T E N | G.T.F.

623 16 26

December 1, 2020

Gemma Thomas Finnigan's POV

Sometimes I wonder if I'm a good enough friend.

I know I'm funny, I'm cool, whatever. I'm fucking awesome to be around.

But am I a good friend?

I'm wondering this right now as I sit on my bed, mindlessly scrolling through Pintrest as Ophelia rambles on about James. But I'm not wondering it for Ophelia, I'm wondering it for Kayden. He hasn't come to see Ophelia or me in the Ravenclaw dorms since the night he saw James and Ophelia together in the Slytherin common room. I've gone to see him twice and he doesn't even let me in his dorm.

He hasn't sat with me for lunch or dinner. He hasn't sat with me in class.

The urge to ask Ophelia about him crawls up my throat, yet I stay quiet. I'm sure she doesn't care that I'm not listening to her rant about James Potter. She's talked so much about him so much lately that I know too much about the King of Gryffindor.

You don't believe me? Well, let me share some information.

James Sirius Potter was born on July 16th, 2004. He is 16-years-old. His favourite colour is red (obvious), his favourite number is 1, he uses Sleekeasy's Hair Potion invented by his great-grandfather Fleaumont Potter. He is 6'0 exactly. He is a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team but wishes he was Seeker. He has over 100K followers on his Instagram and TikTok handles. Finally, his favourite underthings are his crimson boxers with little Golden Snitches scattered over them. The Snitches have smiley faces on them.

She's probably mentioning to me right now over again how his favourite band is Queen.

At least the prick has good taste in music.

I switched from Pintrest to Snapchat, finally doing something about this bloody thing with Kayden.

I tapped my chat with Kayden and wrote quickly: hey??? you alive???

I turned off my phone and tapped my manicured fingers against it. I wondered what my dads would do in this situation; would they tell Ophelia about Kayden? Would they warn her about James?

I settled for something else, cutting her off. "Ophelia, you know I love you, but you know this is what people call the 'Honeymoon Phase,' right?"

She furrowed her perfectly arched eyebrows and tilted her head, a single ringlette falling in front of her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"You've only been dating for a couple months," I shrugged, deciding to be fully truthful about what I thought James' intentions were. "And the beginning of that seemed more like him wanting to fuck you than anything else. He may seem perfect now, but don't blind yourself for love you don't even know is there yet."

"How would you know?" Ophelia asked, her voice soft but defensive. "You've never had a boyfriend."

"Ahh, but I've had my share of secret love affairs," I got off my bed and towards our dorms shared bathrooms. I love everything about the Ravenclaw common room and dorms. The bathroom is another one ticked off the list; with a porcelain sink laced with strides of royal blue and indigo. The tiles and shower were the same -- the shower surrounded by a glass covering, the wood cupboards underneath the sink were darned a lovely royal blue as well and the taps on both the sink and shower were bronze. I stared in the mirror, soaking in the sunlight whilst brushing my light blue hair behind my ears and adjusting my nose ring. "And none of them have ended good. Trust me, O. If you don't guard yourself, put up walls, you won't regret it if you do. I've seen all kinds of heartache."

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