Chapter 14: Collecting Evidence

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          ~Koi's P.O.V
    Down stairs in the kitchen I stare at our empty fridge. Pondering what to eat for breakfast. I didn't sleep well last night with Gabe up most the night tossing and turning and trying to sleep. By 7 this morning he finally fell asleep. Poor boy, D.J has some horrible karma coming towards him. I haven't decided to tell Gabe yet. I want to, but I don't wanna see D.J put in the hospital. I do but, I'm a nice person at heart.
      I hear a knock on the front door and I jump a little. I walk towards the door and open it to find a Sam. "Good morning." She says letting herself in. I shut the door behind her and follow her to the kitchen. "Morning." I finally reply as I plop on the couch. "Long night?" Sam takes a seat next to my feet. "You have no idea." I mumble into the couch pillow. "Ya stay up with him?" I sit up to face and Sam. "Fuck no."
      I pull my knees to my chest. "He just tossed and turned and kept me up." I put my head to my knee, "I'm surprised I'm awake  honestly." I turn on the T.v to MTV and watch '16 and Pregnant'. "Did you tell him about what you found out?" Sam glances up from her phone. "No, I don't know if I'm going to." She places her phone down to directly look at me. "You can't just not tell him he was dosed because he took you from him!" I take a deep breath and roll onto the floor. "I just don't want problems." I whine.
     "Groceries!" My mom slams open the front door which starttles the fuck out of Sam and I. We jump off the couch and run to the car. After unpacking all the groceries, Sam, mom, and I take a seat at the kitchen counter. "How was work?" I ask while taking a bite out of an apple. "It was work. Nothing new, nor nothing different."  Mom washes a pan out to make pancakes with. "Are we having moms famous pancakes?" Gabe asks running down the stairs with wet hair.
      "Well we are, hello to you to Gabriel." Mom laughs. "Morning sleeping beauty." I say while walking by and petting his head. "Ya, morning." Gabe says taking a seat a the counter next to Sam. "You hungry kid? I made plenty." Mom says passing a plate to Gabe. "Mmmm, you know me to well mom." Gabe winks and takes a bite out of his pancakes.
    "Almost ready for school?" I ask while grabbing my backpack. Gabe slurps the last of his pancakes and grabs his bag. "No, but I gotta go. Senior test today." The three of us pile out of the front door and into Gabes car. Gabe pulls out of the driveway and we drive down the road. "What time is it?" Gabe asks tapping his fingers on the steering wheel frantically. "7:54." Sam responses from the backseat. Gabe steps a little harder on the gas and we're off.
      We pull up to school a minutes before the first bell. As we park Gabe runs outta the car before we even could grab our bags. "Senior test!" He says running for his first period. Since its the last week of school, classes are mixed up grade level equality, not by how smart you are. Therefore I have like no classes with Gabe this entire week.
      I walk into my first class and immediately get annoyed. The 11th graders all in one room. 57 students, one teacher. Students are siting on desks, counters, chairs, the floor even. Sam and I make our way over to our friends Hailey and Ashton. "Hey!" Hailey says as she gets up from siting on her desk. I've known Hailey since she's been here. She moved her in freshman year and we've been friends since then. We're not the closet, but we're ok. "Good morning, Hailey, morning Ash." Ash has been around forever and he's little sister used to have the hugest crush on Danny. "What exactly is everyone doing?" Sam asks pointing to the loud juniors. "You didn't hear?" We nod our head no and look over at each other. "Apparently this senior freaked out yesterday during the fire drill and someone reported to the student council that they think it was attempt of murder, because someone with a black hoodie was putting liqiud something into that seniors drink. They think it was poison."  Hailey explained.
      The rest of the class goes by and finally the bell rings. I pull Hailey back so we're the only ones in the classroom. "Hey, uh. Who was the senior exactly?" I bite my lower lip because I know who, I just wanted to see if everyone did. "Since I am apart of the student council, I am not aloud to say, but we'll all be finding out at the assembly." Hailey smiles and walks out the class. I stand there, speechless and confused. It seems that's all I am these days.
      I spend the rest of the day waiting for the assembly, Im still clueless of when the assembly is gonna be. I walk into the cafeteria. Loud, obnoxious high schoolers are piled in line,  at the tables,  everywhere.  The assembly must be soon. Poor Gabe I think. I scan the lunch room for Sam because I lost her while talking to Hailey. No sight of Sam or Gabe so I decided lunch isn't gonna be for me today. Walking out the doors to the parking lot to Gabe's car I see Sam with a tall male that seemed to look a lot like D.J. He's standing with his black hoodie at the edge of the field. Kinda seems as if hes hiding from the school.  I walk closer to them, close enough to hear the conversation, but far enough away for them not to see me. 
"I can't face up to all of them." he whines.
"So you expect me to help you? Lie for you even." Sam snips back.
