T H I R T E E N | K.M.

401 13 6

December 31st, 2020

Kayden Malfoy's POV

I promised Mum I wouldn't get shit-faced tonight. It's New Years, so I'm obviously going to drink, but there's no way I'm getting wasted.

Gemma was sitting with Arianna on one side of her and me on the other. She was talking to Arianna, though. About books or something. Something about High Lords.

Arianna is really nice. After the whole Ophelia thing at Christmas, we got to know each other and I'm glad I met her. She's a friend.

Of course, Slytherin House is having another party again. We have parties all the time at this point. It's kind of wild, actually. We never get caught. To be honest, that's probably because Mum is always too busy with Dad to shut down harmless parties.

I saw Scorpius sitting over with Albus and a blonde girl his age. Scorp and Albus were sitting arm-to-arm and Scorpius was watching the girl while laughing. His eyes kept flicking back to Rose Weasley, though.

What is it with Malfoy's falling in love young? I will never know. I suppose we get it from my mother.

I finished my one and only glass of Fire Whiskey for the night and tapped Gemma on the shoulder, letting her know I was taking a walk around to see who was here.

She knew I meant Ophelia.

I got up off my seat and walked around the room.

I caught glances at couples making out and grinding against each other on the other couches over the loud music. None of them were Ophelia and James. On the coffee table that was pushed beside the fireplace, a Gryffindor girl took a shot of mead off of a Hufflepuff girl's bare stomach. She was only wearing a bra and a short skirt. I switched my gaze away and kept going forward.

Some people were dancing and some people were talking in the corner with drinks in their hands.

None of them was who I was looking for.

I don't even know why I was looking for Ophelia. I just was.

As I was passing the common room door, I heard a groan. "James!"

Oh. Fuck. No.

I'm not listening to them fucking. I can't do it. I can't take it.

I started to head off when I heard more. "You can't just leave!"

I stopped in my tracks.

"If you want to be with your wanker of a boyfriend, fine," James Potter's voice sounded through the door. "Don't let me hold you back!"

What is this git on?

"Is this how it's going to be?" Ophelia's voice broke. "When I say I don't want to have sex you're going to walk away?"

Oh, so this is about sex. This fucker is going to get what's coming to him.

"Listen to yourself! The only reason why you're turning me down is because you want him, isn't it?" James accused.

"No!" Ophelia shouted back. I felt my heart hurt a little bit, but pushed it down. "No! I don't want Kayden. I want you! I want you, James! I've always wanted you!"

I swallowed the words she said like they were a bitter pill and blinked a couple times. This isn't about me. That isn't the point.

This is about her.

It always has been.

"I'm done talking to you," He said, matter-of-factly. "I'm going to my room."

Ophelia didn't answer, and I didn't wait to walk out the door. She was in a ball on the floor, crying. She has a silent way of crying where her shoulders jerk and her head bobs, and you hear quiet sniffles. Never loud cries.

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