Am I Strong Enough?

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Chapter 17

Milo turned to look at her. She was standing on the empty street with a terrifying grin.

He wasn't frozen stiff like he was before, but that didn't mean that he wasn't scared out of his mind.

"You won't escape me this time, Fledgling!" Isabella spat. Her eyes glowed red and she had her fangs out.

"He's not your Fledgeling any more Bloodsucker." Sam said as he let Milo's hand go. Milo was surprised at how much venom was in his voice. "He doesn't belong to you."

"You want to bet?" She crouched down. "He is and always will be mine!" She lunged at Sam.

Sam jumped right back and they began to fight. Sam was, to put it bluntly, kicking her Vampire ass.

For a while, it looked as if Sam would win...

"You're going down dog!" Isabella said hissing.

Isabella hissed once more and Milo saw Sam falling to the floor writhing in pain.

Suddenly, he heard fighting noises coming from behind him.

He looked over and saw the others, except Billy, fighting Isabella's many subordinates.

There were many more of them this time than before. The others were standing a good chance at defeating them all.

"Ah!" Milo suddenly saw that Billy was knocked into the ground. A Vampire stood over him fangs bare.

Billy tried to kick the Vampire away, but the Vampire just grabbed and broke his leg. Billy yelled in agony.

'Oh no! I have to save Billy!' Milo turned when he caught the smell of blood.

He saw that Isabella had pierced her fangs into an unconscious Sam and was drinking deeply.

"Sam!" Shela cried. She tried to go to him, but was met by 5 of Isabella's Vampires. "Shit!"

'Oh my god! They're both going to die! Who do I save??' Milo saw that he didn't have much time. 'I'm not fast enough...!'

Sam was going to die of blood loss and Billy was going to be beaten to death.

'Why?? Why am I so weak? Why can't I save them? Why am I unable to do it? That Isabella! She'll kill them both!'

A realization dawned on Milo.

'Them both... Why- why save only one, when I can save both?!'

Milo concentrated his power. 'I will use my telekinesis on that Vampire! And at the same time, I will give Isabella a taste of her own medicine!' Milo focused his mind. 'I can do this!'

The Vampire had broken Billy's right arm before being sent flying hundreds of feet.

Isabella had drank a lot of Sam's blood before she felt searing pain envelop her body.

"Ahhhhh!! What... Is... This...?!!!" Isabella shouted in pain.

"It's nothing compared to what I will do to you if I ever see you again!!!" Milo said finding his voice. "I am no longer your slave!" Milo hissed.

"How dare-" Isabella started.

"No! I will not hear anything from you! You deserve nothing less than to rot in hell!" He spat. "But don't worry, you'll get yours. For now, however, you have 5 seconds before I kill you." Milo felt beyond terrified. 'Where is all this confidence coming from?'

Was he strong enough to actually kill his old Sire?

Was he even strong enough to stop her from causing more damage to his friends?

"You-" Isabella bared her teeth.

"Leave!" Milo said, praying that she would just go. 'I don't think I am strong enough to kill her!'

"I will come back for you!" She called to her underlings and fled.

Milo let out his breath. 'For now, I won't get the chance know if I am...'


"Milo..." Sam said as he slowly sat up in his bed.

"You have to lay down Sammy." Milo sighed exasperated. He didn't like it when the people he was treating refused to listen to what he said.

"What happened?" Milo explained what had happened after Sam had passed out. "You have the same Ability as her now?"

"I think that there was a limit on my Ability when there was still the bond. But now since its been broken... I feel like my Ability is stronger."

"Were you going to kill her?"

Milo took a deep breath. "I don't know... Maybe? I didn't want to see anyone else get hurt because of her stupid obsession with me."

"How is everyone?"

"Good. My healing Ability's improved too. I healed Billy in 15 minutes. Everyone else was okay."

Sam sighed, relieved. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I will always help someone in need. Its part of the duties of medicinal practice!" Milo smiled. Sam gestured for Milo to lay next to him.

They fell asleep together. Contented.

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