Chapter 12: Insanity or Creativity?

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"I know where you are! You can't hide forever!" I dash through the hallways of the church trying to find Gabe. He could be in any of these rooms I just need to pick the right one. I run down stairs and slowly walk to the arts and crafts room. This was Gabe's favorite hiding spot. I open the door and scream, "I found you!" As I see Gabe try running from behind the curtain. I chase after him and jump on his back. "I win! I win!" I brag. "No you didn't! I gave up!" He tries and argues back.
I smile at the thought of the memory as mom and I pass our old church. Hide and seek was Gabe and I favorite game. We'd play it every Sunday morning waiting for our parents to pick us up. It's crazy how much we've grown. Mom and I are on our way out to Sam's. Lisa, Sam's mom invited us for dinner and to meet Sam's new little brother.
We pull up to their driveway and park our car right behind Sam's. It's new, I haven't even seen her drive it. It's her present for making it all the way to senior year I guess. We get out of 11th grade in 2 weeks and boy am I stoked. I step out of the car and is immediately greeted by her dogs Mak and Cheese. Two great dains. I walk up to her door and enter. "Sam? Lisa? We're here!" I call upstairs.
Not even a couple seconds after Sam comes darting down the stairs with a toothbrush in her mouth and a towel in her hand. She grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me upstairs and into her room. She slams the door and looks at me excitedly. Uh-oh.
She spits her toothpaste out and walks back over to me. "So guess where I got us into!" Like I said, uh-oh. "Do I wanna know..?" I ask a little frightened. "I GOT US INTO PAUL KIMBRO'S PARTY!" She screams. Paul Kimbro, the most popular and good looking senior this year. "How'd you do that? And what makes you think I wanna go to his party? Do you know who's gonna be there?" My mood drops, I was excited to have a night with Sam like the old days. "Do you know who's not gonna be there?" I look at her awaiting her answer. "Nobody! It's the biggest party this year! We can't miss it!! I even got you a dress!"
She dots over to her closet and pulls out a thigh high, maroon rosed dress. "I got myself a navy blue one." She says with a smile. Now it's a little hard to say no. "Sam, what about dinner with our mothers? And what if we run into D.J? Or worse!" She puts a finger over my lips, "Sssh Koi, I got this"
She steps back and looks at me. 'I got this' Her famous words when she doesn't got it. "We'll have dinner and simply say afterwords we're going to Gabe's to watch movies and play video games so they can have some quality time. After dinner, we'll pick up Gabe and go!" It does seem like she's got this, and I'd like to see Gabe. "Ok fine." I give in. She squeals and latches onto me. "Your the bestest friend ever!"

As everyone is finishing up I give Sam that look. She pretends to get a phone call from Gabe. "Hello?" She answers. "Oh tonight? I don't know." I try to keep myself from laughing. "I'll give it a shot, hang on I'll ask." Sam sets the phone away from her ear. " Gabe wants to know if we can go to his house tonight?" Our moms look at each other. "I mean I guess so" Wow, they said yes. "Thank you!" Sam tells Gabe we can and hangs up. "Better go now before it gets dark." Lisa tells us. We put our dishes in the sink and head upstairs.

~15 minutes later
We come bolting down the stairs with long jackets to cover our dresses at exactly 9:02. "We're leaving! Love you!" We both say as we rush out the door into Sam's car. We peel out of her driveway and head to Gabes. "I can't believe that worked" I say as I'm taking my jacket off. It was a warm stary night and the moon was full. "I knew it would, I told you I got this." We laugh and drive to Gabes.
We pull up to Gabes at 9:24 and I call him. I didn't get an answer but I see a stunning 6'2 Gabe come walking towards the car. He's in black skinny jeans and a button up shirt that looks so sexy on him. He's hair is gelled up and he has his blue lip ring. We gets in the back. "Hello beautiful ladies, are we ready to paaaaaaarty?" We all laugh at his humor. "Fuck ya we are! I got bottles in the back and sandwich bag full of weed!" We drive to the party as the song Swich Lanes is bumbing.
We arrive to a house that was like a tower. No joke it was so huge and beautiful these kids have to be so lucky. We park down the street a little and walk up. The song Heads Will Roll is playing extremely loud. I look over at Sam with her two bottles of Serock in each hand, and then I look over at Gabe with the biggest smile in his face. I'm not the party type but let's see how this nights goes.
