Chapter two- The note.

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2 Weeks Later.

I walk off the bus on that Friday after school. I guess you could say the Friday that changed everything for me so far. The way he just stuck up for me. When he never talks to anyone. Out of the blue. He sticks up for me. But the most shocking part was the note. The note he left in my locker after 6th period. The note that changed everything between me and him.

This is what happen.

I stood quietly in the lunch line minding my own business like I do everyday. I'm standing behind Sam. I look over to the door to notice the people I hate the most in school. The bitch squad. Or known as the Blonde Squad. Their a group of 4 girls who think think they are better then everyone else. Candy, Summer, Nicole. and the worst Bridgett.

I get my food and walk outside. But before I could do that Bridgett walks over to where I was standing and steps on my shoe lace. So cliche right? So I completely face plant into the ground with my lunch going everywhere. Which is disappointing for two reasons. One I'm wearing one of my favorite band tee shirts, and two I was kinda hungry and you don't get seconds in my school. So it pissed me off to the extreme.

The whole cafeteria was laughing. I look towards the door to see D.J standing there. I thought he was going to laugh with them. He stood there glaring at Bridgett. "Was that necessary?" He said to Bridgett. She looks over at him. The whole cafeteria went quite. "I mean for real? Was she bothering you? Or is it that she has blue hair? Or maybe she is different from you? Or are you just a bitch?" You could hear the high schoolers screaming "Oh!" in the background. I for one laid there in shock. Bridgett mouth dropped and she finally spoke up. "What did you just call me?" D.J looks at her in the eyes. His bright green eyes just glare with rage. "I called you a bitch."

Bridgett and her group walked out of the cafeteria. D.J walks up to me. He holds out his hand. I grab his hand and he helps me up. I brush off the left over lunch stains on my shirt. I start to clean up my lunch spill but I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Go wash your face and fix your hair I got this." I look up to find D.J standing over me. I stand up and look at him. "Thanks." I fake a smile and walk to the bathroom.

I walk through the halls. I can hear everyone's whisper and all their laughing. Do I look that bad? Is there food in my hair? Is my eye liner smeared? What are they laughing at? Did someone post a video? I walk up to my locker and grab my purse, then I quickly find my way to the nearest bathroom.

Its about 5th period now. My next class is p.e. One of my worst classes. I don't do half the stretches because of my social anxiety. Its kind of a lame reason but its the truth. The bell rings and I meet up with Sam in the hallway. Sam is friends with the blond squad so I see her walking out of class with them. I quickly make my way to the gym, completely forgetting to wait for Sam. I walk to the gym alone. I hear footsteps of someone running up behind me. "Hey." I hear D.J say almost out of breath. I turn around to find a huffing and puffing out of breath D.J.

"Hey, don't you have study hall this period?"

" I do but I wanted to see your beautiful face." He smirks at me. I feel myself blushing. I probably look like a tomato.

"Thanks. Well this beautiful face has to get to p.e" He smiles at me.

"Have fun." He runs back to the high school.

I'm in the gym standing at third base. Waiting for this final kick to get me home. Tyler Hookie, the principle's son is up to kick. "Get me home Tyler!" I yell across the gym. The pitcher rolls the ball and he kicks it. I run for home base. I look behind me to see that Bridgett has the ball and is about to throw it at me. I slide to home base just as the kick ball hits me directly in the side of the head. "Oops." Bridgett says.

The bell rings for 7th period. I walk in the locker room and change. After that I find myself making my way up to the high school. I open my locker to grab my things and this folded up piece of paper falls out of my locker on to floor beneath me. I pick it up and unfold it. Its a note. I read it a few times til I understand it. Written on the note is: "But darling, who would love a boy with scars?"

I stare blankly at the note. I was confused by it. Until I understood who wrote it. D.J. He wrote it. That's his hand writing. Love? What does he mean? Does he think I'm in love with him? Or am I in love with him?

I hold the note in my hand the whole bus ride. D.J has after school stuff do to. He is in to that kind of stuff. Which I think is adorable!! I get home and put the note on my desk. I lay on my bed. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I log onto my Facebook account. The first thing I see is a video titled " The emo freak and the floor." I didn't decide to watch it but the comments caught my eye. I saw everyone laughing at me. All the hate I was getting. I felt myself begin to cry. I see hate comments start to come in every second. What did I do to deserve this?

I reach under my pillow for my razor blade. I pull up my sleeve to see what I call the past. They are just my scars. My scars remind me that the pass is real. I place my razor blade over my wrist and cut. Cut so deep. I did that numbers of times. Until I felt myself getting light headed. Something that has never happen before. The next thing I remember is my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

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