T H R E E | O.Z.

894 25 64

September 1st, 2020

Ophelia Zabini's POV

"James!" I hissed as I rushed forward, following the Harry Potter's eldest son as he walked down the train isles.

He turned around, shooting me an a million dollar smile, his perfect teeth shining. "Ophelia."

I pushed his cronies, Henry and Alex out of the way and pulled him aside. As he complained about leaving his friends, I took in how truly beautiful he was; hair as dark as a chalkboard, eyes a beautiful blue-green. He looks similar to his father in his sixth year -- well, he looks like the pictures Mum showed me.

I grabbed onto James' hand, silencing him. "Stop complaining, Potter. I'll let your little boy toys get you back in a moment. I just wanted to thank you."

"You know I would do anything for you, sunshine." James said, placing his other hand on my face and making a shiver run through my body.

I ran my hand up his arm. "Honestly, James. I know it must have been difficult for you to call a truce with Kayden, but I really appriciate it," I stepped up onto my tip-toes and whispered in his ear. "And when we get to the castle, I would really like to show you just how much I appriciate you."

I pulled away and watched him smirk. "The things I want to do to you."

"Are going to have to wait until we get back," I bit my lip. "But I'll let you have your way with me eventually."

"How did I manage to get so lucky?" James asked, holding my hand and swinging it slightly.

"I don't know," I shrugged, acting innocent. "I am the best girlfriend ever."

He kissed the top of my head and pulled away. "You can say that again."

"Okay," I sucked in a breath and then proceeded to clear my throat. "I should go change. Kayden is going to think something's up, and Gemma won't be able to deflect forever."

"I'll see you tonight though?" He asked, a glint of hope in his eyes.

"Yes. Tonight in the Astronomy Tower, like usual." I said, slipping my hand out of his and walking down the corridor with my uniform in my arms.

I left my boyfriend to head to the train's lavatory. There was a small lineup that I had to wait in, and to be honest, I don't mind much. It gave me time to think, to prepare.

To prepare how I'm going to tell Kayden that I'm dating James Potter.

I don't know why I haven't told him yet. Maybe it's because of the way he looks at me with those beautiful ocean coloured eyes of his, or it could be how he seems to smile whenever I'm in the room.

I know he has feelings for me. He tries to hide it but I can tell. I know him too well for him to hide it from me.

I'm also no idiot.

I know Gemma knows and tries to hide it from me. She was the one who initially told me to hold off a little bit on telling Kayden about James. I told her at a sleepover during the summer. Kayden was there, he was just helping Gemma's dads with cleaning the kitchen after dinner.

"Gem!" I whispered, grabbing her arm and pulling her into her bedroom.

It was decorated in blues, black, and silver; her favourite colours. She had pictures of her and her dads on the wall, and some with Kayden and I. Her Ravenclaw banner hung behind her bed, contrasting the silver in her room with the bronze of our house logo. Gemma also had random trinkets, a stack of Chocolate Frog cards, and a pride flag sticker stuck to her vanity mirror.

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