh factory air and take Clem with me though she doesn't seem toooo excited.

Right as we make it to the park which is a small playground mostly meant for little children and sure I am a big man but, that still means I can hangout at the park. Anyway right as we run up to the park the leash snaps and as I am running past all the little kids in a very epic way that may have caused just a little bit of destruction to the park, I see the worst possible outcome.... Siren with Cleminine in his arms.


"Oh, are you the dude who owns this cat, I may have to give you a warning considering you almost trampled some other children."

" FIRST OFF I AM A BIG MAN AND SECOND OFF YOU ARE A STUPID HERO WITH A BITCH FACE AND I WANT CLEM BACK" I yell back at him and thank philza he hands me Clementine safe and sound. He was really stupid for grabbing her in the first place becuase I totally would have caught her and

" Hello, earth to the cat owner, I was wondering what your name is and why you were walking your cat on a yarn leash?" Siren asks

" Man, that is none of your business and also why are YOU in this district no heroes come over here?"

" well actually more heroes are coming on patrol over here after a vigilante named Theseus, you might know him"

And at that I ran away with my cat because sure I am a big man but, heroes constantly searching for me can give you a good scare. I mean Siren didn't seem to know but, maybe he did, maybe he's following me now. We just don't know. SO anyway I'm running away and atleast clementine is afe and now I get to go back to all of my beautiful cat children and wait for Tubbo and Ranboo to come home because, I don't know if they will let me patrol tonight. Maybe we can play board games. Course I think I would prefer it if I got to patrol because the city still needs to be safe!!! Maybe Joker can cover my district for tonight. He seemed pretty nice when I saw him last. I heard through the grapevine (Timescape) that he and Timescape have a little thing going on which is gross but also cuteeeee.

" Tommy big man, look who got the afternoon off"

Omg tubbo is home early, maybe this is a good day. Oh wait, maybe I should tell him about all of the heroes who only decided to actually keep this area safe because they wanted to catch me, which is like how much harm have I actually caused. Like barely any ok maybe a little bit of destruction but, that is just a part of the job ok.

" Tubso I may have some bad news, and that bad news may be about heroes"

" Oh god tommy what happened this time?"

"Ok so I may have say Siren but, don't be scared because he didn't recognize me and well he helped me get Clem back but, he basically said that all the heroes are patrolling this area for the sole purpose of catching me... wait so maybe do be scared"

"Okkk so no patrol tonight and tomorrow night, just please be as careful as possible we don't want you getting caught."

Tubbo is great sure but, no patrol I mean I was expecting that but, it doesn't make it any more extremely depressing and sad I think while I belly flop on our tiny little couch and watch Tubbos disapproving look on his face. His fluffy hair on full display to try and hide his horns and also ( He would never say this) to make Ranboob feel more comfortable looking at him. He loves Ranboob too much I think. Tubbo just says I am jealous though I don't think that's true at allll.

Ok maybe I am a little bit jealous..

But, that doesn't matter now because Tubbo is on the couch with me and he's so warm and the radio is playing nice music and everythings perfect. Everything might be falling apart but that doesn't matter because right here right now it's all perfect.

That is until Tubbo notices all the fucking cats in the house. I think it's a completely normal amount of cats but, maybe 11 was just a little bit overkill.


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