CHAPTER 19: Til death does us apart

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        "Come on babe, get up." I groan and roll over. "I don't have time for this Koi." I let out a groan again and pull the blankets off of my head and open an eye. "10 minutes, are you coming or not?" Gabe starts to get fusterated with me. I rub my tired eyes and yawn. "Go where?" I mumble as I start to get outta bed.
     "I have to take Mitchie to swimming class and I have to actaully stay there this time, there's a dumb meeting about next week's performance. That you also said you'd come to." I pull out my pipe and my jar of weed and plop back on my bed. "I need a shower, my make up is everywhere and I'm tired." As I load my bowl Gabe rolls his eyes and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Well, I'll be back later butthead. I love you."
     He leaves my room and I exhale my smoke and lay back. I think of last night and what D.J told me and how I kissed him and how horrified he looked when he said the doctors won't let him go. I shake my head tryna shake the thoughts away, but it never works.
     I reach over to my table to my wallet to see how much left over money I had. 127$ total. I hit my pipe one last time and call Sam. It rings and rings until she picks up. "Hello?" The very tired voice answers. I forgot to look at the time before I called. Oops. "Hey, do you wanna get some coffee? Maybe walk around the mall?"
      I hear Sam yawn through the phone, cough a little. "Uhhh." She yawns again, "Sorry I just woke up, you gotta give me an hour or two. There's a pot fest going on later at like 2 over in the next town, wanna go? I heard you can walk around testing dabs!" I laugh a little. I wanted to see D.J, I'll squeeze time in I guess. "Yea, sure I got a little cash, I'll see you in a bit?"
    "Yeah, yeah I'll come get you." We hang up the phone and I walk over to my dresser. Sam has always been a pot fein, she loves to get stoned. I look for an appropriate outfit for today's beings. I grab my favorite pair of dark skinny jeans and a cute green tank top with a black pot leaf on the front. I set my clothes down and hop in the shower.
      All morning I've been thinking of D.J, he won't leave my mind. Waiting for Sam down in the kitchen I decide to grab an apple and wait outside. I grab my apple and my purse and step out. As soon as I open my door D.J is standing there. I jump a little, "Oh well hi there." He rubs the back of his head, "I was gonna knock, I just heard you coming." I nod, "Wanna sit?" He nods back.
    "So what are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be in the hospital?" I bite into my apple. "I ran away." I almost spit out my apple, "YOU WHAT?" D.J puts a finger over my lip, "Sssssh, yes. I can't sit there and have them try to make me live, I want to die, and I wanna die with you." I look at him in shock. "So what? What are your plans? You expect to hide here until you die?" He looks at me. "No, you're kidding." I stand up, "No, I can't. Isn't that illegal? Or wrong?" I freak out a bit.
    "Sequoia..." He whispers, "Please." I hear Sam's car pull up in the distance. "Look Sam's gonna be here any second and I don't wanna have to explain to her why you're here, so go to my room and sit there til I get home. Ok? Now go!" I shove him inside just in time. "Hey!" I wave from my porch as I grab my purse and walk to her car. "You look, super cute! Love the bow!"
      We pull outta the driveway and head for the closest starbucks. "So, I got like 60 something dollars for the pot fest. Well I guess 40 because I need gas." I smile, "Oh you're not getting coffee?" She looks at me confused, "You're paying." We both laugh, "I always do."
     We pull through the drive through and quickly get our drinks, two white mocas with carmel and a bagel to share. We park at a little park close to the festival and enjoyed the sunshine. We sat on the swings and drank our coffees. "Remember when they had the jungle gym over there and Gabe fell off and broke his arm? Ha, good times." We laugh. "I remember like it was yesterday, you always had a crush on him." I elbowed her, "So did you." I sipped the last of my drink, "Yah, but look now, you ended up with him. I would of done anything for that kid, but he wanted you, and that made me happy." I lay my head on her shoulder, "What time is it? Wanna get going?"
    Sam looks at her phone and picks her empty cup up, "Yeah, we should, it's still a 20 minute drive. I wanna be there first anyways!" We load up back in Sam's car and we take off. The little country road we drove on was cute and the view was beautiful. The traffic was bumper to bumper the closer we got, obviously we're not the first ones here.
       About 30 minutes of stop and go traffic we finally got to parking. We found a nice spot right up front. Sam checked her make up as I fixed my ponytail and bow. We looked at each other and smiled, "Ready." We stepped out of the car and she locked it. "It's 10$ to get in." She starts going through her wallet, "I got it babes." I pull a 20 out of my wallet and we walk up to the line for the wrist bands.
       "Hello! And welcome to the 70th annual Pot Fest of California! We hope you enjoy our selections of weed, hash, and oil, smoked out of a lovely selection of bongs, pipes, papers, blunts, and whatever else you can think of! How many wristbands?" The kind lady siting at the booth asked us. "Two, please and thank you."
    I hand her the 20$ as she hands us our wrist bands, we enter the festival with no problem. "Well Sam, what do you wanna do?" Sam looks around and figures out what she wants to do first. "Let's just walk the strip?" I nod my head I'm agreement.
