Chapter 17: BlackOut

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"Dear Koi, I left you 200$ to provide you food and drinks and possibly some movies while I'm gone. Remember to go to school today, its your last day and please don't hace that many friends over. No parties, booze, drugs, and keep the smoking out back. I don't want loud music to be playing and so help me God, if I get one complaint while I'm gone, you can kiss your summer buh-bye. I love ya. -mom."
That was a nice note to wake to. I put the 200$ along with my 400$ I've been saving for the past few months for something special and this, this is something special. "Koi!" Sam says barging through my front door! Todays the day! I let everyone in school know and I got myself a personal bottle of goose already! Tonight's gonna be legendaaaaary!" I let out a sigh, "By the whole school, you don't mean-" I was cut off, "No silly! No freshies or sophmores!" I rolled my eyes because the juniors and the seniors are still a lot. "It'll be ok Sequoia, I promise." I smile at my best friend I've known most my life, and i wanna trust her but shes let me down on this stuff. "Lets go to school and get this over with and then get to shopping. I have no food here." We laugh as we take off in Sam's a month old car.
We pull up to school right on time, at least this is our last day for a while. I try to stay postive but worrisome thoughts run through my head. I glance around the parking lot, no Gabe. Its not like him to miss the last day of school, especially since hes a senior and wont have to come back to this hell hole. Goodness will I miss Gabe when he goes off to collage next year.
Sam and I arrive to our first period, its only half a day but most of the students miss this day anyways, not any of the seniors though, they're all here and they're all emotional. Sam hasn't stopped talking and texting to everyone about tonight, she wants it to be lit, also she's never really planned her own party, come to think of it neither have I. Do we even know what were doing? I take a deep breath, "Postive thoughts koi, postive thoughts." I think to myself.
"Settle down kids, settle down. I know you're all very excited that today is the last day and I know you all just want to go home, well the few of you who actually showed up." Mr. Kink starts saying. "But unfortunately class, we have one more test to take, to give us a final idea of where you'll be put into next year class." The class lets out sighs and groans while Mr. Kink hands out the test. "It only has 20 questions and they're a varity of the subjects we learned about this year, you got until the end of class."
The class starts their tests and all i can think about is Gabe, I hope hes here and I hope he comes tonight. And I hope tonight's gonna be good. I let out another deep breath, boy finishing this test is gonna get difficult. I pick my pen up and actually start my test.
I make my way through the crowed hallways trying to get to my locker. I need all the remains of my stuff I left in there throughout this year. Finally after pushing through sweaty, crying, laughing, smelly, highschoolers I reach my locker. I open it for the last time this year and put all the pointless paperworks and pencils and all the other junk into my backpack, I'll deal with all that shit at home. When I'm done with that I head to the lunch room. As soon as I walk in my eyes meet with Gabes and I go up to him. He's with a group of his friends from his classes so its a bit awkward. "Hi baby, wanna shot?" I look at him confused, "You brought booze to school?" All his friends start laughing at me. "Aww she's even more of a puss on the last day!" His friend Stephen says. I roll my eyes, "I can out drink any of you fuckers!" I snap back while taking Gabes waterbottle. I take a fat swig and push it into Stephen's chest. "Cute, but you couldn't out drink me, obviously you missed all the parties this year, I was crowned 'Keg King'." He smirks, "Fine, if you're so cocky, tonight at 8, my place I'm having a party, and I'll out drink you." I flip his hat off and pull Gabe away from them to go find Sam.
"Do you know what you just got yourself into? You're such a light weight and hes, well he's 'Keg King'!" Gabe tries to talk some sense into me but I just don't listen, I contuine walking through the crowed school trying to find Sam.
As I contuine to drag Gabe through the school I see some half dencent people I'll miss over the summer, like Cory and Maddie. They're great people, and Ally and Ty, and all these people that Sam most likely invited tonight. "Where are we going?" Gabe whines, "I already told you, we're going to find Sam so we can get going, did you invite all your friends?" I glance over at Gabe barley taking my attention away from the hallway. "Yes, darling I invited everyone I wanted to go." I stopped walking. "Gabe, I don't want this to be like a Tyler party, or a Paul party." He puts his finger over my lips, "Ssssh, everything will be fine." I roll my eyes and we contuine on.
