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chapter fifteen: we have terrible love lives

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chapter fifteen: we have terrible love lives.

episode nine: the dance

episode nine: the dance

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"MRS. JAMES..." PIPER SAYS SOFTLY. "Emma and Carla would like to ask you about Brandon. Is that okay?"

Cassie sighs. "You're just gonna tell a monster story. That's all they wanna hear."

"No, no. I'm not a reporter. My mother was your neighbour." Emma hopes to jog her memory. "She was friends with Brandon. She told me that he was very nice to her."

"Brandon was my golden-years child. I was nearly 50 when I had him." Cassie starts to explain. "Ed said the egg was old, and that's why he had his issues. And that boy suffered so." She looks up at Emma as she slowly starts to remember her mom. "Your mom was... Daisy, the little blonde. Of course. Now I see the resemblance, yes. I saw you outside, trying to get up nerve to come in and talk to me."

Emma takes a deep breath before talking. "Talk about what?"

"Oh, you know. I kept Brandon home to keep him safe." Cassie looks down before continuing. "He met you and he begged me to let him get a job with the bowling alley. 'Cause you were sex. Walking and talking. He'd do anything for you. You got him killed." She accuses.

"I... I didn't." Emma stammers.

"So much pain." Cassie inhales deeply as she puts her hand on her forehead. "Why did you take him from me? Why, Daisy?"

"I'm so sorry, we shouldn't have bothered you." Carla starts to regret bothering this woman. "Let's go guys."

The three of them start to walk out but stop as they hear Cassie start to sing.

♪ Daisy, Daisy ♪ ♪ Give me your answer, true ♪

"Oh, he loved that song. He loved— and so did his boy. Loved that song."

"Whose boy, Mrs. James?" Carla asks, already knowing he answer.

"Brandon's. Brandon's son. He was here the other day. Just..." Cassie trails off.

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