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this story used to be published on my main account (JENSNEEDY) but i took it down because honestly i wrote this a long time ago and didn't think it was very good anymore, it was the first fic i ever wrote/published

however because it is the first fic i wrote, i have a hugeeeeeeee soft spot for it and miss it a lot (and also i missed chloe and jake so much oh my)

i have also changed chloe's last name from anderson to perez, and her father's faceclaim as well so if there is typos/issues w that idk just ignore them pls i'm too lazy to fix lmao

soooooo uhhh yeah i'll be republishing the chapters on here, and if you want i have a few books from different fandoms on my main account so check those out if you're interested!

happy reading ily all <33

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