When we get in to the house I immediately handed a beer by Tyler Hookie. "Funny seeing you here Koi, didn't think you were the party type" Tyler slurs, I can smell masive amounts of booze on his breath. "I was forced." I yell over the music. "Glad you came, I expect a dance from sexy ass later." And he walks away. First drunk idiot of the night.
It's about an hour since we've been here and I'm on my 3rd beer, I'm feeling pretty tipsy. I've lost Gabe and Sam somewhere and I'm destin to find one of them. I stumble my way through a large croud to see what was in the center. When I found my way through the mess of people to the center it was a beer pong game. On the right side it was Sam and this girl Katie vs. Tyler and Scott. I make my way over behind Sam. I grab onto her waist. "Hey!" I yell. She turns around, "Heeeeey! It's Koi!" Her drunk self says. We walk away from the game and over out if the crowd. "Glad you came?" She asks? "Ya, hey. Are your bottles gone?" Sam laughs and reaches into her bag, "Fuck no, I was saving this one for us! Come on!"
Sooner than I know it Sam is pulling me through more crowds of people trying to find the bar. Once we got to it she grabbed us each a shot glass and poured her Serock until the cups we're full. She then handed me one. "Cheers! To the greatest night in history!" We clack our glasses together and drink the nasty tasting licor down. We slam our glasses down and she refills us.
I've found my way to the dance floor, or should I say I was dragged by Gabe who was extremely fucked up. I've dranken 4 beers and taken numerous shots, I'm pretty fucked up. This is my first time seeing Gabe since I lost him a few hours ago. As he is behind me he slowly starts to grind on me. I laugh a little. "Oh come on Sequoia, were at a party, dance with me." He whispers in my ear, his voice gives me chills down my spine. I slowly move my hips like his are. Side to side. His hands our upon my hips and we dance to the music. "I have something, I just need us to find Sam first" He whispers in my ear. I turn to face him. I place my hands on his chest while his our still on my hips. "Kiss me" my intoxicated self says. He leans in and smashes his lips to mine. I slide my tounge across his bottom lip asking for entrance, I get accepted. I have complete control over this kiss, our tongues battle to be on top. He pulls away. "Come on" He pulls me through the crowd.
We walk hand in hand to the bar to find Sam, Katie, Paul, Tyler, Bridgette, Ken, and Cindy all doing jello shots. "My man!" Paul yells and wraps his arm around Gabe, pulling him out of my grip. "You want an jello shot?" He slurs and Gabe holds out his hand for one. He takes it in one. "And how about one for your beautiful girlfriend?" He asks while putting his arm around me. I blush at that sounding. "Sure, why not." I take the jello shot out of his head and drink it down. "Wooooo" you hear all the drunk high schoolers yell. "Now Gabe, can you tell me were you pick up this dime?" He's asks still talking about me with his arm still around my shoulder. "I guess I'm just lucky." Gabe says as he takes me under his arm. "So after all these years you two are finally together?" Sam asks. We look at each other and Gabe smiles. "You can say that." He says as he plots a kiss on my forehead. You can hear all the "awwws" from the drunken croud. Gabe pulls Sam by the wrist and we walk into a room.
"Did you get it?!" Sam asks with a smile. "Get what?" I ask confused. Gabe reaches into his pocket. "Oooooh you did get it!" Sam says jumping. "Get what?!" I ask still dumbfounded. Gabe pulls out a little bag with like 10 capsels in it. "What is that?" I ask for a third time. "Molly" Gabe and Sam say in union with giant smiles on their faces. Gabe takes out 5 pills. Hands one to me and one to Sam. "Your not doing 3 to yourself you'll be higher then fuck." Sam states. Gabe pops all 3 of them. "I plan to have a good night." He says and walks out. He pokes his head back in the door, "I'll give you more later." And then walks back out. Sam and I look at each other. "On the count if 3." She says. "1, 2." She slowly counts, "3" I almost yell and we pop the pill. "Let's go have some fun" I say.
