T W E N T Y | G.T.F.

344 9 5

January 19th, 2021

Gemma Thomas-Finnigan's POV

"You fucked who?!" I asked Kayden whilst sitting criss-cross on his bed.

Well, I was. Now I'm on my knees with my hand over my mouth in shock.

Yes, it's that serious.

He just told Ophelia that he is in love with her, now he's fucking another girl.

"Dominique Weasley." He said again. As if it were no big deal.

Don't get me wrong. I love Kayden. I love him so much. He's my best friend ever. More than Ophelia as of lately.

But this could possibly be a major downfall for him. He admitted his love for his best friend and fucked a Weasley three weeks later. Nothing against Weasley's, my dad dated one, but regardless, this could still be a bad thing.

I'm surprised he isn't freaking out.

"When?" I asked frantically, sitting properly again.

"A couple days ago," He shrugged. He was putting cologne on and staring into a mirror. Once he was done that, he began brushing and geling his hair. He didn't seem fazed. "She also pulled me aside today to give me her number. She kissed me, too. That isn't the point, but either way, seem she liked it as much as I did."

That doesn't surprise me. I may be a lesbian, but that doesn't mean I can't see that Kayden has women slung around him like moths to one of those insanely bright lights.

"Did you take it? Her number?" I questioned.

"Of course I did. We've been texting all day. I like her." He said.

I had finally forced out the question I knew we were both thinking. "What about Ophelia?"

A flash of hurt passed through Kayden's face. He sighed and frowned. "She made her choice."

Understandable. At least consecutive sex with one person is better than getting drunk all day and night.

Maybe this is a good thing for him. Maybe he'll fall for Dominique instead.

"Does she know about Ophelia?" I looked down at my nails, pushing down my cuticles.

"Yes," Kayden said, turning to face me. He looked defeated. "I wouldn't pursue anything with her if she didn't know how I felt. I wouldn't ever want to make her feel like the other woman."

"But that's what she is, right?" I shocked myself by the words flowing from my lips. "She's the other woman?"

He shook his head. "No. Not at all. I told you, Gemma. Ophelia made her choice."

"Yes, but have you made yours?"

"I'm working on it." He deadpanned.

I could tell he didn't like where it was going. I'm just worried about him. I will be supportive, but I don't want him to do something he will regret. One that he will suffer for.

I frowned, standing up. "I'm sorry, Kayd. I get it. I am in your corner, you know that? I support you."

The tenseness in his shoulders faded. "I know, Gem."

"I just want to make sure you know what you're doing before you jump into something else." I explained, walking toward him.

Kayden was wearing a grey crewneck and a pair of baggy jeans with black converse. His hair looked flawless, as always, and his eyes were bright.

He's been fighting off drinking for the past couple days. I was rather worried about him before. It was sounding more like an addiction to me, but if he stopped it, I'm hoping it was just a temporary coping mechanism.

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