F I F T E E N | G.N.

401 11 34

December 31st, 2020

Grant Nott's POV

Prefect duty prevented Bella and I from going to the Slytherin Common Room New Years Bash.

But we knew what was going on and the seventh years payed all four sets of Prefects and the Head Boy and Girl to let the party keep going. Also, all the alcohol we wanted.

I begged Bella to let it stay on and she reluctantly agreed. Though, I'm sure she'd rather spend her 16th birthday anywhere else but with me.

I feel like it's only fair since I spent my 16th with her as well for patrol. My birthday is in November.

We sat in a vacant classroom, it was the Potions one actually. She was mumbling a song, one earbud in her ear. Her voice wasn't bad.

Her voice wasn't bad at all.

She was doing her homework. I was trying to decode what song she was singing and pretending to do my homework.

Her head swayed lightly to the music, her ponytail swinging. "Time curious time. Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?"

She was humming and smiling and I tilted my head, studying her. Studying her slight smile.

Happiness looked nice on her.

She looked towards me and turned back, but then did a double take. She stared me down, pausing her music with a click. "What?"

The smile had faded.

It was nice while it lasted.

"What song is that?" I asked her, sliding a grin onto my face.

Bella swallowed, looking down at her hands. She looked back up, her voice was defensive. "Why do you care?"

"You were singing it." I said.

Her cheeks flushed a bright red. She turned back to her homework and quickly said the name of the song. "Invisible String by Taylor Swift."

I nodded, knowing she wasn't looking at me anymore. "Noted."

I looked down at my work, and out of the corner of my eye watched her click play on the song and start working again, albeit less giddy. I wish she hadn't noticed me staring. Maybe I would've gotten more smiles out of her.

I like to make her flustered.

Especially since that day in that classroom. When that girl was moaning and the sweet sound of skin smacking against each other was our only choice of ambience. When she had to leave the room immediately and I had to sort out my- er- problem.

I always like to imagine she blushes so brutally because she remembers the tension. Her hand on my mouth. Her sitting in my lap. Her lip between her teeth. The sounds everywhere.

Maybe the Birthday Girl needs a little reminder.

"Flint?" I asked, trying to detain a smirk.

She turned to me. "What?"

"I need help understanding." I said.

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