Chapter 7: Hopeless but hoping.

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        I walk through the double doors of my high school. All the different kind of kids were hanging with their certain group. I make my way through the crowded hallway and approach my locker. I open my locker remembering the last time I had opened it, a note fell beneath my feet. I grab my period one notebook and folder and close my locker. "Hi!" Sam says as her face appers as I close my locker. "Well good morning to you to."  She lets off her great big smile, "Good morning. Wanna go eat?" I look down at the time, "Sure, why not."

        Sam and I open the doors to the cafeteria and wait in line. In front of us was Tyler Hookie and his best friend Max Swello. "Good moring Tyler, good morning Max." Sam says peachley. "Morning Sammy." they say in union. We step up to our morning choices, a muffin, a bagel, or Cheerios. I grab a muffin, while Sam grabs a bagel and we walk out. As we open the door to exit, this girl Lucy is right there. Very stummbled by the opening door. "Woo. ha. Sorry about that." I say aplogetic. "It's ok." Lucy takes off into the cafeteria. I'v known Lucy since I was little but she never really hung out with anyone. She carried her notebook and ipod around and was perfectly happy being alone all the time. I look up to girls like her. 

        I'm sitting in first period. I glance at the clock; 5 mintues left until I can see if D.J is here. He hasn't been here all moring. I hope I see him walking out of the office as I turn the corner to the high school building. Until then I tap my pencil look down at my blank sheet of paper. I was suposse to draw something but I completly spaced it by thinking of Thursday night. Then it came to me. I could draw that waterfall that me and him laid at. I could add all the texture to the water and and the ripples of it falling. "RIIIIIIIING!" The bell has completly brought me back to Earth. I grab my notebook and folder and walk out the door. As I walk out the door I see who I wanted to, just not what I expected to be doing.

        As I turn the corner I see D.J, the only problem is I see him talking to another girl. I can't be that mad, I mean. No I can be that mad. So I use my girlfriend powers and run up to him. "Hey babe." I say as I walk to his side. He puts his arm around my sholders. "My beautiful girlfriend, I was just talking to Jessie here about our day Thursday, at the waterfall." I smile. "Hello Sequoia." She reaches out her hand to shake mine as if we are just meeting. "Hi Jessie." I say. "Well baby I'm glad I got to see you, I gotta get to math." I say, he leans down and kisses me on the cheeck and I walk away. 

        I always hated all the rest of my classes because Bridgget is in them and I truly hate her. As I walk into math she is the first thing I see. Writing on the board, "May 7th 2018. The assignment, study for-" And I couldn't read the rest because she was blocking it. I walk to my table and sit down. I sit with a table of 4. My table consist of me, this girl Marry, Tyler, and this guy Dean. I sit across from Marry because that's how our math teacher arranged us. "Sup Dean." I say as I put my bag down and sit. Dean is playing on his phone, kicked back with his feet on the table. Dean nods his head towards me. He's the type of student who honestly just doesn't care about.... Anything really. 

        I look towards the door to see Marry walking into class talking with her friend Ben. Ben is known to be a lady's man. He trys to get in everyone's pants, except Marry. I guess they are that good of friends. As she ends her conversation she walks over and sits down. "Hello Dean, hello Sequoia." Dean is still glued to his screen to pay attention, "Hello Marry. Have you seen Tyler?" She pulls out her notebook and textbook. "I saw his skipping into the bathroom with Max, he should be here soon." I let out a laugh and copy the notes of the board.

        Through the middle of the class I started to stare off I can't stop thinking about D.J. I just have 15 mintues left until I see him. I hope they go by fast.

        12 minutes left in the class, I stare at the door almost like I'm trying to look through the door. I litterally can't wait any longer.

        7 minutes left in class, I ask to get up and get water. I walk through the hallway to the water fountain and sip on the rusted tasting water. Gross.

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