~45 minutes later
"Have you seen Gabe?" I ask almost every person we walk by. I'm a little worried I haven't seen him after he did 3 of those things and I only did one and I'm really fucked up off of it, like I'll loose my train if thought and I just wanna dance and cuddle and make out and talk all at once. Shit. We walk up to the bar and for the first time tonight I see him sitting there with a black hoodie and black jeans, his hair was just normal and messy and he was still so sexy. Now's my chance to get him back as a friend.
I sit next to him and he looks up at me. "Hello." He sounds confused. "You look, fucked up."
"I came to talk to you." Words were getting harder to get out. "About what?" He ask while sipping his beer. "I'm sorry for cheating on you." I blankly put out there. "I'm sorry for everything. I was hoping we can be friends." Listening to myself, I almost crack up laughing. "Koi, look what you did hurt and my last girlfriend did that to me to, fucked me, then left." I look at him hurt I don't know what to say. "I'm sorry, so no?" He looks at me with dispair. "No I'm sorry."
I get up to go find Gabe, that hurt but I wouldn't let it kill my mood. I decide to text him, I pull out my phone and stare at it. What was I doing again. I was walking into a crowd of people, I walked straight into someone. "Oh I'm sorry." I say and look up to find no one other then Paul. "Don't be sorry, cutie" He says. I blush and try to walk pass him. "Hey, dance with me." He says grabbing onto my wrist. "I'm trying to find-" He cut me off, "One dance? I won't hurt you." He has this charming look in his stunning hazel eyes. "Ok."
I was then led to the dance floor and he grabs my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. We sway to the music. "You look so amazing in that dress." He whispers in my ear. "Can I show you something?" I nod my head yes and he leads me away again. We get a room that's dark. "Whats in here?" I ask a little scared. "This is my room." He steps closer to me. "What did you wa-nna show me?" I ask. His breath is on my neck and it sends chills down my spine. His hands are on my waist and slowly moves to the ends of my dress. "Wanna show me underneath baby?" He whispers. I step back. "I-I I'm flattered, b-but I have a boyfriend. Your man? Gabe? Remember?" I step back a little more. "No one has to know." He says. He steps to me and we're against the door. He rips my dress off and throws it to the side. "Paul." I whimper. "Stop." I demand as I try to back away. He grabs me and throws me on the bed. He lays on top of me. "Just trust me, Sequoia." He whispers. He starts kissing down my neck. "Paul stop." My voice can't go loud, its stuck at a quite pitch. "Paul stop."
The door opens, and Paul jumps up. "What the fuck is going on?" His voice was deep and angry. I jumped up and ran to Gabe and latched onto him. Paul looks terrified. Gabe raises his fist and is about to swing on Paul when a hand grabs his wrist. "Let's just go." We turn to see Sam smiling and giggly. "Come on." She says pulling us away.
We walk down to our car and get in. "You ok to drive?" Gabe asks from the back. "Fo sure." We pull away and drive down the dark neighborhood. "What time is it?" I ask. "2:58, almost 3." Gabe answers me. "What are our plans now?" Sam asks. "I wanna go home, no ones there and I want my bed." We all laugh. "I think we can all agree, I'll drop you losers off home." Sam turns the corner to our houses. "And what about yourself?" I ask. "I'm going home."
As Sam pulls up to my driveway Gabe and I get out of the car. "I love you Sam, I really do." I smile and step back from the window. "I love you to Koi." She pulls away. "Wanna stay the night?" I turn to ask Gabe. "Was already planning on it."
We walk in my pitch black house and quickly make our way upstairs. We enter my room and I turn my light on, kick off my heels, and take of my dress, walk in the bathroom and wash my face. I walk out of the bathroom to find a shirtless Gabe standing there before me. "You're so beautiful." He says walking towards me. I look down to realize I'm only in my bra and undies. He places his hands on my hips and places his forehead to mine. I feel him slowly leaning in and soon enough our lips clash together. He picks me up, so my legs are wrapped around his waist and lays me on the bed. He lays onto of me like Paul did, the only difference is I like this. He places little kisses down my neck, to my chest. His hands make their way to my belly, my very low belly skimming the top of my panties. I allow him to do what he asks.
Not more then 10 minutes later I find myself having sex with the boy of my dreams. I'm still so very fucked up and so is he, but this couldn't be any better. About 30-45 minutes later we lay there in quite. With my head to chest and his arm wrapped around me we drift away into a deep sleep at 4:30 in the morning.

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