    After walking the endless strip of stoners and hippies we sat down for a break and some fries. "I never thought there was so many different types of oil." Sam is stuffing her mouth with fries, "We haven't even walked the other side yet!" I sipped some of my cola and wiped my messy face. I got so stoned I forgot about D.J siting in my room. "Sam, we gotta go. Now!"
     I started running through the crowd and trying to make my way. It's so hot and with all the people and me running and how many dabs and weed I smoked and wow, I feel light headed. The light kinda started to fade but I tried to ignore the fact I've barley drunken water today and it's very hot. I can almost see the exit. As I take my last step toward the exit, the light completely fades and everything turns black. I feel myself faceplant and whatever else happened after that, I don't know.
                        SAM'S P.O.V
   I make my through the crowd trying to keep up with Sequoia. She looks very stumbly and very sweaty. Even though her hair is tied up, it's still so long, and her wearing and running in jeans probably doesn't help with the heat.
     I stop for a second to catch my breath and drink some water. I walk fast to the exit, stopping one last time to take my last dab before I have to wait 365 days for this to happen again, I hear a loud bang and people yelling help. I blow out my smoke and glance over to see the commotion, outta the corner of my eye I see my blonde best friend.
     "SEQUOIA!" I yell as I run over to her. So many people were crowding her. She was passed out on the grass. I I push my way through and I ask a stranger to help me carry her to my car.
     "Thank you again, uh? I didn't catch your name." I close the back door after Koi was laying down and I knew she wasn't dead. "Carson. And no problem. I love to help, and I'd love to stay and chat but you should get her home." I smile and nod, "Call me sometime?" I hand him a scrap paper with my number on it and get in my car to drive Koi home.
      Pulling into her driveway I see something strange in her window, which quickly disappeared as I pulled in more. I called Gabe to have him meet me out here to carry her inside. I fully pull in and turn off my car. I turned to see if Koi was still out, she was. Her face was still really red, she needed a cool bath and some shorts.
     "Hey!" Gabe called waving his hand, walking into Koi's yard. I stepped out of my car. "What happen? I came home as soon as I got your text." I opened the back door, "I think she had a heat stroke, or fainted from the heat, she needs a cool bath and some shorts. I gotta get home though." Gabe nods and picks Koi up. "Hey Gabe?" I ask quietly. "What's up?"
    I bite my lower lip in embarrassment, "Why was it always her?" Gabe looks at me with concern, but also hurt. "I didn't want you falling in love with me, because I didn't want to fall in love with you, you're something special Sam. I didn't want to dim your shine. Sequoia? I wanted to help her shine as bright as you. You have a good life and your schooling is good and you have a great personality. I didn't want you stuck with me."
     I step back into my car and turn the engine on. "I wanted to be stuck with you, but seeing you happy with Koi, made me happy." I slowly pulled out of the driveway as Gabe walked Sequoia in. She'd never know how lucky she actaully is.
                     GABES P.O.V
     I carry Koi inside, she was hot. I brought her to her downstairs bathroom, the only bathroom in the house with a bath. I made the water nice and cool, while Sequoia was leaned up against the door, poor choice but she was still out and I needed both my arms. I poured some bubbles in and made sure the water was nice and cool. I set her in and as soon as the water hit her body, her eyes shot open.
    "Ah! Koi. Hi baby, you're ok." She adjusted herself in the bath and looked up at me. "What happen?" She asked rubbing her head, she was so beautiful. "I'm not too sure, Sam called me as soon as you fainted. You might wanna call Sam." She nodded and I handed her, her phone. I kissed her forehead, "I'm gonna get you some clothes." But before I could she jumped outta the bath and insisted she did it and I made her something to eat.
                   SEQUOIAS P.OV
     I grabbed a towel and dotted upstairs as fast as my body would let me. I still feel weak from ealier but I couldn't let Gabe see D.J up in my room. I slammed my bedroom door open and there was no D.J. There was a note though.
     To Koi,
I couldn't do it anymore. I left.
I don't wanna suffer anymore
I don't wanna feel this
Til death does us apart Sequoia Dawn.
   I felt a tear stream down my cheek, but I quickly wiped it away. I grabbed some undies and some comfy shorts and a sports bra. I crinkled the note up and threw it on the floor. I walked down stairs to see what Gabe had cooked up. I get downstairs to find a summer salad and some water placed on the table. "Thanks babe." I said siting down in front of the food.
     "Feel better?" Gabe asks as pushing the water closer to me. "I guess so." I drank the water and ate some salad. "D.J's dying Gabe." Gabe looks me with confusion. "How do you know?"
   "I talked to him, he forgave me and he's sorry for dosing you." Gabe looks at me and I look back at him. "He what?" Gabe stood up and slammed his hands on the table. "How long have you known?" He almost yelled at me. I didn't answer at first. "How long Sequoia? HOW LONG?" I swallowed real hard. "For a while, Sam knew first though."
    "SAM ISN'T MY GIRLFRIEND. OR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE OR ANYTHING. I EXPECT YOU... you know what? I'm handling this." Gabe storms out. "GABE STOP!" I yelled at him trying to get his attention. He stormed off to fast and I was left there alone with a very angry boyfriend and a soon to be dead ex boyfriend. Great.


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