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chapter eleven: guess that takes you off the table

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chapter eleven: guess that takes you off the table.

episode seven: in the trenches

JAKE OPENS THE DOOR FOR Chloe as the two walk into school together

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JAKE OPENS THE DOOR FOR Chloe as the two walk into school together. They haven't discussed the issue at hand about Chloe's father since yesterday, and Jake was growing more curious. "You ever end up telling Carla about the video after I left?"

"No way. She seemed frantic enough last night and I want solid answers first before I let her know. Why scare her with possibilities before I know what actually happened."

Chloe turns around to open her locker after answering Jake's question. Jake looks at her, concerned. He can tell she's almost at her breaking point, but trying her best to keep it together. Chloe quickly turns back around and continues talking. "My dad went out late last night, came back all pouty." She leans back into her locker. "I don't know, I just... I have a feeling something really bad is going on."

Jake looks down sadly at her. His guilt growing worse by the second, but he isn't given the chance to reply as Emma walks up to her two friends ready to question them about her ex boyfriend. "Hey. Um, have either of you guys seen Will?"

Jake purses his lips and thinks. "Not since practice last night. But he was feeling pretty rock-bottom. So, I bet he was hella-deep in a bottle of his dad's cheap-label whiskey."

"Which is exactly where he belongs." Chloe cross her arms over her chest. Emma looks over at Chloe, wondering why her friend was being extra hostile to her ex today. Chloe see this and shrugs her shoulder. "What?" She adds.

Emma decides to just drop it and continue talking about the issue. "He texted me that he tried to fix things last night, but it failed." She throws her hands in the air. "I don't know. It was weird."

Jake looks over at Chloe. "You said your dad went out last night?"

Chloe nods. "Yeah."

"I think I may know who he was meeting." Jake implies.

Emma looks at both her friends, feeling more confused than ever. "What are you two talking about?"

"Jake found out that Will's been blackmailing my dad." Chloe explains. "He had a video of him doing something... pretty bad."

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