S I X | D.M.

802 19 54

October 15th, 2020

Draco Malfoy's POV

Sometimes when I teach classes, I wonder if I was as much of an idiot as these teenagers.

Today was one of those days.

Fifth year Slytherins and Gryffindors were in my class for double Potions today. I wonder if Snape hated teaching it just as much as I do. He probably did, actually. These damned kids with these damned rivals always pissed me the fuck off.

I gave them a simple Sleeping Draught to make in hopes that at least one of them didn't fuck up. They're idiots, I swear to Merlin.

I strolled around the classroom with my hands behind my back, watching as these hormonal dingbats flirted amongst one another and crafted their potions.

"Weasley. Nott," I stopped at the table where two of my Slytherin students at. Grant and Louis. Yes, a Weasley in Slytherin, I was rather surprised as well. However, considering he is the child of Fleur and Bill Weasley, he was definetely given the better genes. "What do we have here?"

"Well, you see Uncle Draco, we haven't accomplished much, " smiled Grant sheepishly. Fucking kid looked exactly like his father. "It's my fault, though. I was telling Louis here about my Prefects duties."

"Mr Nott, you know -- as we've had this conversations loads of times -- that under Hogwarts rules, you are meant refer to me as 'Professor Malfoy.' Also, I can't give you exemptions, Prefect or not. You and Mr Weasley must complete this Potion." I said as simply as I could.

Y/N tries to be a fun professor; tries to get her students to like her. I love her even more for that, but I've learned after years of teaching that it's something that I simply cannot do. Teenagers piss me off. I find that I'm more cold with my students -- especially the years that I am not particularly fond of.

And though I love Grant as if he is my own son, I cannot treat him anymore different than I would my other students.

"How am I supposed to refer to Aunt Y/N then? It gets too bloody confusing calling you both by your surnames?" Grant asked.

I noticed Weasley beginning to create his Sleeping Draught and gave him an approving nod. "Well done, Mr Weasley. As for you, Nott, you may ask my wife what she would like to be called. A simple question goes a long way."

A Slytherin girl chuckled in front of him and I noticed how she flipped her raven hair from her face before she turned her judging hazel eyes onto my nephew. She smirked at him before turning away and shaking her head.

"Is something funny, Miss Flint?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

She turned to me. "Not anything about you, Professor."

I raised an eyebrow. "Care to share?"

Flint pulled the dark hair she inherited from her father and my old Quidditch captain over her shoulders and turned to face Grant. "I just thought it was funny that Nott likes to brag about a title that he only cares about so that he can stay out later and talk about how 'cool' he is whilst I know Slytherin boys that would kill for the oppertunity of having such a prestigous title on their record."

Bella Flint was the Pureblood, Slytherin version of Hermione Granger. She was a strict know-it-all and had little appritiation for laziness or people that failed to get her where she needed to go. She was the female Prefect for Slytherin. And Slytherin she belonged; she was cunning, resourceful, ambitious, and really everything a Slytherin was desired to be and more.

It was kind of shocking once considering that her mother is Tracy Davis and her father is Marcus Flint. Tracy Davis is an idiot, that's it. She is dumber than a doornail and I think that is apparent in her choice to marry Marcus Flint in Las Vegas a long time ago, only to get a divorce once she was six months pregnant with Bella. Then -- after a one night stand with Marcus a couple years later -- ended up with their younger son, Christian Flint.

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