Finally after searching and searching I come across Sam talking to Nicole and oh no, she better not. "Hi Sam!" I run up to her. "Oh hey Koi, I was just-" I cut her off, "Not inviting these two to the party? Right?" I give her a fake smile. "Oh you're gonna be that much of a bitch and not let us come?" Sam looks at me with innocene. "Did you just call me a bitch, Bird shit?" I step up in her face a little bit. "Yea, what are you gonna do about it? Bitch." She smirks and steps up in my face like I did her. "You're fucking-" Sam pulls me back and drags me to the parking lot. "Come on, don't." I roll my eyes and storm off to Sams car.
"What were you thinking?" Sam asks me sounds highly annoyed. "She wasn't." Gabe answered for me, "She has a drinking competition with fucking Stephen tonight!" Sam laughs, "Isn't that 'Keg King'? You're gonna get your ass handed to you, Koi." I roll my eyes for a third time today, "Oh well, he called me a pussy, lets not talk about it, Gabe will Ryan still get us booze?" I start to calm down now that we aren't in school anymore. "I believe so, yea. Ill call and make sure. What do we want?" I dig in my bag for my list. "Im only spending 200$ on booze, I want 4 bottles of ciroc, a bottle of crown, a thing of goose and what did you want Sam?" Sam taps the steering wheel thinking, "Get a bottle of henny, everyone loves henny." I nod my head in agreement. "And three 34 packs of beer, I dont care which, I'd prefer bud light though." Gabe nods as his head while writing this on his memopad in his phone. "You know, drop me off at my house, I'll go with him." Sam nods her head and starts driving to Gabes.
"Where is he? He was suppose to be here at 7 so I can put the beer it the cooler, fuck dude." I pace back and forth wondering where Gabe is, he was due here a half an hour ago! "Hey, sweetheart, calm down, he'll be here." Sam says while applying her layer of lipstick. She turns towards me and smiles at me lightly, "It'll be a good night." I take a deep breath, "You're right, let's go smoke a joint."
We walk down to the backyard and as soon as I step a foot downstairs I hear a car pull up. I run to the window to find no other than a Gabe. "He's here!" I yell to Sam as I run out the door to help him carry stuff. "What took you so long?" I ask him while grabbing a bag outta his hand. "Im sorry babygirl the licor store was packed." He plants a kiss ontop of my head while we head inside. "Ryan doesn't wanna chill?" I ask, "He'll be back in like an hour, he's goin outta town to get some weed." I smile and dot inside.
"Sam! Come help Gabe put the beers in the cooler while I deal with these bottles! And the chips! FUCK where are the chips? You got that joint still?" I begin to stress a bit because its almost 8 and people should be here soon. Sam pokes her head in the door, "Yea, I got the joint still." I run to the back door, "Out, out, out. It cant smell like weed in here." I push her out and take the joint from her. I inhale the dank tasting weed and exhale the smoke. I hit the joint a few more times then pass it off to Gabe, "Sam, come help me now? Its almost 8." We go inside and start piling beers in the cooler. "Grab the ice!" Sam demands. I toss her the fat bag of ice and contuine pulling the bottles out of the bags and placing them on the counter behind the 27 shot glasses I found in my mom's stuff. "Apple ciroc, red berry, Peach, pineapple ciroc. Crown and henny. Goose. All set here." I speak out loud to myself. "Ok theres 104 beers here." Sam states.
I breathe in and out and let a few sighs out, the party should start soon and I'm a little nervous to be honest. I walk over to my loud speaker hooked up to my t.v and unhook my t.v so I can use my phone to play music. The clock now reads 8:37, people should be arriving soon. "I'm pouring myself a shot, either of you want one?" I call out to Gabe and Sam who are currently in the back yard smoking a bowl. "Yea I want Henny tho!" Sam yells back in. I open the bottle of Henny and pour us each a shot. By the time there poured they have come inside to join me at the counter. "To the greatest night of the summer?" I ask raising my shot glass. "To the greatest night in the summer!" They both say. We clanked our shot glasses together and down our shots.
