Chapter One: How we meant.

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I was just a teenage girl. Standing on the edge of the building debating to jump. I was trying to think of the reason I held on so long. My friends, Sam, and him. But he doesn't care. He never will. I don't see why I bother questioning this every time.

I woke up to my annoying alarm clock beeping its way to its death. I crawled out of bed. The same dream every night. My alcoholic mother called from down stairs, ¨Koi! Are you awake? You're going to miss the bus! God dammit Koi!¨ Its the way she says good morning. ¨Yes, mum I'm awake!¨ I slip into my favorite pair of jeans and a band tee. I guess today I will wear my Black Veil Brides shirt. I have an oddly large collection of them. I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror. disappointed with what I see. A girl with long blue hair with black underneath, snake bites, nose ring, and gauges. Size 00. I straighten my hair and apply my make up. I walk down stairs. ¨Look at you! You're bangs are over half your face!¨ I don't think there isn't a day my mum criticizes me. I don't say anything. I grab my bag and walk out the door. My little brother catches up to me. ¨What have I told you about walking with me Danny?!¨ I hiss at him. ¨Not to.¨

We both get to our bus stop just in time because the bus is there. I walk on, Danny sits with his 7th grade friends. I go and sit in my normal seat. All the way in the back with no one. I walk back there but there is someone I don't know in my seat. Which is strange I have been going to this school since pre school. ¨Uhm.. Hi.. Who are you?¨ He glances up from his Ipod. Long black hair with side bangs like mine. ¨Is this your seat?¨ He asks? He has a normal teenage boy voice nothing special. ¨Ya...¨ I answer biting my lip. ¨Sequoia! Today please?¨ The bus driver calls out. The boy scoots over and I sit with him. ¨I'm D.J.¨ He said with his hand out. ¨I'm Sequoia but you can call me Koi.¨ I shake his hand. I notice scars on his wrist but I don't say anything. Its not like I don't have them. The bus ride is quite. Well for us. All the little kids are yelling and singing the retarded songs our bus driver plays.

We arrive to school and we walk off. ¨SEQUOIA!!!¨ My best friend Sam calls out. ¨SAM!¨ I call out as she runs up to me. ¨I have the biggest news to tell- whose that?¨ Sam interrupts herself noticing D.J. ¨I'm D.J¨ He answers. Sam smiles and continues what she was saying. ¨Ok but anyways I GOT US TICKETS TO WARPED TOUR!¨ I look at her in shock. ¨You did? But Sam you know my mom will NEVER let me go with you.¨ She looks down. The bell rings and she dots off to class. I look over at D.J. ¨Whats your first period class?¨ He looks at me and looks at his schedule. ¨Art?¨ I smile and tell him to follow me. We get to the art room and I introduce him to everyone. ¨Is there like music classes here?¨ He seems so shy, so breakable. ¨On Fridays there is a music room though. Here I'll show you.¨ I take him into the music room which is a door connected to the art room. ¨Do you play?¨ I ask him. He looks at me in confusion. ¨Play what?¨ I laugh ¨Anything.¨ He kinda stares at him for a moment. I realize his eyes are the color of the ocean after a storm. ¨I sing.¨ I smiled. ¨So do I.¨

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