Chapter 13: Sweet Revenge

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~Gabes p.o.v
I stretch my tired body and let out a fat yawn. I turn my head towards the clcok, 6:45 it reads. I suppose to meet Koi at 7:30 out front at my car. I get outta bed and slowly make my way towards my window. I look across the yard into Koi's window. It's still dark, she's still peacefully asleep. I walk over to my closet, grab an outfit, and hop in the shower.
I run out my front door and exactly 7:32 and I slide into the front seat of my freezing ass car. I sit there for about 45 seconds until I see Koi run from out her front door. What a cutie with her purple skinny jeans and black tank top.
I reach over to open her door just in time and she places her bags if the floorboard. "Hi baby." She sweetly smiles and plots a kiss upon my cheek. "Good morning." I answer her back. I pull out of the yard and drive down the back roads to school.
"Hey Gabe?" She asks over the music. "Ya babe?" I turn the music down so we can talk at a normal level. "When was your last bad p.T.s.d. attack?" I tap my fingers on the steering wheel trying to think of the answer. "I believe uh, hmm.. I think two years sometime. I don't like talking about it Sequoia. My father was horrible." The rest of the car ride was silent until we pulled up to school. We got out, I hugged her, and she walked off. Great.
I sip my water and wait for Koi to be done with her test. I sit at the lunch table alone outside by the bathroom. Where I always sit. I lay my head down and continue to wait for her. "Heads!" I hear someone screm. I glance up and as soon as I do I get pegged with a football. I immediately get up and throw it back.
~D.J's p.o.v
I sit behind the bush awaiting the perfect moment for when Gabe isn't looking. I see Kenny throw the football and I go in for action. I quickly dip by his water and drop about 5 hits of the strongest LSD I've made in a while. Sweet revenge is always the best.
~Gabes p.o.v
I walk back over to the table and have an extreme thirst quench so I chug my water down. I glance up to see Sequoia walking over to the table with Sam. I wipe the access water with my wrist and sit down.
The bell rings for the next period. I give Sam and Koi a hug and take off. 4th period is the only period I dont have with Koi or Sam. This is because this is my senior class for English, and today's the day I give my important speech. 'Don't mess up Gabe', I think to myself as I enter the class room.
I take a seat at my desk and as soon as I do I automatically start to feel weird. My body feels extremely light and I feel like I could just melt into this chair. After everyone piles in to the class room and the teacher calms them down we start our speeches. Names and names go by as I sit there and feel weirder and weirder every word I hear echoes through my head. "Gabriel? Ready to present your speech?" I look up at my teacher staring at me and all the other students. I grab my speech from my desk and walk up to the front.
I look down at my paper and I can barley read the words, they are swaying from left to right and are a blur. "I Gabriel," I begin to say. "I-I I'm here today, to tell you about the history of uh-" I stop. I begin to laugh, and laugh so much tears form in my eyes. "Gabriel what is so-" She was cut off by the bell. All the kids pile out the door and I'm left there. I grab my bag and quickly try to make my way through the croud of students. Ive lost my way through the knot of people. I finally find myself at the classroom door. I stand there in the hallway relieved. I take a deep breath and- BOOM. Fire alarm.
The fire alarm echos is my head and I cover my ears to try to hide to noise. I close my eyes and start to slide down when my wrist is grabbed and I'm pulled out the door. "Gabe, what the fuck-" Sam stops mid sentence to look at me.
"Gabe, your eyes, they're the size of the moon, and your really sweaty and your face is red. Are you tripping?" A smile has formed on Sam's face and I stare at her blankley. "Not good" I whisper to her ever so quietly. "Not good?" She whispers back. The bell to go back in rings and I take off running towards the forest.
I run until I reach the forest entrance and turn to see if Sam followed. As I turn my head I see her dotting her way towards me. I book my farther into the forest, just until the school can't see us. I stop at this tree stump to catch my breath. Sam runs up to me and looks at me deadly.
"What! The! Fuck?!" She asks. I look her, "I can't be there." My voice is stuck at a whisper. I look up into the sky and the clouds look amazing. They all spin into one big circle, sucking into something that looks like a black hole. "Well?" I snap back to what is left of my reality. "What?" Is all I respond with.
15 minutes past with Sam blowing up Sequoia's phone. I get this weird craving. I glance up from my lap. "Cigarette." I whisper. "What? You want a cigarette?" Sam reaches into her purse and pulls out what I think is a rolled cigarette. "I rolled this spilf for Mike but I never got to give it to him." Sam tosses me the spilf and I put it between my lips and stare at Sam. She reaches into her pocket and throws me a lighter.
I flick the lighter multiple times, but no flame seems to happen. "Do you need some help?" Sam laughs as she walks over to me. She takes the lighter and flicks it. Still no flame. She flicks it a few more times before throwing it againest the tree. "It's dead." My mood instantly becomes down because I wanted that spilf. "Let's go." I get up and start walking back to the school. "Not this again." I hear Sam say as she catches up to me.
We walk to the school parking lot and up to my car. I reach into my pocket to grab my keys. "No no no Gabe, your not driving." Sam takes my keys and plops herself in the driver's seat. I slide into the passenger seat and look at Sam. "You don't have a licenses." I say. "Yes, but if we end up getting pulled over the police would be grateful I didn't let you drive."
She starts the car and pull out. "Where do you wanna go?" Sam asks me while trying to fasten her seatbelt. "Take me to Sequoia." The rest if the car ride is silent. I stare out the window and can barley see anything what it should be. So many shapes and patterns pop out everywhere and dance to the beat of our music. My heart starts to pound really fast and I begin to sweat again. The music gets louder and the patterns go faster. This car ride is gonna last forever.