~12 A.M
"This party is rocking!" I grab onto Sam's hip as she is playing a round of beer pong with Ally and on the other side is Lily and David. "Yes! Drink bitch!" Sam points at the cup in front of Lilly as she makes the ball go in the red solo cup across from her. "Hey boo, having fun?" Sam slurs as she turns towards me. "Yes! So much fun, but where is Stephen? Im ready for this competition now!" Sam looks around my house, "I honestly don't know, here Christy take over." She tosses the ball to her and walks with me. "Is he even here?" She yells because she can't hear me over the music. "I saw him earlier, waaaaaay earlier." We contuine walking through my crowed house, can't believe all these people are in my house. "Lets go outside!" I yell at her, she nods her head in agreement and we push our way through the crowd. "Ayeeee Sequoia, rockin party. Wanna hit this?" Tyler hands me a blunt as soon as I step out the door. "Haha yea thanks, have you Stephen?" I hit the blunt. "Why? Is he your new man candy?" Tyler jokes, "Ha no, he wants drinking competition." I tell him, still hitting his blunt. "Dude, hes the Keg King and hes right over there." Tyler points towards him, hes standing in a group with Gabe, Bryan, Dustin, Luke, and Dean. I walk over to them with Tyler and yes, Tyler's blunt.
I push through the crowd of boys to make my way to Stephen. "Are you ready, keg king?" I slur my words a bit because, yes I am a little drunk. "Yea, I am, but we're using my bottle." He smirks at me. I get a little nervous now because I have no clue what he has as long as it isn't captin or 151 I think I'll be good. Stephen turns towards Dean whos holding his bottle and of course its no other than 151, great. "Um, babe, you sure you wanna do this still?" Gabe asks me while latching on to me. I gulp and nod my head, "Let's go, 'Keg King'." He grabs two shot glasses from the table out here and pours us our first shots. "Here are the rules, no chaser, you must down all the shot, and first one to quit looses. But the loser has to shotgun a beer." I breath in while taking the shot glass from him, "And the winner?" I ask lightly. "The winner gets to be crowned, 'Keg King' or just keep his name." He smirks again, "Ready sweetheart?" I look over at Sam who is nodding her head in agreement at me. "Let's go."
~Half a bottle later
We both are down to our 10ths shot, I'm so unbelievably drunk, I'm stubbling and I haven't moved from my spot, I'm sluring words like its how you're suppose to talk and I'm still going. Tyler pours us our 11th shot. "You can quit anytime princess." Stephen says to me. "Fuck you." I down my shot and slam the shot glass on the table. There's a huge group surrounding us and Gabe hasn't left behind me this whole time. We get poured another shot and as soon as I'm about to down this one Sam comes running out to me, or stubbling out to me. "Kooooooi, we gotta a problem!" I look over to her, "Not now, I'm about to beat his sorry ass!" Sam glares at me, "No, problem, big one, involes mother." I down my shot, "We're putting this on pause." I smile and run in with Sam.
"Your phone has been blowing up! I just now heard it! You have 29 missed calls from your mom!" I run up to my room as I hear my phone go off, "Make that 30!" I slur running to my room. When I get to my room I shut the door after Sam enters and sit on my bed. "Fuck, what am I gonna say? I sound drunk." Sam giggles, "You look drunk to." I giggle a little to and walk over to my mirror, "Shit." I grab my phone and pace back and forth. "Say your phone was dead."
"Wont work, I never let my phone die." I contuine pacing, "Say it was on silent and you we're down stairs watching a movie." I look up at her. "That doesn't happen!" I whine. "Say you fell asleep early because we got stoned as fuck." I take a deep breath, "Alright, that'll have to do." I call my mom back and she answers on the first ring.
