Chapter 16: Gabe

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"Do you like your Burger?" Gabe asks as he sipping his cheery cola. "Mmhmm" I moan because its impolite to talk with food in your mouth. He smiles as he takes a bite of his taco. He looks so good in his faded grey shirt he's owned for years. Makes his eyes pop out and his dimples look deeper. I've always found Gabe so attractive and I'm glad we're finally together. "Do we have any plans after this?" I ask while wipping away the left over grease on my face. "Not that I had planned, what would you like to do?" I sip my iced tea while I think. "We can try the new miny golf the next town over?" I smile as his eyes widen, "You hate miny golf, and how do you know about that anyways? I didn't."
I smerk, "Yes but you love it. So come on!" He throws a 20 down on the table and we get up and leave. Pulling out of the Sonic parking lot we drive to the next town over. Its a peaceful drive and we have time to kill. Its only 1. "Koi, you never even told me how you knew about this? Its a drive and you dont google shit."
"Lets just say I took a drive yesterday and I passed it and thought of you." He blushes and rolls his window down. "You can tell its summer alright." I roll down my window also and stick my hand out to feel the warm breeze. Gabes going about 65 down the back way and he's right, you can feel the heat. "Very much agreed." I nodded as i swayed my hand in the wind.
About 20 minutes pass and we pull up to a 7:11 gas station. "I need gas and a fucking slushie, want one?" I curl my lip thinking of the flavor I'd prefer. "A watermelon kewi one would be great." I reach in my pocket to give him a few bucks but as soon as I look up hes gone. Typical Gabe.
About 3 minutes pass and Gabe comes walking out with two slushies, a bag of drinks consisting two ice teas and a couple sodas, 4 candy bars and a thing of milk duds. "Get enough to snack on fat ass?" I joke with him. "No, don't think so." He throw me a kitkat and hands me my slushie. "Thank you baby." I say and plant a kiss on his nose.
Gabe fills up the gas tank and we head out. "It's only about 5 more minutes!" I say with excitment. I pull my black shades outta my purse and put them on. "Are you not as excited as me?" I ask sounding a little disapointed. We pull up to a parking spot right in front of the miny golf courses. "Of course I am, I mean its just miny golf Koi." I grab my purse and started heading towards the entrance. He can be so stubborn!
Gabe comes running up behind me and we enter the building together. "Hello, welcome to Miny Golf Hive, how can I help you?" The sweet lady smiles at Gabe and I and awaits our responce. "Uh, ya. I'd like two clubs and balls please." She smiles again and walks to the room behind her. She comes back with two silver cubs and white balls. "Here you go, that'll be 10.50, how many hours?" I dig around my bag for my wallet. "Just one." Gabe answers for us. The lady nods, and i hand her 11$. "Keep the change." I smile and we walked towards the first hole.
Gabe goes first, he places the ball in front of him and swings his cub backwards and hits the ball beautfully. It glides into the hole and he turns to me. "Your turn." I step up and place the ball in front of me. I swing the cub back and swing it forward. I guess I swung to hard I guess because the cub went flying outta my hands and into some near by bushes. "Oops." I shrugged my sholders as Gabe laughs at me.
We get to the next hole and Gabe does the same thing he did at the first hole. After his ball slides in perfectly in the hole, I step up, extremely confident I swing my cub back, and of course instead of the cub flying the ball takes off and hits a rock and disappears. "Down to one ball." I joke. Gabe looks over in the direction of the ball. "Can't stop now." He smiles and we dot off to the next hole.
4 holes later, we're both sweaty and gross. Gabes made every hole perfectly and I... I don't wanna say. We're at the hole near our car so if I manage to fuck up we can dip out. "Ok babe, I believe in you." Gabe says leaning on a tree sipping on lemonade. I swing the cub back and take a deep breath. "Ok Koi, you've got this." I whisper to myself. As I swing forward the cub hits the ball and the ball gracefully glides through the air for a good 30 seconds, until it crashes into one of the building's windows. The glass shatters and all eyes are on us. We take off running towards the car. Without second thoughts we take off driving back to our small town.
The first 5 miles were silent and a little awkward. "I can't believe you broke their window." Gabe laughs. "I didn't mean to!!" I defend myself. "Maybe miny golf wasn't a good idea." I shrugged. "Mmm you could be right, but i had fun." I smiled and Gabe smiled back. "We're stopping for ice cream." Gabe informs me. "You're such a fatass and you haven't even smoked any weed today."
"Don't tell me a cookies and cream waffle cone doesn't sound good?" I looked over at Gabe, it did, it so did, but i was tired. I wanted to go sleep. "Fine, just a small one. And then home, I'm tired." Gabe rolled his eyes, "You're always tired."
"And you're always hungry." We laughed as we pulled up to the old ice cream stop 1 mile outta town. We ordered our ice cream and took off.
We pulled up to Gabe's driveway and we piled out. I stretched my legs and began walking home. "Woah, woah woah hold up." I turn towards Gabe. "No ones home, wanna uh sleep uh here. With me? You can go home when we wake up." He let out a cheeky smile and I walked up to him. "I'd enjoy that." I said.
We walked up to his room and i threw off my shoes, pants, and tank top. I grabbed a big tee out of his closet and crawled in bed. Gabe threw off his shoes and pants and crawled in bed with me. "I had a good day." He said wrapping his arm tightly around ny waist. The warmth of his body clung to mine and warmed me. His fan was on high so we stayed cool and his windows were open. "I did too." I tightened his grip and shut my eyes. I drifted off to the sound of 'Friends' and Gabe's light snore. Hopefully I awake before mom gets home from work. I clear my head and finally drift into a full sleep.
"Koi! Koi!" I roll over and groan, "Whaaaat?" I whined. "Its 11! Your moms home! You promised you would be home!" Gabe yanked the blanket off of me. I jumped up immediately. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." I throw my jeans on and hook my bra and throw my tank top on. "I love ya, I gotta go, she'll be home any minute."
I quickly dot down his hallway and out the back door, jump over his fense into ny backyard and climb up the side of my house and into my bedroom window. I slide my jeans off and throw some sweats on and take my bra off. I gotta make it look like Ive been here. Its not like my mom hates Gabe, she loves him actually. She just doesn't like the fact of when I promise to be home to watch the house because she has business and then I'm not even there.
I walk down stairs as I here her car pull up, perfect. I plop myself on the couch and watch some t.v until she arrives in the door. I hear the key in the lock hole unlocking the front door, "damn am I good?" I whisper to myself. "Oh Sequoia!" Mom squeals, I jump up because it frightened me a bit. "Hi mom. Everything alright? You screamed my name."
I walk over to her to take her bag. "I GOT A PROMOTION SWEETPEA! I GET TO GO VEGAS FOR A NIGHT TO TALK TO THE HEAD OF MY COMPANY!" I give my mom a big hug, "Mom, that's awesome. When do you leave?" My mom already halfway up the stairs taking her high heels off and letting her hair down. "Tuesday morning and I'll be back late Wesenday, will you be fine alone? You need to take care of your bunny, your turtle didn't feel so loved." She gave me a glare. "Yes mom I'll be fine!" She's about all the up the stairs now. "And I'm not dumb Koi, i know you'll have a few friends over, just not more than 4 and no drinking and keep your gross smoking outside. In the backyard! And I'm just so tired I need to sleep." She shuts her bedroom door and I go to text Gabe, I smell a party happening.

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