We pull up to Sequoia's driveway and I immediately jump out and run to her front door. I slam the door open and run in. I look in her kitchen, not there. I look on the couch, not there. I start to walk towards the stairs as I hear her running down. "Hello?" I hear her call. She gets to the bottom of the stairs and stop. I stand there and smile.
She runs up to me and wraps around me. "Gabe! Omg. Are you ok?" I hear the worry is voice and I wrap my arms around her waist. "I don't know." I whisper to her. "I just needed you."
"I don't think you understand what I've been through with this kid." Sam says walking in spinning my keys on her finger giving me extreme tracers of colors. Koi runs up to her and latches on to her. I find my way to the couch and lay down to try to relax.
~Sequoias P.O.V
I take Sam upstairs to talk to her without Gabe. We walk into my room and I shut my door as Sam sits on the bed. "What the fuck?" I ask her. "I can explain." I look at her straight in the eyes. "Start explaining." Sam stands up to begin to pace back and forth.
"-And then I brought him here." Dam finishes explaining what happen and I look at her. "So where'd he get it from? He doesn't even dose!" I begin to get a little mad. "I think someone dosed him." Sam whispers. "As like a prank, or revenge." Sam and I look at each other, dumbfounded, confused.
We walk back down stairs to check on Gabe. "How's it going buddy?" Sam says as we sit by his feet. Gabe is just staring up at the ceiling with the biggest grin. "Hey Gabe.?" I poke his side. No reaction. "Gabe?" I begin to repeatedly poke him. Nothing. He lays there, still and quite. "Gabe?" I whisper. He turns his head turns me and begins to laugh. He begins to laugh extremely hard. He starts twitching and laughing. "Gabe!" I begin to panik because I don't know what's wrong with him. "What should we do?!" I ask Sam. "I really don't know, should we call someone?" Sam looks freaked out, just as much as me. Gabe stops laughing and falls on the floor. He lays there. His face to the carpet and his hands by his side, he lays there.
"Gabe?" I whisper as I kneel down to him. "Ya Koi?" He whispers to me. "Are you ok?" I ask while gently placing my hand on his back. "I'm just listening to them, can you hear them?" I take my hand off his back. "Hear who?" I ask a little worried. "Them." He whispers and stands up.
"They say I must go." Gabe starts to walk towards the door. Sam and I run to him and grab him. "You can't leave by yourself." Sam says. He rips his grip from her hand. "They don't like you." He says looking directly at Sam. Sam steps back a few steps and looks at me. "Gabe who are you talking about?" I look at him desperately. "The voices." He drops to his knees and begins to cry. "They're taking over my head and all my thoughts!" He yells. "Make it stop!" He says as he covers his ears and cries louder.
Sam and I look at each other. "I really don't know what to do." I say. "Neither do I." Sam whispers. "Sequoia, do you hear that?" Gabe mubbles into his hands. "Hear what?" I kneel by him. He goes quite for a minute. "Gabe hear what?" I asked again. "The ringing!" He screams.
~Gabes P.O.V
Here I am, on my knees, on my girlfriends kitchen floor. The same ringing as the fire alarm keeps going off. It echos through my head just like at school. Things are moving left and right and up and down way to fast for me to handle. I feel as if I was gonna freak out. I wanted to lay down, I wanted to hold Sequoia and never let go but I couldn't. I couldn't grip myself. I was loosing myself in the ringing. I was forgetting who I was.
I felt a soft, sweet touch on my shoulder. "Gabe?" I hear my name escape her soft lips and I realized. I grapped her hand and placed it to my face. Her hand was so cold and so soft feeling againest my face. I stood up and looked at her dead in the eyes. "Gabe?" She whispers.
Even though I can barley see straight her beauty pops out. Every little thing I fell in love with pops out. All her perfect imperfections. I smile and I feel a tear fall from my eye and roll down my cheek. Her face has turned to a concerned look, but all I saw was beautiful she was, and how lucky I was to have her. She stood out, she was shining almost like a spot light was on her.
"Gabe why are you crying?" She asks as wiping a tear from my eye. "I just realized how lucky I am to have you." I pull her close to me and almost instantly everything felt a little better. Her warm body againest mine made my heart melt a little bit. I pull her back a little just enough to look at her. "I love you Sequoia." She smiles and starts to blush. "I love you to Gabe."
~2 a.m
We lay in her bed wide awake watching 'two and a half men'. I hold her close to me and embrace her scent. Sam left about 2 hours ago and just being with Sequoia is all I needed. I glance down at Koi. Her eyes are shut and she still looks so beautiful. I know I wont be getting sleep tonight, and its gonna kill me tomorrow. Week of school left, I have the most important test tomorrow and I'm gonna be so brain dead.
I start to get that same craving I did in the forest. I reach into my pocket and pull out that spilf Sam gave me. I slowly and carefully get up so I don't wake Koi. I walk over to her desk and reach into her smoking cabinet and grab a lighter. I walk down the stairs and sit on the back porch. I light up my spilf and smoke it happily. The nights gorgeous and my mind wanders. I hit the spilf one last time and stomp it out.
I crawl back into bed and wrap up to Koi. I lay there and ponder whats gonna happen the rest of the night. Sleep? I can't see me getting that. So I just stare at the ceiling and think of how lucky I am to have Sequoia in my life...

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