"SEQUOIA DAWN WHAT WE'RE YOU DOING? I'VE BEEN CALLING AND CALLING!" I gulp. "I got stoned, and fell asleep really early and just woke up because Sam came with pizza." I smile hoping it works. "Did you feed bun-bun? Don't let her die, like you let Burt die!" I feel a bit relieved. "Yes, I will. I'm sorry." Sam and i knuckle punch very quietly. Before i think all of this is working perfectly, I hear a vase break or some sort of glass break from downstairs. "WHAT WAS THAT? I SWEAR IF THERE'S MORE THAN JUST SAM AND GABE OVER I'LL TEAR YOU A NEW ASS!" I begin to panic, "It was uh, it was Gabe! He uh, fell. Onto a plate. That i forgot to pick up off the floor." I bite my lip in nervousness. "Don't be lying to me and I'm very proud you're not having a party. Im gonna go now, I love you, see you tomorrow night. And pick up your phone when I call!" She hangs up, I drop to the floor.
Sam kneels by me, "You ok homie?" I point the trash can. "Now." Is all I say. As Sam quickly grabs my trashcan I vomit all the booze and Cheetos out. Sam holds my hair and rubs my back, "You're a trooper." I sit back into her lap. "He can't win." I say. "But Koi, you lost, you're puking." I burp and wipe my mouth with a dirty shirt, "He doesn't know that!" I stand up and walk towards my door. "It's ciroc time!" I open my door and stumble my way down the stairs. Sam follows behind me.
As we get downstairs Sam grabs a beer and I grab my Apple Ciroc and we walk out back. I make my way to Stephen and knock his 151 outta his hand. "It's ciroc time." I look at him and pour him a shot. "We didn't-" I cut him off, "My party, my rules." I smirk and I start downing my ciroc without even pouring myself a shot. You hear everyone chanting my name, "Koi, Koi, Koi!" As I'm drinking my ciroc he's downing he's remainders of 151. The yard starts to get dizzy and I feel myself getting lightheaded. I put the bottle down and look up at Stephen one last time, I open my mouth like I was about to say something, but instead I end up puking all over him. The last thing I remember is falling back onto my sement porch and my eyes rolling back into my head. I think I lost.
~The Next Day
I awake and the rays of the sun are blinding me, this isnt the comfort of my bed so I can't make out where I am. I look around, this is my house, I'm just in my mom's room. I turn over towards Gabe, or at least I think is Gabe. "Hey, how are you feeling?" I groan "Wha-at happen? Why am I in my mom's room? What time is it?" I jump up. "Ugh, my head." I whine grabing the top of my acheing, acheing head. "Its only 12, you're mom won't be here until 11 tonight. You got very drunk and after you passed out outside you got up an hour later and contuine drinking and tried fucking me in your front yard." Gabe laughs at little. "You we're cute." I throw a pillow at him, "That's not cute, I'm so sorry." He laughs again, "Don't be, I tammed you in here." Gabe smirks at me. I look at him in shock, "Oh my god. We fucked on my moms bed?" I put my face in my hands. "That's not cool." I begin to laugh a bit. "Its fine, no stains." I throw another pillow at him. "Where's Sam?" I begin to stand up acutally and make my way to Gabe who's siting in my mom's office chair. "She's asleep in your bed, with Tyler." Gabe laughs a little. "What's so funny?" I glare at him, "You puked on Stephen." My jaw drops and I look at him in dispair, "Oh my.... I need an Advil."
I walk to my mom's bathroom and open my mom's medicine cabinet to grab an Advil. I take 2 and look at myself in the mirror. Boy, my makeup is smeared and my hair is a mess and I'm in a teeshirt and Gabe's sweats. "Were you to drunk to find my own clothes? Even tho you knoe where they are?" I joke brushing my mess of hair. Gabe walks up behind me and kisses me cheek, "No, I thought you'd look sexier in mine." I turn towards him and kiss him.
"I gotta clean this place up." I say to him, still very close, so close I still feel his lips when I talk. "Or how about, I call the cleaning ladies who clean my house, pay them a little extra and take my two favorite girls out to breakfest, or lunch, or brunch." I smile and plant another kiss on his lips, "I'd like that."

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