T W O | K.B.

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September 1st, 2020

Kaitlyn Buckley's POV

I sat in the waiting room, tapping my foot lightly against the tiled floor. It looked too dark, too eerie. It was like every horror movie I've ever watched.

The checkered green and white tile that left me feeling unsettled.

Unsettled since-

"Miss Kaitlyn Buckley?"

I got up, looking around in a panic. A nice looking Healer with dark eyes and blonde hair smiled at me.

"That's me." I took a shuddering breath.

"Are you his wife?" She asked me, gesturing for me to follow her as a Quick-Notes Quill followed behind her. She had a pin on her Healer robes that said 'Healer Meredith Dane.'

"No, no. I'm his sister." I told her, flicking a piece of my hair behind my head.

My nervous ticks were at an all time high.

They called me from work for this.

"Okay," Healer Dane dragged on. "He's in room 229."

"Thank you," I said. "Er- what's his diagnosis?"

"Broken ribs, broken nose, sprained arm, black eye, and some internal injuries. We fixed everything we could — including all internal injuries but we would like to keep him in the hospital for another day or two." She explained to me, the Quick-Notes Quill still jotting behind her.

I gasped, a more prominent rush of fear going through me. "Will he be okay? Is he okay?"

"He should be just fine, Miss Buckley." replied Healer Dane.

"Is he awake? Do you know?" I couldn't help myself for asking so many questions.

"He should be. I checked on him a minute ago and he seemed alright." Healer Dane mentioned.

"Thank you," I blurted out quickly. "I should go see him, but thank you."

Healer Dane nodded, and I made my way down the hall, counting the numbers shown on the doors.


He's okay.


He's okay.


He's okay.

223, 224, 225, 226.

I rushed past door 227 and 228, when I finally reached door 229, pushing the door open. I didn't care to see if anyone but him was in there, I just made my way through.


Jeremy was sitting straight up in his bed, his arm in a sling and his eye a violent mixture of purple and green. He was holding his cellphone and chewing on gum.

He was perfectly fine.

Healer Dane was right. He's alright.

And I'm furious.

"For fuck sakes, Jer! I was worried sick!" I exclaimed, throwing my purse onto the floor at the end of the hospital bed.

"I was, too. Seriously, I thought those Goblin-shits were going to kill me." Jeremy mentioned, leaning his head onto the plastic headboard.

I took a seat across from him, rubbing my forehead in annoyance.

Jeremy is a Curse Breaker for Gringotts and I'm working as the Minister's assistant. I would like to say I got the job all on my own, but my mother is Minister Granger-Weasley's friend. She also talked about my careers a lot, Minister Granger-Weasley -- I mean, Hermione, liked my application and helped me get into the program.

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