"I can't let my dad find out Samantha! You don't understand what it's like."
"What it's like..?  What do you mean.?" They went quite. They sit there and stare at each other. "Sam, I get beat for not fulfilling my dads wishes, and he wished to ruin sequoias happiness little by little and if I don't do that,  my happiness is ruined,  which I already don't have a lot of. I love sequoia to death but she ruined me."
    Sam stands there, speechless. "I'm not gonna help you ruin my best friends happiness."
"Fine,  I guess I have to ruin both of yours."
     D.J walks off and I stand up.  I can't believe the conversation I just heard.  What is he?  Some physchopath! The bell rings for 4th period and I walk to my locker. I walk through the double doors and through the hallways. All the high schoolers still so energized, but me I feel black. But I never really felt more then black since Danny. I really am never truly hap-. I stop mid thought, im never truly happy so what happiness can he ruin? The only thing he could possibly do is kill the ones I love which isn't many. I don't believe he's that crazy.
       "Hello, my love." Gabe says as he walks up to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. "How's all your senior test going?" I ask as I grab my books from my locker and shut it. "They're going. I have 2 left and then my mile.  Can't believe I'm almost done with school." Gabe smiles which makes me smile. "Lucky you, I have one more pathetic, painful,  horrid, lonely year left and then I'll be done." I hit the bill of his hat down to hit his nose.  "Quit your complaining, you looooooove school." I give him a glare and start to walk down the hall. "Oh wait,Koi!" Gabe calls as he runs up to me. "One more thing,  I found out from over hearing some of the student council early in 3rd period and apparently they think someone tried to poison me! Ha! I can't wait to find out what sorry loser did that." Gabe dots off to his next class as I slowly walk towards mine. See, I never see gray,  I only see the dark side.
      "All high schoolers please report to the gymnasium. I repeat all high schoolers to the gymnasium." The loud speaker went off and all of sudden all the high schoolers start pileing out of classes and to the gym.  The hallways packed with more than 70 students per second it seemed.  All excited about one thing, who tried to poison Gabe. I'll be damned when they find out it was a drug and who did it. Wish they'd find out why he did it. The whole school would get a laugh. I drag myself to the gym and stand all the way in the back.  175 high schoolers in one small gymnasium. "Hey." Sam says walking up to me.  "Hey." I answer back. "Haven't seen the whole school together like this since the fire drill." I bite my lip. "Ha, ya." I attempt to fake a laugh because I know all shes tryna do is lighten the mood. "You don't seem up for this, Koi." I nod my head in agreement. "Oh no, im just worried." Sam takes my hand, "we're gonna wanna get a good hearing of this."
       She pulls me to the front of the crowd and we take the only two front row seats of the embarrassment of D.J. The principal types the mic and it echos through the gym. "I bring you here today." He takes a breath. Our principal has been working at our school for years. He's almost to old to even finish this assembly. "Our school is more then just a school. We are a family. We care for one another. And the actions that we're pulled yesterday we're very unacceptable. And all of you are here today to find out what actually happened. Before I tell anything or begin to explain anything I must ask if Gabriel Marks and Dylan John are present." The gymnasium went quite and Gabe and D.J and raised there hands awkwardly. "Good. Now students let me tell you. Im a 75 year old man and in my 75 years of living I've learned that life, life is precious. Every single living thing that can breath, eat, reproduce, or even simply has a heartbeat is precious and putting another life into danger is one of the most selfish things a human can do. Even putting your own life in danger is horrid. And the actions yesterday as I was saying was horid and terrible. Dylan John please come join me on the stage."
      D.J slowly gets up and walks even slower to the stage. He walks up the steps and stands next to our principal. "Now D.J as you know I do not tolerate lying when I know the truth. Couple of your fellow classmates saw you dripping something into Gaberiels drink yesterday at lunch. Did you or did you not?" The gym went silent and all eyes were on D.J. "Yes, sir. I dropped liquid in his drink." You can hear the gasps, the laughs, the ohs and the aws. "Now D.J can you tell us what you dripped in his drink? " I knew he'd lie about it.  He couldn't say acid he's whole life would be ruined.  Even saying poison he's life wouldn't be the goldest. What the hell is he gonna say.  "What do you,-" I try to whisper to Sam but I get interrupted by his answer.  "I dropped eye drops in his drink,  to make him shit for hours and embarrass himself." My jaw dropped and I immidently stood up.  "Bullshit!" I yell and I run out the door of the gym. Now all eyes were on me.
      That was complete bullshit and I can't believe he'd use the eye drop excuse because that fit perfectly! It would only get him suspended! I couldn't believe how uncontrollably mad I was. I ran all the way home and didn't plan to stop until I got to my front door.  Dylan Johns life is gonna be put in the ground by either a couple of us or I'll do it myself.  His life is in my hands now because he's starting to ruin what matters most to me. And that's Gabe.

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