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chapter three: who can resist a murder selfie?

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chapter three: who can resist a murder selfie?

episode two: hello, emma

CHLOE WALKS DOWNSTAIRS INTO THE kitchen, looking around for something to have for breakfast and trying to avoid her sister, yet she doesn't see Carla walking up behind her

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CHLOE WALKS DOWNSTAIRS INTO THE kitchen, looking around for something to have for breakfast and trying to avoid her sister, yet she doesn't see Carla walking up behind her.

Carla stands there, watching her sister look around their kitchen, waiting for the moment to say something. "You went out last night, even after I asked you not to."

Chloe doesn't bother to turn around, instead just starting to make her coffee and ignoring her sister. Carla starts to get frustrated with her actions. "Chloe, can you look at me right now?"

"All I did was go to pay my respects to my dead friend. Are you really going to get upset at me over that?" Chloe finally turns around to face her.

"That's not the point. I'm sorry about Nina, I truly am, but I asked you to stay home because I was scared, okay. Nina was found dead in her own pool, in a pool of her own blood. We still don't know exactly what's going on." Carla expresses her concerns.

Chloe laughs at this. "What's going on is that Nina was a bitch who made a lot of enemies, and now it just finally caught up to her."

Carla can't believe what her sister is saying. "Chloe, she was your friend."

"I was her friend because it was easier to be on the inside, and to hangout with her than to be on the outside, and possibly her potential target." Chloe grabs her coffee and starts to make her way back to her bedroom.


"Emma still isn't talking to me. I'm not sure why she's mad at me." Brooke complains as she walks side by side with Riley and Chloe.

"Well, you did let it slip about Will and Nina." Chloe tells her. "You probably could have told her in a nicer way."

"I was slightly intoxicated, I can't be blamed for what comes out then." Brooke defends herself.

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