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chapter eight: i just can't keep lying to emma

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chapter eight: i just can't keep lying to emma.

episode five: exposed

CHLOE WALKS INTO LANGUAGE ARTS class could almost immediately the tension

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CHLOE WALKS INTO LANGUAGE ARTS class could almost immediately the tension. After the video of Will deflowering Emma was sent around, she felt déjà vu from when the main trending video was Audrey and Rachel's make out session.

She sits down behind Brooke, about to make conversation when a random girl sat beside her, in Riley's seat. "Are you kidding me?" She scoffs.

The red headed girl narrows her eyes at Chloe. "You got a problem?" Clearly trying to start something.

"Yeah, I do actually." Chloe has had it now and was fighting back the urge to yell.

Brooke can sense that there was was a fight about to form. "That's Riley's seat." She jumps in, trying to diffuse the situation.

The red headed girl suddenly looks guilty, but Chloe wasn't ready to left her off so easily. "Forever." She emphasizes.

The girl gets up from Riley's seat around the same time Noah turns around, trying to apologize to Emma for the video. "Hey, Emma, again, I am just so exponentially sorry about that video. I had no idea that it was gonna just mutate and spread like this crazy zombie sex virus." He stops, registering what he said. "And that came out so horribly... "

"It's okay, Noah." Emma cuts him off. "I mean, it's not okay, but you couldn't have known what was going to happen."

Mr. Branson clears his throat to get his students attention. "Okay, everybody." He pauses as he stands up, facing the class. "We are still reeling from Riley's death, but we do have learning to do. Noah, I know you two were scene partners."

"Uh, yeah. I— I think I'm just gonna sit this one out. If that's okay." Noah says.

Mr. Branson gives him a sad look. "I understand. That's fine." He then looks back up at the rest of the class. "But we will resume our scene work next week. Let's get back to Hawthorne. The Scarlet Letter. It's a classic tale of hypocrisy, misogyny, and female oppression."

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