Chapter 5: hopeless wishes.

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        I put my pillow over my face, the smell of lavender enters my nose. I throw my pillow to the side and peek an eye open. The sun was blinding me, which was odd because it was a Thursday and I'm supossed to be up before this bright of sun. Oh wait.... IT'S THURSDAY! I throw the covers off and jump out of bed. I run downstairs. "Mum! Mum! Mum! What time is it? Did I miss the bus? Mum?" I arive downstairs to see my mum sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. "Mum I was yelling your name. What time is it?" My mom glances up from her magizne and looks over at our clock. "It's about almost 10." I look at her in confusion. "Why didn't you wake me up?" She smiles, "Your school called, the boy's bathroom has overflown so they have to clean it, no school for the high schoolers." I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen. No school? Well alright.

        I reach into the cabinet to get a bowl for ceral. I look ontop of the fridge to see my choices, I have Captin Chrunch, Trix, and Cheerios. I grab the Trix, milk, and a spoon and sit at the kitchen table with my mom. I pour my ceral and quietly eat. ¨Have any plans for the day?¨ My mum asks. I finish chewing then sallow before I answer, ¨Not so sure, it was quite a surprise I didn't have school¨. My mom nods her head and contuins to read. After I'm done with my breakfeast I put my bowl in the sink and head up stairs. I sit on my floor, criss cross and pull out my phone to call D.J.

        ¨Hello?¨ D.J's tired voice answers from the other line.

        ¨Good morning sleepy head. We don't have school today! Wanna hangout?¨

        Theres a silence before I hear a reply. ¨I have to watch Mitchie for a little bit while mom goes up town, you can come over though.¨

        ¨I guess I will what time will your mom be back?¨

        ¨She won't be back until around 8, but I have to bring Mitchie to dance at 3 and pick her up at 5. We will have 2 hours to ourselves.¨

        I give out a little chuckle. ¨Ok. I'll be over around 11:30?¨

        ¨Sounds good, see you then beautiful.¨

        He hangs up the phone and I look at the time, its only 10:45 I have plenty of time for Koi time. I stand up and plug my phone in to its speaker. I turn on some Fall Out Boy and turn towards my closet. I pick out my favorite pair of black skinny jeans and grab my 'have a nice trip' shirt and get dressed. I look in the mirror and apply my eyeliner and mascara. I decide that I didn't wanna take a shower, plus I hate showering in the morning when you just get dirty throughout the whole day. I turn on some ACDC and check the time. By that time its about 11:15. I go downstairs to talk to my mom.

        ¨Hey mom.¨ I call out as I'm going down the stairs. She is now sitting on the couch watching the Ellen show. ¨Hey sweetie, did you find plans?¨ I look up at her from my phone, ¨Ya I'm gonna go over to D.Js  for the day.¨ My mom smiles. ¨Do you need the car? I'm not going anywhere today. Danny is having dinner with Tyler's family and they'll bring him back¨. I nod in agreement. ¨Ok thanks mom. I'll be back around 8 alright.¨ She tosses me the keys, ¨Don't miss dinner and don't wreck the car!¨ I walk out the door, ¨I won't! Love you.¨

        I drive down the block to his house. I glance at the time, 11:28 the clock reads. I like driving my mom's car, it may be a little black sports car with the roof able to come off, but it gets me places so I like it. I pull into D.J's driveway in not less the 5 minutes. I lock my door and walk up to his porch. His house is cute. A porch with two rocking chairs, a table with chess game on it and a cute little bird house made by Mitchie. I ring the door bell and wait for about a minute until I hear D.J's footsteps. He opens the door, his bright smile with his gorgeous green eyes are the first things I see. ¨Hello beauitful¨ He says. I smile dorkly, ¨Hi.¨. He looks me up and down, ¨Wanna come inside?¨ I laugh a little, ¨Sure, its why I'm here right?¨ We walk in and he shuts the door. A day alone with D.J.....



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