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chapter six: another lakewood teen lost her life

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chapter six: another lakewood teen lost her life.

episode four: aftermath

BROOKE, EMMA AND CHLOE WERE all huddled in Emma's room together, listening to Piper's podcast about Riley

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BROOKE, EMMA AND CHLOE WERE all huddled in Emma's room together, listening to Piper's podcast about Riley. "Honestly, guys, this is a tough one to talk about. I mean, I've covered some terrible things, but last night, I felt it.

"The hunt for Tyler O'Neill ended in tragedy and another Lakewood teen lost her life. And the press will be hyping the curse of Brandon James and looking for someone to blame, but I've met these kids."

Chloe wants to beg her friends to just turn off the podcast, not wanting to hear this any longer, but she can't seem to find her voice. So, she continued to sit and listen to Piper's words. "Their loss is impossible to describe. So I'm not gonna try. My heartfelt condolences go to the friends and family of Riley Marra. I'm so sorry for your loss."

Nothing could describe how upset and guilty she felt for leaving Riley alone at the police station. Chloe and the girls were just trying their hardest not to breakdown.

Emma had finally heard enough. "Could you turn that off?"

Brooke presses pause on the podcast and is the first one to speak between the three of them. "I can't believe she's gone."

"I left her. She wouldn't be gone if I hadn't been so selfish and stayed at the station. I just abandoned her." Chloe's voice breaks as she tries not to cry again.

"We both did. We both left." Emma tries reassuring her.

Chloe won't let it go. "That doesn't count. You were worried about me, and I was answering a booty call. To a guy who didn't even show."

Brooke grabs her friends hand. "Chloe, it's not your fault."

"You keep saying that." Chloe starts. "Still, doesn't make me feel less guilty and less like a bad friend."

Brooke sits up and grabs her phone, checking her makeup seeing that it was all messy due to her crying. "You know, I don't think I'm gonna make it through this town hall thing guys." She sniffles. "None of this stupid waterproof mascara actually is."

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